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A report card on the Trump administration (1 Viewer)

Some may think I am being presumptuous by evaluating the Trump Presidency. However, I beg to differ. As an American I have a perfect to judge my President.

By the same token, others have a right to question my judgement. In fact, I encourage it.

Trump is falsely given high marks on the economy. Why? Because Americans give high marks to the President if the economy is doing well. Conversely, Americans are ruthless in their judgement if the economy is doing badly. Actually, Presidents have little control over the economy. To blame them or credit them is a mistake. As an example, Herbert Hoover had nothing to do with the causation of the Great Depression. It just happened on his watch.

That factor notwithstanding, Trump has done nothing for our economy except threaten it with his high protective tariffs -- a liberal concept -- and his trade wars. The stock market treaded water from January 2017 to September 2019 because of Trump's trade war with China.

Recently, Trump has fired four inspector generals. Trump has, by far, the highest turnover rate of any President in American history.

With his interference in our Presidential election in 2016, which included a four-month barrage of info that battered the Clinton campaign, it was clear that Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to be our next President. Putin knew his man. On the foreign front, the Trump administration has been a disaster at home, but a boon to Putin..

By his own admission, Trump admired Putin. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his statement today," Trump said in July 2018 at a conference in Helsinki.

Trump has weakened NATO, an alliance formed as a bulwark to Russian aggression. The allied leaders of Britain, France, and Germany no longer trust him. Trump camp finds no appeasement at Munich - POLITICO

Trump's Iranian policy has caused Iran to resume her nuclear research, and America's menacing enemy is closer to a nuke than ever.

The U.S. has been tossed out of Middle East talks because of Trump's pro-active, pro-Israeli policy, and replaced by Russia. The Arab republicans and our European allies cannot trust the U.S. as long as Trump is President. As U.S. Exits Syria, Mideast Faces a Post-American Era - The New York Times

If you are Vladimir Putin, what is not to like?

The Times has reported, "Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected." Trump got hostile with the report. Trump does not want the American people and its representatives to know that Putin wants to help him get reelected, 2016 redux.

Then there is the supposition that Trump is merely a figurehead. Someone else or, more likely, an unknown cabal is running our government? There is conjecture along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains one today. That would explain why Trump has such overwhelming support within the GOP, in spite of his moronic and erratic behavior. It is not Trump they are cheering --indeed, his fans largely ignore what he says and does -- it is the agenda they are supporting.

Trump's leadership in the Covid-19 pandemic is questionable at best, and tends to be extremely optimistic to the point of distorting or misrepresenting reality. However, any conclusion as to his leadership in this crisis is premature.

In conclusion, a matter of concern for many Americans is that, with each passing day, it is becoming evident that Trump's support comes from the extreme right. Also, because those who support him pay little attention to what Trump actually does and says, his support is almost cult-like.

You mean the left doesn't support Trump?
History will judge.

Every day that passes become what makes history... and the fact is overt: Trump is a dangerous and maliciously evil meglomaniac, who wants to be a dictator, has no respect for American Grovernance, no Respect for American Law and no respect for American Society... All he wants is to have power like Kim of N. Korea and Putin has over Russia, Trump wants that kind of power over America.

Those that support Trump is like the people who supported Jefferson Davis and his Plutocratic Authoritarian Agenda to want to keep slavery forever!!!... Trump place prominently in the Oval Office a Picture of Andrew Jackson... because Trump loves what he did to the Native American Indians and feels that Andrew Jackson would have sanctioned Slavery in Every State. Trump probably has a picture of Andrew Johnson someplace and Byron De Le Beckwith and Bull Connor (Theophilus Eugene Connor,) is probably one of his hero's. He basically said by strong inference during his campaign, when he talked about "what they did to people in the old days"... !!!!

Trump's Cult Followers love him because they think he's the Great White Hope who they expect he can give them a remake of Segregationist Agenda.
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Every day that passes become what makes history... and the fact is overt: Trump is a dangerous evil meglomaniac, who wants to be a dictator, has no respect for American Grovernance, no Respect for American Law and no respect for American Society... All he wants is to have power like Kim of N. Korea and Putin has over Russia, Trump wants that kind of power over America.

