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A Jewish art form: Espionage against America (1 Viewer)

Feb 23, 2006
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Jewish spies against America: a long tradition

Out of the dozens of American spies active from the 1940s-onward, the overwhelming majority were Jewish-by-race. Only a few -- e.g. Whitaker Chambers, Alger Hiss, Elizabeth Bentley -- were non-Jews.

Let's have a look at the Jewish spies:*


Julius Rosenberg; electrical engineer; transferred U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, sentenced to death and executed in June 1953.

Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg; wife of Julius; transferred U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, sentenced to death and executed in 1953.

David Greenglass: brother of Ethel Rosenberg; aided the Rosenbergs; was a Los Alamos machinist; passed drawings of atomic implosion lens to Harry Gold.

Ruth Greenglass; wife of David.

Morton Sobell; former employee of the Navy's Bureau of Ordnance; radar engineer and former classmate of Elitcher and Rosenberg.

J. Robert Oppenheimer; top U.S. nuclear scientist; was in charge of the Manhattan Project; gave the Soviets atomic secrets.

Leo Szilard; worked with Oppenheimer on the Manhattan Project.

Bruno Pontecorvo; born in Italy; emigrated to Oklahoma in 1940.

George Silverman; Air Force officer; pal of non-Jewish U.S. spy Elizabeth Bentley.

Morris Cohen (aka Peter Kroger); spy recruiter; assisted the Rosenbergs; entered U.S. Army in 1942.

Robert Soblen; fled to Israel; committed suicide while being extradited back to America in 1962.

Jack Soble; head of a U.S. spy ring which included Boris Morros; members of the ring were indicted/arrested in 1957.

Charles Kramer; staff member of the Kilgore committee headed by U.S. Sen. Harley Kilgore; a speechwriter for Henry Wallace.

Victor Perlo; the CPUSA's [American Communist party] official economist; was on the War Production Board.

Lee Pressman; Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) lawyer; Communist party member.

Jacob Albam; an associate of Jack Soble.

V. J. Jerome (aka Isaac Romaine); the theoretician of the CPUSA.

Alexander Trachtenberg; member, CPUSA.

Jacob Mindel; member, CPUSA.

Israel Amter; a CPUSA leader.

Albert F. Lannon; member, CPUSA.

Fred Rose; Canadian Communist.

Prof. Israel Halperin; Canadian Communist.

Jacob Stachel; top American Communist party official.

"John Gates" (aka Israel Regenstreif); a longtime Communist; fought in the Spanish Civil War; editor-in-chief of the Daily Worker; defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

"Gus Hall" (real name Arvo K. Halberg); U.S. Communist Party chairman; defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

Irving Potash; defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

Philip Bart; general manager of the Daily Worker newspaper.

"Gil Green" (Gilbert Greenberg); defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

"Carl Winter" (Philip Carl Weissberg); defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

Alexander Feklisov; Julius Rosenberg's Soviet case officer; attached to the Soviet Consulate in New York [presumed to be Jewish].

Joel Barr; pal of Julius Rosenberg; electrical engineer; worked on military radar at the U.S. Army Signal Corps lab at Fort Monmouth; recruited by Rosenberg; fled to Czechoslovakia, he assumed fake identity.

William Perl; worked in Cleveland at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

Gaik Ovakimian; head of the KGB's American desk [presumed to be Jewish].

Harry Dexter White [real name Weiss]; Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Henry Morgenthau; architect of Bretton Woods and the World Bank.

Bernard Schuster; good friend of Julius Rosenberg; member of the American Communist party; was Earl Browder's liaison to the KGB.

Alfred Sarant; pal of Barr; electrical engineer; worked on military radar at the U.S. Army Signal Corps lab at Fort Monmouth; recruited by Rosenberg; fled to Czechoslovakia and assumed fake identity.

Harry Gold [real name Goldodnitsky]; chemist; part of 1940s Fuchs-Gold spy ring.

Abraham Brothman; headed an engineering firm in N. Y.; part of Fuchs-Gold
spy ring.

Miriam Moskowitz; part of Fuchs-Gold spy ring.

