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A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advice (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 13, 2015
Reaction score
East Texas
Political Leaning
What happened in Orlando was horrific. It also tells me members of the LGBT community are being targeted by this kind of insanity.


I am hereby offering my decades of experience to assist in any way with helping any members of this community who might see owning a firearm as an option, to defend themselves and those they love from this kind of insanity.

I believe they may see members of your community as soft targets, as you generally do not like guns as a group. I think there may be more of this kind of horrific acts in the future, and am willing to open my PM or posts here, to any that would like to benefit from my knowledge of firearms should you decide to not be the victim any more and shoot back.

I can guarantee you had he done this in a C&W bar in Texas, he would not have gotten such a high body count.

I am not asking this to be a debate about gun control, yes or no, but rather am offering my knowledge to any in the LGBT community that might be thinking going unarmed in this new environment of radical hate directed your way, as unacceptable.

So, if any who might be now thinking about arming yourselves in this new environment as a viable option, I would like to extend my decades of experience to help you make an informed decision as to the best options for you and your lifestyle.

Not everyone is a Dirty Harry, and merely owning a weapon is no guarantee. However, owning the right weapon for you and your lifestyle could very well separate you from being a statistic, or another sad photograph on the news the next time this will happen....and believe me, I am very certain, there will be a next time, and the gentleness of the gay community makes them a target for the beasts.

I offer what I know and have learned to help in any way I can.

Wolves hate it when the sheep are packing!
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Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

What happened in Orlando was horrific. It also tells me members of the LGBT community are being targeted by this kind of insanity.


I am hereby offering my decades of experience to assist in any way with helping any members of this community who might see owning a firearm as an option, to defend themselves and those they love from this kind of insanity.

I believe they may see members of your community as soft targets, as you generally do not like guns as a group. I think there may be more of this kind of horrific acts in the future, and am willing to open my PM or posts here, to any that would like to benefit from my knowledge of firearms should you decide to not be the victim any more and shoot back.

I can guarantee you had he done this in a C&W bar in Texas, he would not have gotten such a high body count.

I am not asking this to be a debate about gun control, yes or no, but rather am offering my knowledge to any in the LGBT community that might be thinking going unarmed in this new environment of radical hate directed your way, as unacceptable.

So, if any who might be now thinking about arming yourselves in this new environment as a viable option, I would like to extend my decades of experience to help you make an informed decision as to the best options for you and your lifestyle.

Not everyone is a Dirty Harry, and merely owning a weapon is no guarantee. However, owning the right weapon for you and your lifestyle could very well separate you from being a statistic, or another sad photograph on the news the next time this will happen....and believe me, I am very certain, there will be a next time, and the gentleness of the gay community makes them a target for the beasts.

I offer what I know and have learned to help in any way I can.

Wolves hate it when the sheep are packing!

What does that (bolded above) assertion mean? I am sure that you are aware that it is a crime, even with a Texas CHL, to carry in a bar dislaying a 51% sign.

For bars or a businesses that make 51 percent of their money from the sale of alcohol, all guns are banned – even if you have a concealed handgun license.

You can openly carry rifles and shotguns in most places. One big exception to open carry is any establishment with a Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission permit.

Gun Law Explainer: Where Can You Carry in Texas? | KUT
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

What does that (bolded above) assertion mean? I am sure that you are aware that it is a crime, even with a Texas CHL, to carry in a bar dislaying a 51% sign.

Gun Law Explainer: Where Can You Carry in Texas? | KUT

It goes beyond guns. The fact that nobody in that place tried to stop the shooter was half the problem.
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

