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A letter from a woman whose life is linked to the fate of obamacare. (1 Viewer)

First, she has a job that provides insurance, or did before Obamacare came along. Second, at least in this state and CA, if the company has a group policy she cannot be denied coverage. Third, are her treatments going to be covered under the Obamacare exchange policies? And finally, if she thinks the clinic that is too busy to handle her now is going to be less busy under Obamacare she's nuts.
This is a link to a letter written a couple of days before the government shut. It is from a 26 year old woman with a life threatening condition called Crohn's disease.

I wish this lady well but will not buy into her belief that Obamacare did or in the future will save her life concerning Crohn Disease.

Good eve UWS

Thom Paine
I wish this lady well but will not buy into her belief that Obamacare did or in the future will save her life concerning Crohn Disease.

Good eve UWS

Thom Paine

Without obamacare's provision allowing people to on their mothers coverage until they are 26, the woman who wrote this letter would have unable to obtain the surgery needed to extend her life. She has been previously denied coverage because she had a prexisting condition. I think obamacare has helped her obtain the care needed to help cope with her condition.
Without obamacare's provision allowing people to on their mothers coverage until they are 26, the woman who wrote this letter would have unable to obtain the surgery needed to extend her life. She has been previously denied coverage because she had a prexisting condition. I think obamacare has helped her obtain the care needed to help cope with her condition.

This statement, I may accept .. :neutral:

Thom Paine
This is a link to a letter written a couple of days before the government shut. It is from a 26 year old woman with a life threatening condition called Crohn's disease.

Open Letter to Lawmakers: The Human Cost - OKC.NET

My brother had Chrohn's. It's a nasty, nasty condition, but it's not exactly "life threatening". So, I wish this woman all the best, and I hope the degradation of medical care which is inevitable under Obamacare will not cause her undue difficulties.
First, she has a job that provides insurance, or did before Obamacare came along.

Not to her

Second, at least in this state and CA, if the company has a group policy she cannot be denied coverage.

Without ACA, they could and did deny her coverage

Third, are her treatments going to be covered under the Obamacare exchange policies?


And finally, if she thinks the clinic that is too busy to handle her now is going to be less busy under Obamacare she's nuts.

Under Obamacare, she won't have to go to that clinic

did you even read the article?
"Life threatening" is somewhat overstated. Having Crohn's means having certain lifestyle changes but it's generally manageable and doesn't seem to increase mortality.

"generally manageable" doesn't mean her case is manageable.

Crohn's is often life threatening.
"Life threatening" is somewhat overstated. Having Crohn's means having certain lifestyle changes but it's generally manageable and doesn't seem to increase mortality.

Critical Care RN of >30 years here. You make it to be a nuisance disease and it certainly can be little more than that for some, but substantially more for others. It can lead to perforations, ulcers, overwhelming infection, fistulas and definitely cancers. Put it this way.....many Crohn's sufferers end of with surgery to remove varying length of bowel.

Due to diarrhea, removal of bowel, appetite issues they may suffer from varying degrees of malnutrition.

This woman was lucky to have care for most of her life. Yes, without care she is more likely to suffer from life threatening consequences.

Not everyone with Crohn's suffers it in the same way or degree. But I would think a young woman that has already had a few feet of bowel removed has the right to indicate that her disease is more than a nuisance. especially without ongoing medical care.
First, she has a job that provides insurance, or did before Obamacare came along. Second, at least in this state and CA, if the company has a group policy she cannot be denied coverage. Third, are her treatments going to be covered under the Obamacare exchange policies? And finally, if she thinks the clinic that is too busy to handle her now is going to be less busy under Obamacare she's nuts.

I believe she stated she was the only full time employee, so it is unlikely there would be a group policy.

Before ACA if she had a break in coverage they could consider pre-existing conditions.

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