Sidney Weinbaum [real name Israel Weinbaum]; part of Fuchs-Gold spy ring.

Theodore Hall [real name Hallsberg, also claimed Holtzberg]; worked with Enrico Fermi and J. Robert Oppenheimer; "was the first to provide the Soviets with the crucial information that helped them build the bomb." [1]

Judith Coplon; passed classified documents from U.S. Justice Department to a Russian agent in 1949.

Isak Akhmerov; married to the niece of American Communist leader Earl Browder.

Yakov (Jacob) Golos; chief organizer of spying action through the American Communist party.

Gregory Kheifetz; Soviet vice-consul in San Francisco; allegedly recruited J. Robert Oppenheimer to spy for the Soviets.

Sam Semyonov [real name Abe Taubman]; top officer in the spy branch "XY Line," which carried out technical and scientific spying.

Maurice Halperin; U.S. Office of Strategic Services employee.

Armand Hammer; millionaire; Communist; head of Occidental Petroleum; one of the world's only millionaire/Communists.

Gerhart Eisler; 'secret' boss of the Communist Party in the U.S. in the 1930s/1940s.

J. Peters [aka Joszef Peter]; Comintern agent; pal of G. Eisler; author of the "Peters Manual;" real name Goldberger.

Nathan Gregory Silvermaster; leader of a post-World War II espionage ring; on the U.S. Board of Economic Warfare; a high-ranking officer at the U.S. Treasury Department.

Bella Gold; U.S. Commerce Dept. employee; worked for Nathan Silvermaster.

Sonya Gold; U.S. Treasury Dept. employee; worked for Nathan Silvermaster.

Philip Jaffe; editor of Amerasia magazine, a Maoist organ.

Dr. Joseph Weinberg; University of Minnesota official.

Andrew Roth; Brooklyn Jew; a lieutenant in U.S. Naval Intelligence.

Samuel Dickstein; U.S. Congressman from New York.

Alfred Stern; American businessman; husband of non-Jewish spy Martha Dodd.

Boris Morros; American businessman; once worked for Paramount Studios; partner of Alfred Stern.

Mark Julius Gayn [real name Mark Ginsbourg]; a journalist; pal of Phil Jaffe; worked for Amerasia magazine and The New Republic.

Jonathan Pollard; U.S. Navy intelligence analyst; passed classified material to Israel -- where he is a national hero due to his spying actions.

[1] article "The Boy Who Gave Away the Bomb," by Joseph Albright and Marcia Kunstel, The New York Times, September 14, 1997

Sources for the above document include, but are not limited to: essay "The Jewish Disproportionate Involvement in Communism," by Ian McKinney, [Rev. 3.0, July 24, 2000]; and Jewish Tribal Review's web book "When Victims Rule."

*Legal disclaimer for web posting: it is entirely possible that some of the persons listed in the above document were never convicted of the crime of espionage in a court of law. True guilt must be determined only via a fair trial.
Is this what you do?...Take comments from other people's posts on another website and play them off as your own?

Here is where you got it...unless you got it from someplace that also stole it from here, but I'm guessing it's from here because you've already mentioned stormfront on another thread...


We've seen your type before...we've also seen your type leave soon after...:shrug:
Isn't it interesting how Americanpatriot has not posted the religious backgounds of all the other spies in American history.

Mmm the plot thickens.......:thinking
Australianlibertarian said:
Isn't it interesting how Americanpatriot has not posted the religious backgounds of all the other spies in American history.

Mmm the plot thickens.......:thinking

They are almost all Jewish, very few of them are non Jews. Sure you always have your traitors. I almost listed everyone if you would like to bring some non Jews to light by all means lets compare how many we have. Essentially this will only hurt your argument and reinforce mine...

cnredd said:
Is this what you do?...Take comments from other people's posts on another website and play them off as your own?

Here is where you got it...unless you got it from someplace that also stole it from here, but I'm guessing it's from here because you've already mentioned stormfront on another thread...