What happened in Orlando was horrific. It also tells me members of the LGBT community are being targeted by this kind of insanity. Therefore... I am hereby offering my decades of experience to assist in any way with helping any members of this community who might see owning a firearm as an option, to defend themselves and those they love from this kind of insanity. I believe they may see members of your community as soft targets, as you generally do not like guns as a group. I think there may be more of this kind of horrific acts in the future, and am willing to open my PM or posts here, to any that would like to benefit from my knowledge of firearms should you decide to not be the victim any more and shoot back. I can guarantee you had he done this in a C&W bar in Texas, he would not have gotten such a high body count. I am not asking this to be a debate about gun control, yes or no, but rather am offering my knowledge to any in the LGBT community that might be thinking going unarmed in this new environment of radical hate directed your way, as unacceptable. So, if any who might be now thinking about arming yourselves in this new environment as a viable option, I would like to extend my decades of experience to help you make an informed decision as to the best options for you and your lifestyle. Not everyone is a Dirty Harry, and merely owning a weapon is no guarantee. However, owning the right weapon for you and your lifestyle could very well separate you from being a statistic, or another sad photograph on the news the next time this will happen....and believe me, I am very certain, there will be a next time, and the gentleness of the gay community makes them a target for the beasts. I offer what I know and have learned to help in any way I can. Wolves hate it when the sheep are packing!

Couple of things struck me as odd- first just how many gays do you know, i mean really know and don't just make silly ASSuMeptions by watching Rue Paul. I know some cold hearted gay life takers and heart breakers in the service at Ft. Sill. Been hunting with a gay woman and her spousal equiv... Maybe gays are a tougher lot in SW OK than East Texas... ;)

Next here in Oklahoma our extremely conservative law makers have decided booze and firearms don't mix. I kinda thought Texas had a 51% law when it came to prohibiting firearms in bars. besides ya can't polish that belt buckle with a hog leg blocking your Arkansas toothpick... ;)

If I recall the news coverage properly there was an armed guard (off duty cop) who confronted the gunman at the start of the murder spree- so very true training and a weapon doesn't mean the murderer won't get a high body count. (and so much for the old saw about it just takes one armed citizen to stop a murder)

Anyways once again you resort to the stereotype of 'gentle' gays... dude I work with a few- one gay girl's fav saying is- "Bitch I WILL cut you!" :shock:

Yeah gay bars have their fair share of fights- and not bitch slaps fest either- gentle and gay bar just wasn't my first thought... :)

Anywho, ignoring the stereotypes it is awfully nice of you to offer your services- I've trained a few gay men and women- they are good students and this was because they liked shooting- not fear of deranged sexually frustrated 'straight' guys... :peace
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

It goes beyond guns. The fact that nobody in that place tried to stop the shooter was half the problem.

Agreed. Had 49 people mobbed him all at once, he might have gotten two or three, but in short order, he would have been overwhelmed.

But that is not in keeping with the gentleness of most gay men, and a mob of people tend to have a certain "flow" that is generally away from the trouble.

Even so, I am reaching out to those individuals that would prefer to get out of that flow, take cover, and return fire.
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

Yes, I am aware. I am also aware how quick it takes to run outside to your truck...;)

You are also aware of what risk is involved in being an (the?) obviously armed person in an active shooter situation when the cavalry arrives. ;)

If you have escaped to your truck then it is wisest not to arm yourself and then return to play (citizen's arrest?) hero where guns are banned. Standing your ground outside is fine and may even be legal.
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Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

You are also aware of what risk is involved in being an (the?) obviously armed person in an active shooter situation when the cavalry arrives. ;)

If you have escaped to your truck then it is wisest not to arm yourself and then return to play (citizen's arrest?) hero where guns are banned. Standing your ground outside is fine and may even be legal.

It is ust too dangerous to be armed, you should always rely on the authorities to arrive. Let them handle it, you might get hurt if you have a gun. (if you don't read the dripping sarcasm of this post...)
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

The principle I subscribe to is that a concealed weapon remains concealed until you draw and shoot. A rapid 1,2,3. Acquire, decide, draw and kill.

If you think about what you are about to do you may freeze.

So in a bad situation, it remains concealed with your hand on it until you must draw and fire.