Those that support Trump is like the people who supported Jefferson Davis and his Plutocratic Authoritarian Agenda to want to keep slavery forever!!!... Trump place prominently in the Oval Office a Picture of Andrew Jackson... because Trump loves what he did to the Native American Indians and feels that Andrew Jackson would have sanctioned Slavery in Every State.

Got hyperbole?
Then there is the supposition that Trump is merely a figurehead. Someone else or, more likely, an unknown cabal is running our government? There is conjecture along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains one today. That would explain why Trump has such overwhelming support within the GOP, in spite of his moronic and erratic behavior. It is not Trump they are cheering --indeed, his fans largely ignore what he says and does -- it is the agenda they are supporting.

“I happen to be taking it. I happen to be taking it,” Trump stated flatly. Trump often repeats himself.

A murmur in the room. Trump was taking hydroxychloroquine?

The FDA, after granting the emergency use authorization, formally warned against using the medication to treat covid-19 outside of hospitals. Trump is tested daily. There is no study that suggests hydroxy will prevent the coronavirus. The harmful effects of taking hydroxy without hospital oversight include slow heartbeat, symptoms of heart failure, and mental mood changes.

It is remarkable that Trump claimed to have taken the medicine and that there’s no reason to accept his claim at face value.

As of April 3, Trump’s 1,170th day in office, our database shows that he has made 18,000 false or misleading claims. Since our last update 75 days ago, he’s been averaging just over 23 claims a day. That’s slightly higher than the 22 a day he recorded in 2019. https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...e-18000-false-or-misleading-claims-1170-days/

It seems hard to believe that a practicing physician would give a patient a pass on trying a potent, unproven medication solely on the basis of seeking to prevent a disease.

Despite many queries, the White House and Trump's doctor are totally silent so far. The White House may later claim, "What the President meant to say was blah, blah, blah.

Here’s the thing: Trump may well be taking hydroxychloroquine. We have no evidence to the contrary. But he has so blatantly lied about so many things, so the fact that he says he’s taking it is almost entirely irrelevant to the truth.

What we do know for sure is that Trump is implicitly promoting hydroxychloroquine, despite the fact that the science on it is far from settled. It can cause heart arrhythmia and is typically prescribed to patients with malaria and lupus, some studies have found it to be either unhelpful or actively harmful when given to people suffering from COVID-19. At least one study found that more COVID-19 patients who took hydroxychloroquine died compared to those who received standard care.

Trump Says He's Taking Hydroxychloroquine, But He Also Lies Daily - Rolling Stone
Attorney General William P. Barr dismissed Trump’s attempts to rebrand the Russia investigation as a criminal plot engineered by former President Barack Obama, saying on Monday that he expected no charges against either Mr. Obama or former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. as a result of an investigation into how their administration handled Russian election interference.

Well, duh, that is like saying the sun will rise in the east tomorrow. I have heard some pretty dumb statements from politicians -- many of them from Trump -- but this one takes the cake, along with the bowl and the ice cream. There never, ever was a possibility that Obama and/or Biden would be investigated. The ludicrous statement was a sop to Trump. Barr has undying devotion to Trump even to the point of making himself look ridiculous.

As is the case here

“As long as I’m attorney general, the criminal justice system will not be used for partisan political ends,” Barr said during a news conference.

Did he really say that with a straight face? When I heard it on the telly, I couldn't stop laughing.

With his moronic statement regarding Obama and Biden combined with his decision to drop the charges on a convicted felon, Mike Flynn, Barr is sacrificing his reputation and his career. History will not treat Barr kindly. He will be regarded as the ultimate sycophant, regardless of American values and American law.
I think you're being presumptuous by joining this board after being run out of PoliticalForum.com.

What you say is true. The mods there didn't particularly care for my treatment of Trump.

The mods here are open minded.

I will be returning to PF soon, but Debate Politics is my home now. More intelligent posts, more members, and more freedom of speech.

Why did you even bring that up? What was your point? The issues in this thread are important. Please deal with them, and try not to get personal.
Some may think I am being presumptuous by evaluating the Trump Presidency. However, I beg to differ. As an American I have a perfect to judge my President.

By the same token, others have a right to question my judgement. In fact, I encourage it.