We've seen your type before...we've also seen your type leave soon after...:shrug:

This post is on a lot of websites. It doesnt take away from the authenticity of the information. It is all factual information which can be verified so I dont see the problem. If you can point out any inaccurate information and I would be happy to look at it.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
Jewish spies against America: a long tradition

Out of the dozens of American spies active from the 1940s-onward, the overwhelming majority were Jewish-by-race. Only a few -- e.g. Whitaker Chambers, Alger Hiss, Elizabeth Bentley -- were non-Jews.

Let's have a look at the Jewish spies:*


Julius Rosenberg; electrical engineer; transferred U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, sentenced to death and executed in June 1953.

Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg; wife of Julius; transferred U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, sentenced to death and executed in 1953.

David Greenglass: brother of Ethel Rosenberg; aided the Rosenbergs; was a Los Alamos machinist; passed drawings of atomic implosion lens to Harry Gold.

Ruth Greenglass; wife of David.

Morton Sobell; former employee of the Navy's Bureau of Ordnance; radar engineer and former classmate of Elitcher and Rosenberg.

J. Robert Oppenheimer; top U.S. nuclear scientist; was in charge of the Manhattan Project; gave the Soviets atomic secrets.

Leo Szilard; worked with Oppenheimer on the Manhattan Project.

Bruno Pontecorvo; born in Italy; emigrated to Oklahoma in 1940.

George Silverman; Air Force officer; pal of non-Jewish U.S. spy Elizabeth Bentley.

Morris Cohen (aka Peter Kroger); spy recruiter; assisted the Rosenbergs; entered U.S. Army in 1942.

Robert Soblen; fled to Israel; committed suicide while being extradited back to America in 1962.

Jack Soble; head of a U.S. spy ring which included Boris Morros; members of the ring were indicted/arrested in 1957.

Charles Kramer; staff member of the Kilgore committee headed by U.S. Sen. Harley Kilgore; a speechwriter for Henry Wallace.

Victor Perlo; the CPUSA's [American Communist party] official economist; was on the War Production Board.

Lee Pressman; Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) lawyer; Communist party member.

Jacob Albam; an associate of Jack Soble.

V. J. Jerome (aka Isaac Romaine); the theoretician of the CPUSA.

Alexander Trachtenberg; member, CPUSA.

Jacob Mindel; member, CPUSA.

Israel Amter; a CPUSA leader.

Albert F. Lannon; member, CPUSA.

Fred Rose; Canadian Communist.

Prof. Israel Halperin; Canadian Communist.

Jacob Stachel; top American Communist party official.

"John Gates" (aka Israel Regenstreif); a longtime Communist; fought in the Spanish Civil War; editor-in-chief of the Daily Worker; defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

"Gus Hall" (real name Arvo K. Halberg); U.S. Communist Party chairman; defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

Irving Potash; defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

Philip Bart; general manager of the Daily Worker newspaper.

"Gil Green" (Gilbert Greenberg); defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

"Carl Winter" (Philip Carl Weissberg); defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

Alexander Feklisov; Julius Rosenberg's Soviet case officer; attached to the Soviet Consulate in New York [presumed to be Jewish].

Joel Barr; pal of Julius Rosenberg; electrical engineer; worked on military radar at the U.S. Army Signal Corps lab at Fort Monmouth; recruited by Rosenberg; fled to Czechoslovakia, he assumed fake identity.

William Perl; worked in Cleveland at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

Gaik Ovakimian; head of the KGB's American desk [presumed to be Jewish].

Harry Dexter White [real name Weiss]; Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Henry Morgenthau; architect of Bretton Woods and the World Bank.

Bernard Schuster; good friend of Julius Rosenberg; member of the American Communist party; was Earl Browder's liaison to the KGB.

Alfred Sarant; pal of Barr; electrical engineer; worked on military radar at the U.S. Army Signal Corps lab at Fort Monmouth; recruited by Rosenberg; fled to Czechoslovakia and assumed fake identity.

Harry Gold [real name Goldodnitsky]; chemist; part of 1940s Fuchs-Gold spy ring.

Abraham Brothman; headed an engineering firm in N. Y.; part of Fuchs-Gold
spy ring.