I suggest people be aware of their surroundings and who's packing.
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

Couple of things struck me as odd- first just how many gays do you know, i mean really know and don't just make silly ASSuMeptions by watching Rue Paul. I know some cold hearted gay life takers and heart breakers in the service at Ft. Sill. Been hunting with a gay woman and her spousal equiv... Maybe gays are a tougher lot in SW OK than East Texas... ;)

Next here in Oklahoma our extremely conservative law makers have decided booze and firearms don't mix. I kinda thought Texas had a 51% law when it came to prohibiting firearms in bars. besides ya can't polish that belt buckle with a hog leg blocking your Arkansas toothpick... ;)

If I recall the news coverage properly there was an armed guard (off duty cop) who confronted the gunman at the start of the murder spree- so very true training and a weapon doesn't mean the murderer won't get a high body count. (and so much for the old saw about it just takes one armed citizen to stop a murder)

Anyways once again you resort to the stereotype of 'gentle' gays... dude I work with a few- one gay girl's fav saying is- "Bitch I WILL cut you!" :shock:

Yeah gay bars have their fair share of fights- and not bitch slaps fest either- gentle and gay bar just wasn't my first thought... :)

Anywho, ignoring the stereotypes it is awfully nice of you to offer your services- I've trained a few gay men and women- they are good students and this was because they liked shooting- not fear of deranged sexually frustrated 'straight' guys... :peace

I have known homosexual MEN, that will kick butt, and I have known gay men that are very genteel and fair.

My offer is for any who lack firearms experience and might see the need after Orlando.

I have a shooting range in my backyard, and plenty of free ammo if they would like to learn the basics.

We are all Americans here, and I hated the fact this monster chose to hit a place he thought was an easy target rich environment, and was proven he was right.

There are exceptions, but as a general rule gay men are not fighters. That is not my goal.

My goal is to prevent gay men from being VICTIMS.
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

You are also aware of what risk is involved in being an (the?) obviously armed person in an active shooter situation when the cavalry arrives. ;)

If you have escaped to your truck then it is wisest not to arm yourself and then return to play (citizen's arrest?) hero where guns are banned. Standing your ground outside is fine and may even be legal.

OK, then, you disagree.

Your opinion is duly noted.
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

As for the 51% law....OK, I will accept being arrested for it, and also being responsible for saving several lives by pulling mine and dropping the SOB.

Being a Libra (the balance scales)...saving several lives on one side, and being guilty of a 51% law on the other...hmmm....decisions, decisions...

I guess it all amounts to what law has priority over your actions....Texas 51% law, or the Law of Humanity.

HEADLINE: Disabled Veteran kills active shooter in Texas bar and saves several lives, but is arrested for violating 51% Law.

I will pay the fine and do the time...no problem here.

I throw myself to the mercy of the court.
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Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

It goes beyond guns. The fact that nobody in that place tried to stop the shooter was half the problem.

An armed off duty cop tried... you miss that tidbit???

Now I dunno who would attempt to attack a trained shooter armed with an AR, and FYI, you have ZERO idea if anyone attempted to attack the shooter and went down, so you might want to check that ASSuMEption... :roll:

Now I dunno about attacking an active shooter with a swizzle stick- once after I watched a Jason Bourne marathon I thought I might be able to... but thought better of it later... guess if you'd been there he would have missed you and you'd gut him with a dirty martini... ;)
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

As for the 51% law....OK, I will accept being arrested for it, and also being responsible for saving several lives by pulling mine and dropping the SOB. Being a Libra (the balance scales)...saving several lives on one side, and being guilty of a 51% law on the other...hmmm....decisions, decisions... I guess it all amounts to what law has priority over your actions....Texas 51% law, or the Law of Humanity.

More than likely you'd cop a felony for carrying in the bar on one of the thousand nights no active shooter shows up... :peace
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

More than likely you'd cop a felony for carrying in the bar on one of the thousand nights no active shooter shows up... :peace


You make decisions for you, and I will make decisions for me. That is how it works.

You are also off topic.
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

As for the 51% law....OK, I will accept being arrested for it, and also being responsible for saving several lives by pulling mine and dropping the SOB.

Being a Libra (the balance scales)...saving several lives on one side, and being guilty of a 51% law on the other...hmmm....decisions, decisions...

I guess it all amounts to what law has priority over your actions....Texas 51% law, or the Law of Humanity.