Trump is falsely given high marks on the economy. Why? Because Americans give high marks to the President if the economy is doing well. Conversely, Americans are ruthless in their judgement if the economy is doing badly. Actually, Presidents have little control over the economy. To blame them or credit them is a mistake. As an example, Herbert Hoover had nothing to do with the causation of the Great Depression. It just happened on his watch.

That factor notwithstanding, Trump has done nothing for our economy except threaten it with his high protective tariffs -- a liberal concept -- and his trade wars. The stock market treaded water from January 2017 to September 2019 because of Trump's trade war with China.

Recently, Trump has fired four inspector generals. Trump has, by far, the highest turnover rate of any President in American history.

With his interference in our Presidential election in 2016, which included a four-month barrage of info that battered the Clinton campaign, it was clear that Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to be our next President. Putin knew his man. On the foreign front, the Trump administration has been a disaster at home, but a boon to Putin..

By his own admission, Trump admired Putin. "I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his statement today," Trump said in July 2018 at a conference in Helsinki.

Trump has weakened NATO, an alliance formed as a bulwark to Russian aggression. The allied leaders of Britain, France, and Germany no longer trust him. Trump camp finds no appeasement at Munich - POLITICO

Trump's Iranian policy has caused Iran to resume her nuclear research, and America's menacing enemy is closer to a nuke than ever.

The U.S. has been tossed out of Middle East talks because of Trump's pro-active, pro-Israeli policy, and replaced by Russia. The Arab republicans and our European allies cannot trust the U.S. as long as Trump is President. As U.S. Exits Syria, Mideast Faces a Post-American Era - The New York Times

If you are Vladimir Putin, what is not to like?

The Times has reported, "Intelligence officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected." Trump got hostile with the report. Trump does not want the American people and its representatives to know that Putin wants to help him get reelected, 2016 redux.

Then there is the supposition that Trump is merely a figurehead. Someone else or, more likely, an unknown cabal is running our government? There is conjecture along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains one today. That would explain why Trump has such overwhelming support within the GOP, in spite of his moronic and erratic behavior. It is not Trump they are cheering --indeed, his fans largely ignore what he says and does -- it is the agenda they are supporting.

Trump's leadership in the Covid-19 pandemic is questionable at best, and tends to be extremely optimistic to the point of distorting or misrepresenting reality. However, any conclusion as to his leadership in this crisis is premature.

In conclusion, a matter of concern for many Americans is that, with each passing day, it is becoming evident that Trump's support comes from the extreme right. Also, because those who support him pay little attention to what Trump actually does and says, his support is almost cult-like.

Not deflecting blame. Assigning it to the rightful owner. Trump didn't tell anyone in NY to send the virus to nursing homes.

Instead of defending Trump, as any good Trump fan should try to do, you have been trying desperately to change the subject.

The pandemic was barely mentioned, and only to say no judgement is rendered. This thread in not about the coronavirus. It is about the effectiveness of the Trump administration.

Oh, that's why you want to change the subject.:cool:
Instead of defending Trump, as any good Trump fan should try to do, you have been trying desperately to change the subject.

The pandemic was barely mentioned, and only to say no judgement is rendered. This thread in not about the coronavirus. It is about the effectiveness of the Trump administration.

Oh, that's why you want to change the subject.:cool:

I'm not the one who made this about the virus.

You did...and this guy did:

Here's his report card: Over 90k dead as a result of his negligence and malevolence, an economy in the crapper, an nonfunctioning Federal government, and states having to procure medical supplies under the nose of the Federal government so they're not stolen en route.

I don't know what that grade is, but I'm pretty sure it's not an A+.
President Trump is doing well!

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports(R)

Rasmussen is an outlier poll that heavily favors Trump and has for the past four years. That's why you used it.

I prefer a polling report that includes a number of polls, not just one. FiveThirtyEight, which includes Rasmussen, has Trump at 43.8, about where he has been for two years running.
The point being, the thread is not about the virus. Defend your hero.

If you can.

You and the other guy made this about the virus.

There is no need to defend Trump from your useless nonsense.
Rasmussen is an outlier poll that heavily favors Trump and has for the past four years. That's why you used it.

I prefer a polling report that includes a number of polls, not just one. FiveThirtyEight, which includes Rasmussen, has Trump at 43.8, about where he has been for two years running.

FiveThirtyEight...and average of bogus polls.

Know what that gives you? A bogus average.