Miriam Moskowitz; part of Fuchs-Gold spy ring.

Sidney Weinbaum [real name Israel Weinbaum]; part of Fuchs-Gold spy ring.

Theodore Hall [real name Hallsberg, also claimed Holtzberg]; worked with Enrico Fermi and J. Robert Oppenheimer; "was the first to provide the Soviets with the crucial information that helped them build the bomb." [1]

Judith Coplon; passed classified documents from U.S. Justice Department to a Russian agent in 1949.

Isak Akhmerov; married to the niece of American Communist leader Earl Browder.

Yakov (Jacob) Golos; chief organizer of spying action through the American Communist party.

Gregory Kheifetz; Soviet vice-consul in San Francisco; allegedly recruited J. Robert Oppenheimer to spy for the Soviets.

Sam Semyonov [real name Abe Taubman]; top officer in the spy branch "XY Line," which carried out technical and scientific spying.

Maurice Halperin; U.S. Office of Strategic Services employee.

Armand Hammer; millionaire; Communist; head of Occidental Petroleum; one of the world's only millionaire/Communists.

Gerhart Eisler; 'secret' boss of the Communist Party in the U.S. in the 1930s/1940s.

J. Peters [aka Joszef Peter]; Comintern agent; pal of G. Eisler; author of the "Peters Manual;" real name Goldberger.

Nathan Gregory Silvermaster; leader of a post-World War II espionage ring; on the U.S. Board of Economic Warfare; a high-ranking officer at the U.S. Treasury Department.

Bella Gold; U.S. Commerce Dept. employee; worked for Nathan Silvermaster.

Sonya Gold; U.S. Treasury Dept. employee; worked for Nathan Silvermaster.

Philip Jaffe; editor of Amerasia magazine, a Maoist organ.

Dr. Joseph Weinberg; University of Minnesota official.

Andrew Roth; Brooklyn Jew; a lieutenant in U.S. Naval Intelligence.

Samuel Dickstein; U.S. Congressman from New York.

Alfred Stern; American businessman; husband of non-Jewish spy Martha Dodd.

Boris Morros; American businessman; once worked for Paramount Studios; partner of Alfred Stern.

Mark Julius Gayn [real name Mark Ginsbourg]; a journalist; pal of Phil Jaffe; worked for Amerasia magazine and The New Republic.

Jonathan Pollard; U.S. Navy intelligence analyst; passed classified material to Israel -- where he is a national hero due to his spying actions.

[1] article "The Boy Who Gave Away the Bomb," by Joseph Albright and Marcia Kunstel, The New York Times, September 14, 1997

Sources for the above document include, but are not limited to: essay "The Jewish Disproportionate Involvement in Communism," by Ian McKinney, [Rev. 3.0, July 24, 2000]; and Jewish Tribal Review's web book "When Victims Rule."

*Legal disclaimer for web posting: it is entirely possible that some of the persons listed in the above document were never convicted of the crime of espionage in a court of law. True guilt must be determined only via a fair trial.

I see quite a few people listed but it doesn’t say what they were caught spying on why is that? Are you just throwing up names as filler space?
I’m sure if you look at all the cases of spying in the USA you would find groups of races from the entire globe. But to you its just one group…hmm that’s interesting..

I went to the sites you posted in another thread. I would love to see the real lineage of any of its members. Just see how much pure white they have. I did notice one post that said the Native America was a white race, they spouted off about people from 20k years ago…
hmm that to is interesting…but what the hell lets go back further..
How about 4 million years ago to Africa where human life came from.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
*Legal disclaimer for web posting: it is entirely possible that some of the persons listed in the above document were never convicted of the crime of espionage in a court of law. True guilt must be determined only via a fair trial.
But, since they might be Jewish, let's go ahead and list them as traitors? I mean, since Jew=traitor anyway, what difference does it make if it can't be shown that they did anything traitorous?

Simon W. Moon said:
But, since they might be Jewish, let's go ahead and list them as traitors? I mean, since Jew=traitor anyway, what difference does it make if it can't be shown that they did anything traitorous?