HEADLINE: Disabled Veteran kills active shooter in Texas bar and saves several lives, but is arrested for violating 51% Law.

I will pay the fine and do the time...no problem here.

I throw myself to the mercy of the court.

Equally likely headline: Disabled veteran killed after being mistaken for active shooter in local bar gunfight - deputy Barney (Betty?) not facing any charges for his (her?) honest mistake. You have way too much faith in the infallibility of local LEOs.
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Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

Equally likely headline: Disabled veteran killed after being mistaken for active shooter in local bar gunfight - deputy Barney (Betty?) not facing any charges for his (her?) honest mistake. You have way too much faith in the infallibility of local LEOs.

I do not deny that possibility, but it is also only a possibility, not a certainty.

but the consequences of doing nothing, I prefer to not think about.

If I have the ability to stop a mass murder scene, then I will attempt to stop it.

No one knows the results once the dice are cast, but I am not the kind to sit in my truck and listen to others being killed.

That is not in my makeup.

No posts will change that, nor make me hesitate.

but...this is not what this thread is about.

This thread is about any members of the LGBT community who choose for themselves to fight back with a firearm, and me being willing to share what I know with them.

and....if they are close enough, they can drive to my house for some hands on shooting in my backyard. Trying different makes and models until they find something they are comfortable with.

This thread is about them, not me.
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Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

It goes beyond guns. The fact that nobody in that place tried to stop the shooter was half the problem.

Yep....like I pointed out in another post, in a group like that, the shooter always has a blind side. They can't watch everyone direction at once.
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

What happened in Orlando was horrific. It also tells me members of the LGBT community are being targeted by this kind of insanity.


I am hereby offering my decades of experience to assist in any way with helping any members of this community who might see owning a firearm as an option, to defend themselves and those they love from this kind of insanity.

I believe they may see members of your community as soft targets, as you generally do not like guns as a group. I think there may be more of this kind of horrific acts in the future, and am willing to open my PM or posts here, to any that would like to benefit from my knowledge of firearms should you decide to not be the victim any more and shoot back.

I can guarantee you had he done this in a C&W bar in Texas, he would not have gotten such a high body count.

I am not asking this to be a debate about gun control, yes or no, but rather am offering my knowledge to any in the LGBT community that might be thinking going unarmed in this new environment of radical hate directed your way, as unacceptable.

So, if any who might be now thinking about arming yourselves in this new environment as a viable option, I would like to extend my decades of experience to help you make an informed decision as to the best options for you and your lifestyle.

Not everyone is a Dirty Harry, and merely owning a weapon is no guarantee. However, owning the right weapon for you and your lifestyle could very well separate you from being a statistic, or another sad photograph on the news the next time this will happen....and believe me, I am very certain, there will be a next time, and the gentleness of the gay community makes them a target for the beasts.

I offer what I know and have learned to help in any way I can.

Wolves hate it when the sheep are packing!

Sorry. Your post is so full of stereotypes and misinformation I laughed while reading it. Try walking up to a black drag queen and telling her how "soft" she is. Most likely you'll spend the next half hour pick your teeth up off the ground. :)
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

Sorry. Your post is so full of stereotypes and misinformation I laughed while reading it. Try walking up to a black drag queen and telling her how "soft" she is. Most likely you'll spend the next half hour pick your teeth up off the ground. :)

Maybe things would have turned out different if the "Pulse" had more hardened black drag queens in attendance?
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

What happened in Orlando was horrific. It also tells me members of the LGBT community are being targeted by this kind of insanity.


I am hereby offering my decades of experience to assist in any way with helping any members of this community who might see owning a firearm as an option, to defend themselves and those they love from this kind of insanity.

I believe they may see members of your community as soft targets, as you generally do not like guns as a group. I think there may be more of this kind of horrific acts in the future, and am willing to open my PM or posts here, to any that would like to benefit from my knowledge of firearms should you decide to not be the victim any more and shoot back.

I can guarantee you had he done this in a C&W bar in Texas, he would not have gotten such a high body count.