You should learn to examine every poll. Then you'll know it's bogus, too.
What you say is true. The mods there didn't particularly care for my treatment of Trump.

The mods here are open minded.

I will be returning to PF soon, but Debate Politics is my home now. More intelligent posts, more members, and more freedom of speech.

Why did you even bring that up? What was your point? The issues in this thread are important. Please deal with them, and try not to get personal.

Just curious SS as you had quite the platform over there. I'm still there of course.
And you'll be claiming that the election was illegitimate after he loses.

There are times I think Trump is bored with it all. He doesn't want to be reelected. He wants to go back to the business world where he feels more comfortable and people do what they are told.

What kind of an idiot seriously suggests injecting disinfectant into the human body to kill a virus, taking a drug known to be dangerous, and accuses a former President of a serious crime he can't define?

Answer: The kind of an idiot that does not want to be reelected to public office.

Just a thought. I really have no idea. I can't read Trump's confusing mind.
There are times I think Trump is bored with it all. He doesn't want to be reelected. He wants to go back to the business world where he feels more comfortable and people do what they are told.

What kind of an idiot seriously suggests injecting disinfectant into the human body to kill a virus, taking a drug known to be dangerous, and accuses a former President of a serious crime he can't define?

Answer: The kind of an idiot that does not want to be reelected to public office.

Just a thought. I really have no idea. I can't read Trump's confusing mind.

I agree in part. I don't think President Trump actually wants to be president (and never did), but he can't bare the thought of quitting or allowing his opponents to beat him.
“I happen to be taking it. I happen to be taking it,” Trump stated flatly. Trump often repeats himself.

A murmur in the room. Trump was taking hydroxychloroquine?

The FDA, after granting the emergency use authorization, formally warned against using the medication to treat covid-19 outside of hospitals. Trump is tested daily. There is no study that suggests hydroxy will prevent the coronavirus. The harmful effects of taking hydroxy without hospital oversight include slow heartbeat, symptoms of heart failure, and mental mood changes.

It is remarkable that Trump claimed to have taken the medicine and that there’s no reason to accept his claim at face value.

As of April 3, Trump’s 1,170th day in office, our database shows that he has made 18,000 false or misleading claims. Since our last update 75 days ago, he’s been averaging just over 23 claims a day. That’s slightly higher than the 22 a day he recorded in 2019. https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...e-18000-false-or-misleading-claims-1170-days/

It seems hard to believe that a practicing physician would give a patient a pass on trying a potent, unproven medication solely on the basis of seeking to prevent a disease.

Despite many queries, the White House and Trump's doctor are totally silent so far. The White House may later claim, "What the President meant to say was blah, blah, blah.

Here’s the thing: Trump may well be taking hydroxychloroquine. We have no evidence to the contrary. But he has so blatantly lied about so many things, so the fact that he says he’s taking it is almost entirely irrelevant to the truth.

What we do know for sure is that Trump is implicitly promoting hydroxychloroquine, despite the fact that the science on it is far from settled. It can cause heart arrhythmia and is typically prescribed to patients with malaria and lupus, some studies have found it to be either unhelpful or actively harmful when given to people suffering from COVID-19. At least one study found that more COVID-19 patients who took hydroxychloroquine died compared to those who received standard care.

Trump Says He's Taking Hydroxychloroquine, But He Also Lies Daily - Rolling Stone

This is getting really weird. Has everyone in the Trump White House lost their minds?

I will let the BBC explain it.

When asked whether the White House physician had recommended he start taking the disputed remedy, Mr Trump said he himself had requested it.

Dr Sean Conley, physician to the president, said in a statement issued through the White House later on Monday that Mr Trump was in "very good health" and "symptom-free".

The US Navy officer added: "After numerous discussions he and I had regarding the evidence for and against the use of hydroxychloroquine, we concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks."

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last month issued an advisory saying that hydroxychloroquine has "not been shown to be safe and effective".

It cited reports that the drug can cause serious heart rhythm problems in Covid-19 patients.

The FDA warned against use of the medication outside hospitals, where the agency has granted temporary authorisation for its use in some cases.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says there are no approved drugs or therapeutics to prevent or treat Covid-19.

We concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks.