We don't just list every single Jew. What would be the point of that? All of the information is confirmed however some of the people listed were only tried for espoinage but not convicted. That means they couldnt prove it 100 percent. Chances are they were guilty and got off. Regardless all of the people listed are confirmed. Secondly Jewish neocons took over the Republican party. Liberals and Republicans dont like Bushs globalist foreign policy so they wrongfully blame the white Christians. Go to wikipedia and type in "Project for a New American century" which is the foundation of Bushs foreign policy and you will find over half the people are Jews. The founder was Jewish also. Jews dominate all the leadership positions of both parties we dont not have a democracy anymore. The Jews are the biggest threat to American sovereignty and I believe it 100 percent. They have views contrary to the principles of our constitution and work tirelessly to accomplish their marxist goals unlike any other group. Jews are doing exactly in America what they did in Germany which got them thrown in concentration camps. History always repeats itself. :( Also I believe that the Jews diliberately infiltrated the republican party with a sole intent to take it over and discredit it. If I were in charge of the GOP I would ban all the Jews because it only will smear their image. All of the neocons in congress are always Jewish. It just makes the republican party look bad with these marxist policies. Secondly all of the scandals are committed by Jewish "Republicans". Cunningham, Abramhoff, and all of the neocons are Jewish. I can guarantee you that the republican party would be much more conservative and have a better image if they didnt allow the Jews in. Republicans techinically have a majority on the presidency and Congress but contrary to popular belief this is far from the truth; they dont have control of anything. Jewish neocons are listed as "republican" but they are far leftists who are only republican in name. I cant tell the difference between the Clinton and Bush admin.

Think of it this way. It is well known that Jews control the democratic party. Now Clinton of the democratic party is best friends with George Bush SR of the Republican party and have the same exact policies. What does that tell you? Who is worse Bush jr or Clinton? They are both equall as bad but honestly I think Bush Jr is even worse then Clinton and I am super conservative. Our democracy has gone down the toilet.
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The entire point of this thread is retarded. Sure, there are probably dozens of Israeli spies in the United States. For that matter, there are probably just as many American spies in Israel. And Britain. And France. And Russia. And China. And just about every other country in the world. And vice versa. Countries spy on other countries. It's just a fact of life, one that most countries feel is absolutely necessary to their own security. At the same time, they try to prevent anybody else from spying on them. It's a huge hypocrisy, if you think about it, but that's how the game is played. Every country does what it must.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
Jewish spies against America: a long tradition

Out of the dozens of American spies active from the 1940s-onward, the overwhelming majority were Jewish-by-race. Only a few -- e.g. Whitaker Chambers, Alger Hiss, Elizabeth Bentley -- were non-Jews.

Let's have a look at the Jewish spies:*


Julius Rosenberg; electrical engineer; transferred U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, sentenced to death and executed in June 1953.

Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg; wife of Julius; transferred U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, sentenced to death and executed in 1953.

David Greenglass: brother of Ethel Rosenberg; aided the Rosenbergs; was a Los Alamos machinist; passed drawings of atomic implosion lens to Harry Gold.

Ruth Greenglass; wife of David.

Morton Sobell; former employee of the Navy's Bureau of Ordnance; radar engineer and former classmate of Elitcher and Rosenberg.

J. Robert Oppenheimer; top U.S. nuclear scientist; was in charge of the Manhattan Project; gave the Soviets atomic secrets.

Leo Szilard; worked with Oppenheimer on the Manhattan Project.

Bruno Pontecorvo; born in Italy; emigrated to Oklahoma in 1940.

George Silverman; Air Force officer; pal of non-Jewish U.S. spy Elizabeth Bentley.

Morris Cohen (aka Peter Kroger); spy recruiter; assisted the Rosenbergs; entered U.S. Army in 1942.

Robert Soblen; fled to Israel; committed suicide while being extradited back to America in 1962.

Jack Soble; head of a U.S. spy ring which included Boris Morros; members of the ring were indicted/arrested in 1957.

