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A man from Texas has joined the Russians on their attack on Ukraine (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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He says he is helping liberate Ukraine from Nazi's. What should the USA do with this man when he tries to return to the USA, anything, nothing? Since we have declared war against Russia he has not joined an "enemy", so what to do? Would you want him to speak at your political rally. I suspect that when he comes back he will be doing so at a trump rally, what do you think?
Hates Fascists. Hates Nazis. Loves weed. He's a perfect Democratic candidate for president!
He says he is helping liberate Ukraine from Nazi's. What should the USA do with this man when he tries to return to the USA, anything, nothing? Since we have declared war against Russia he has not joined an "enemy", so what to do? Would you want him to speak at your political rally. I suspect that when he comes back he will be doing so at a trump rally, what do you think?
Bentley is full of crap. This dude is likely a well trained former USA soldier gone Mercenary. How much is he being paid? These mercenary types are labeled Private Military. Yes and they know how to bullshit the press.

Putin Propaganda machine ..........hard at work.
He says he is helping liberate Ukraine from Nazi's. What should the USA do with this man when he tries to return to the USA, anything, nothing? Since we have declared war against Russia he has not joined an "enemy", so what to do? Would you want him to speak at your political rally. I suspect that when he comes back he will be doing so at a trump rally, what do you think?
Putin is talking a lot about Nazis and Ukraine. Let's be clear about two things. Ukraine does have a neo-Nazi problem - about 2% of the population, 0% of the national government. There is at least one far-right mayor. The second is that that relatively tiny problem is being used completely dishonestly by Putin as propaganda for his criminal war.
He says he is helping liberate Ukraine from Nazi's. What should the USA do with this man when he tries to return to the USA, anything, nothing? Since we have declared war against Russia he has not joined an "enemy", so what to do? Would you want him to speak at your political rally. I suspect that when he comes back he will be doing so at a trump rally, what do you think?
We shouldn't do anything to him.
He says he is helping liberate Ukraine from Nazi's. What should the USA do with this man when he tries to return to the USA, anything, nothing? Since we have declared war against Russia he has not joined an "enemy", so what to do? Would you want him to speak at your political rally. I suspect that when he comes back he will be doing so at a trump rally, what do you think?
Hates Fascists. Hates Nazis. Loves weed. He's a perfect Democratic candidate for president!

I do not think he knows what Nazis or Fascists are. They are just pejoratives to him in the same way someone would call another person an "asshole".
Was it one of these two traitors ???


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Ah, seems to me he is a Republican, not a Dem.

I hate Fascists and Nazis, and am indifferent to weed. And I am a Republican. But then, I am not one for sitting in on the front lines of a war of aggression.
Hates Fascists. Hates Nazis. Loves weed. He's a perfect Democratic candidate for president!
He doesn't like George Soros though, so disqualified.
He says he is helping liberate Ukraine from Nazi's. What should the USA do with this man when he tries to return to the USA, anything, nothing? Since we have declared war against Russia he has not joined an "enemy", so what to do? Would you want him to speak at your political rally. I suspect that when he comes back he will be doing so at a trump rally, what do you think?
Uh, I don't think we HAVE "declared war on Russia" - got a source?

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