This is the President's physician???
Then there is the supposition that Trump is merely a figurehead. Someone else or, more likely, an unknown cabal is running our government? There is conjecture along those lines because of one overriding factor.

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains one today. That would explain why Trump has such overwhelming support within the GOP, in spite of his moronic and erratic behavior. It is not Trump they are cheering --indeed, his fans largely ignore what he says and does -- it is the agenda they are supporting.

It's interesting that when the GOP needed a figurehead that would be extremely popular with their base, the chose a blatant racist. The chose the leader of the racist Birther Movement, and as expected, the Republican base loves him. What a sad statement on American culture.
I agree in part. I don't think President Trump actually wants to be president (and never did), but he can't bare the thought of quitting or allowing his opponents to beat him.

I agree with this. IMO he saw Sarah Palin get rich off an extremely loyal Republican base. As Palin slowly exited stage left, he surely saw the opportunity to milk those same sheep that had just made Palin a multi-millionaire. The perfect opportunity for a grifter like Trump. So he went after the Tea Party base of the Republican party, expecting to grab their loyalty with his blatant racism, which he did.

But winning means, or at least should mean, a lot of hard work, and from everything I've seen, Trump hates hard work, so I doubt if he wanted to win, at least when he began. His lack of preparation leads to his overwhelming display of ignorance in virtually every press conference he gives. He knows nothing about the major topics of the day and just wings it off the top of is ill-informed head, usually sounding like a complete moron, and with this complete debacle of a covid 19 response, will almost certainly go down as one of, if not the, worst POTUS of all time.
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There are times I think Trump is bored with it all. He doesn't want to be reelected. He wants to go back to the business world where he feels more comfortable and people do what they are told.

What kind of an idiot seriously suggests injecting disinfectant into the human body to kill a virus, taking a drug known to be dangerous, and accuses a former President of a serious crime he can't define?

Answer: The kind of an idiot that does not want to be reelected to public office.

Just a thought. I really have no idea. I can't read Trump's confusing mind.

A person like Trump isn't going to just walk away from this much power. No way, no how.
A person like Trump isn't going to just walk away from this much power. No way, no how.

Particularly now that he's seen what a slack-ass job it can be turned into.
This is getting really weird. Has everyone in the Trump White House lost their minds?

“I happen to be taking it. I happen to be taking it,” Trump stated flatly. Trump often repeats himself.

A murmur in the room. Trump was taking hydroxychloroquine?

Why would he lie about taking HCQ?

To be quite frank, Trump simply lacks the intelligence to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the largest economy in the world. It is being suggested that he was elected as a figurehead and he remains one today. That would explain why Trump has such overwhelming support within the GOP, in spite of his moronic and erratic behavior. It is not Trump they are cheering --indeed, his fans largely ignore what he says and does -- it is the agenda they are supporting.

Is it possible Trump is that stupid? Probably not, close, but probably not.

It is entirely possible Trump is really that stupid.

Yesterday, Trump, as he usually does, doubled down on his earlier statements encouraging the use of hydroxychloroquine. "I'm taking it for about a week and a half now and I'm still here, I'm still here."

Today, Trump tripled down on his earlier statements encouraging the use of hydroxychloroquine. “I take it. I hope to not be able to take it soon because, you know, I hope they come up with some answer,” he told reporters.

There is no evidence hydroxychloroquine can fight coronavirus, and regulators warn the drug may cause heart problems. Dr Marcos Espinal, director of the Pan American Health Organization - part of the World Health Organization (WHO) - has stressed that no clinical trials have recommended the use of hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last month issued an advisory saying that hydroxychloroquine has "not been shown to be safe and effective".

Trump rejected the research on the drug, and at one point argued that one study was completed by people who didn't like him. He rebutted his FDA: “But I think people should be allowed to [take hydroxy].”

Then Trump came up with his own research.

"You'd be surprised at how many people are taking it, especially the frontline workers before you catch it, the frontline workers, many, many are taking it." No one knows where he got that information. More than likely, he just made it up.

Asked what was his evidence of hydroxy's effectiveness, Trump said: "Here's my evidence: I get a lot of positive calls about it."

He added: "I've heard a lot of good stories [about hydroxychloroquine] and if it's not good, I'll tell you right I'm not going to get hurt by it."

Those who voted for Trump are largely silent. Can anyone blame them?

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