Charles Kramer; staff member of the Kilgore committee headed by U.S. Sen. Harley Kilgore; a speechwriter for Henry Wallace.

Victor Perlo; the CPUSA's [American Communist party] official economist; was on the War Production Board.

Lee Pressman; Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) lawyer; Communist party member.

Jacob Albam; an associate of Jack Soble.

V. J. Jerome (aka Isaac Romaine); the theoretician of the CPUSA.

Alexander Trachtenberg; member, CPUSA.

Jacob Mindel; member, CPUSA.

Israel Amter; a CPUSA leader.

Albert F. Lannon; member, CPUSA.

Fred Rose; Canadian Communist.

Prof. Israel Halperin; Canadian Communist.

Jacob Stachel; top American Communist party official.

"John Gates" (aka Israel Regenstreif); a longtime Communist; fought in the Spanish Civil War; editor-in-chief of the Daily Worker; defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

"Gus Hall" (real name Arvo K. Halberg); U.S. Communist Party chairman; defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

Irving Potash; defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

Philip Bart; general manager of the Daily Worker newspaper.

"Gil Green" (Gilbert Greenberg); defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

"Carl Winter" (Philip Carl Weissberg); defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.

Alexander Feklisov; Julius Rosenberg's Soviet case officer; attached to the Soviet Consulate in New York [presumed to be Jewish].

Joel Barr; pal of Julius Rosenberg; electrical engineer; worked on military radar at the U.S. Army Signal Corps lab at Fort Monmouth; recruited by Rosenberg; fled to Czechoslovakia, he assumed fake identity.

William Perl; worked in Cleveland at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

Gaik Ovakimian; head of the KGB's American desk [presumed to be Jewish].

Harry Dexter White [real name Weiss]; Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Henry Morgenthau; architect of Bretton Woods and the World Bank.

Bernard Schuster; good friend of Julius Rosenberg; member of the American Communist party; was Earl Browder's liaison to the KGB.

Alfred Sarant; pal of Barr; electrical engineer; worked on military radar at the U.S. Army Signal Corps lab at Fort Monmouth; recruited by Rosenberg; fled to Czechoslovakia and assumed fake identity.

Harry Gold [real name Goldodnitsky]; chemist; part of 1940s Fuchs-Gold spy ring.

Abraham Brothman; headed an engineering firm in N. Y.; part of Fuchs-Gold
spy ring.

Miriam Moskowitz; part of Fuchs-Gold spy ring.

Sidney Weinbaum [real name Israel Weinbaum]; part of Fuchs-Gold spy ring.

Theodore Hall [real name Hallsberg, also claimed Holtzberg]; worked with Enrico Fermi and J. Robert Oppenheimer; "was the first to provide the Soviets with the crucial information that helped them build the bomb." [1]

Judith Coplon; passed classified documents from U.S. Justice Department to a Russian agent in 1949.

Isak Akhmerov; married to the niece of American Communist leader Earl Browder.

Yakov (Jacob) Golos; chief organizer of spying action through the American Communist party.

Gregory Kheifetz; Soviet vice-consul in San Francisco; allegedly recruited J. Robert Oppenheimer to spy for the Soviets.

Sam Semyonov [real name Abe Taubman]; top officer in the spy branch "XY Line," which carried out technical and scientific spying.

Maurice Halperin; U.S. Office of Strategic Services employee.

Armand Hammer; millionaire; Communist; head of Occidental Petroleum; one of the world's only millionaire/Communists.

Gerhart Eisler; 'secret' boss of the Communist Party in the U.S. in the 1930s/1940s.

J. Peters [aka Joszef Peter]; Comintern agent; pal of G. Eisler; author of the "Peters Manual;" real name Goldberger.

Nathan Gregory Silvermaster; leader of a post-World War II espionage ring; on the U.S. Board of Economic Warfare; a high-ranking officer at the U.S. Treasury Department.

Bella Gold; U.S. Commerce Dept. employee; worked for Nathan Silvermaster.

Sonya Gold; U.S. Treasury Dept. employee; worked for Nathan Silvermaster.