I am not asking this to be a debate about gun control, yes or no, but rather am offering my knowledge to any in the LGBT community that might be thinking going unarmed in this new environment of radical hate directed your way, as unacceptable.

So, if any who might be now thinking about arming yourselves in this new environment as a viable option, I would like to extend my decades of experience to help you make an informed decision as to the best options for you and your lifestyle.

Not everyone is a Dirty Harry, and merely owning a weapon is no guarantee. However, owning the right weapon for you and your lifestyle could very well separate you from being a statistic, or another sad photograph on the news the next time this will happen....and believe me, I am very certain, there will be a next time, and the gentleness of the gay community makes them a target for the beasts.

I offer what I know and have learned to help in any way I can.

Wolves hate it when the sheep are packing!
Actually, Texas also doesn't allow carry in bars. It's known as a 51% sign.
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

As for the 51% law....OK, I will accept being arrested for it, and also being responsible for saving several lives by pulling mine and dropping the SOB.

Being a Libra (the balance scales)...saving several lives on one side, and being guilty of a 51% law on the other...hmmm....decisions, decisions...

I guess it all amounts to what law has priority over your actions....Texas 51% law, or the Law of Humanity.

HEADLINE: Disabled Veteran kills active shooter in Texas bar and saves several lives, but is arrested for violating 51% Law.

I will pay the fine and do the time...no problem here.

I throw myself to the mercy of the court.
The problem with that is that in order to be ready, you'd have to carry past the 51% every time. It could be years, most probably never, when you get that splashy headline. More likely, in all that time, an accidental show or print gets you busted, and then there would be a blurb on page 18 about a retired vet being arrested for carrying in a bar.

I believe that Texas should join other states (georgia, ohio, minnesota, south carolina, etc) and allow carry in bars. I would also advocate removing the civil immunity for any establishment that posts a 30.06 sign: sure, it's your property, so you can make the rules banning guns, but that means you are now responsible for the safety of your patrons. If you fail in that after disarming them, expect to be sued and lose.
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

:2brickwal ( <--- me butting my head against the brick wall of some DP members)

OK, I withdraw my offer of help (in public).

It is abundantly apparent no one wants it nor cares for any.

My polite offering thread has digressed into a steamy pile of crap.

As per usual when someone tries to offer any help on here, they get jumped on.

Screw it!

Most feel they should remain soft targets to any and all who wish them harm. I made a real and genuine offer to change that.

However, my PM is open for any who still wish to accept my offer of free firearms training, free ammo, and training on a variety of weapons in case you have an opportunity to grab one of theirs and turn it against them.

You do not need anything other than the desire to not be a victim.

Just PM me, and we can leave these others to themselves. Chances are if you accept in public, you will get jumped on too for not being a black drag queen superman.

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Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

theoretically....You make decisions for you, and I will make decisions for me. That is how it works. You are also off topic.

Not theoretical at all. You are FAR more likely to cop a felony for illegal carry than EVER confront a terrorist in a redneck bar. So are you saying you routinely carry into bars??? I'll wager a shiny nickel you don't.

As far as off topic- I was responding to YOUR comments... :roll:

But love your bigotry, how 'noble' of you to help the more gentle gay folks... :doh

I spent a dozen years as a firearm instructor, have to say the 'gentle' cuts across the board- from race, gender, economic status, and sexual orientation. However I guess you have a lot more time in a gay bar than me, perhaps I should defer to your vast experience with CCW in gay bars???? :peace
Re: A personal offer to any willing members of the LGBT community...Gun Training/Advi

I have known homosexual MEN, that will kick butt, and I have known gay men that are very genteel and fair.

My offer is for any who lack firearms experience and might see the need after Orlando.

I have a shooting range in my backyard, and plenty of free ammo if they would like to learn the basics.

We are all Americans here, and I hated the fact this monster chose to hit a place he thought was an easy target rich environment, and was proven he was right.

There are exceptions, but as a general rule gay men are not fighters. That is not my goal.

My goal is to prevent gay men from being VICTIMS.

I would rather all gays not be victims......not just the men. Just throwing it out there.

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