Philip Jaffe; editor of Amerasia magazine, a Maoist organ.

Dr. Joseph Weinberg; University of Minnesota official.

Andrew Roth; Brooklyn Jew; a lieutenant in U.S. Naval Intelligence.

Samuel Dickstein; U.S. Congressman from New York.

Alfred Stern; American businessman; husband of non-Jewish spy Martha Dodd.

Boris Morros; American businessman; once worked for Paramount Studios; partner of Alfred Stern.

Mark Julius Gayn [real name Mark Ginsbourg]; a journalist; pal of Phil Jaffe; worked for Amerasia magazine and The New Republic.

Jonathan Pollard; U.S. Navy intelligence analyst; passed classified material to Israel -- where he is a national hero due to his spying actions.

[1] article "The Boy Who Gave Away the Bomb," by Joseph Albright and Marcia Kunstel, The New York Times, September 14, 1997

Sources for the above document include, but are not limited to: essay "The Jewish Disproportionate Involvement in Communism," by Ian McKinney, [Rev. 3.0, July 24, 2000]; and Jewish Tribal Review's web book "When Victims Rule."

*Legal disclaimer for web posting: it is entirely possible that some of the persons listed in the above document were never convicted of the crime of espionage in a court of law. True guilt must be determined only via a fair trial.

Is this another horseshit conspiracy from racist-retards.org or KKK-cousin****ers.org?
jamesrage said:
Is this another horseshit conspiracy from racist-retards.org or KKK-cousin****ers.org?

You seem to have a problem accepting information and viewpoints from people who do not think like you. This is a sign of a brainwashed person. I severely dislike communists but I still listen to their viewpoints and acknowledge that they say some truthful things. Its educational to acknowledge all viewpoints regardless of their affiliation. This is not a conspiracy theory but verifiable factual information.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
You seem to have a problem accepting information and viewpoints from people who do not think like you. This is a sign of a brainwashed person. I severely dislike communists but I still listen to their viewpoints and acknowledge that they say some truthful things. Its educational to acknowledge all viewpoints regardless of their affiliation. This is not a conspiracy theory but verifiable factual information.
I can't speak for jamesrage, but I don't have any problem with your information. I have a problem with the point you are trying to make. Yes, there have been a lot of Jewish/Israeli spies in the United States. We do the exact same thing to them and everybody else. Everybody else does the same thing to us and each other. The whole game is to do it to everybody without getting caught. Your information doesn't note anything unique about Jews.
battleax86 said:
I can't speak for jamesrage, but I don't have any problem with your information. I have a problem with the point you are trying to make. Yes, there have been a lot of Jewish/Israeli spies in the United States. We do the exact same thing to them and everybody else. Everybody else does the same thing to us and each other. The whole game is to do it to everybody without getting caught. Your information doesn't note anything unique about Jews.

The Jews were Americans spying for communist Russia. It is not exactly the same as spying for Israel. Marxism runs in Jewish blood.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
The Jews were Americans spying for communist Russia. It is not exactly the same as spying for Israel.
Then why did you mention Jonathan Pollard?

Yes, there were American Jews spying for communist Russia. For that matter, there were white, English-descended Americans spying for communist Russia. There were communist Russians spying for America. Spying doesn't know any particular nationality or race. It's universal to humans.

AmericanPatriot29 said:
Marxism runs in Jewish blood.
That's an incredibly racist and stupid assertion to make. If that were the case, why isn't Israel a communist state? That question is besides the fact that economic preferences do not run in anyone's blood.
battleax86 said:
Then why did you mention Jonathan Pollard?

Yes, there were American Jews spying for communist Russia. For that matter, there were white, English-descended Americans spying for communist Russia. There were communist Russians spying for America. Spying doesn't know any particular nationality or race. It's universal to humans.

Pollard is Jewish. List the non Jewish Americans who spied for Russia and lets compare the list. You will always have your traitors everywhere I am just saying it's much more rampant with the Jews. Their allegaince is to communism and Israel first not America.

If that were the case, why isn't Israel a communist state? That question is besides the fact that economic preferences do not run in anyone's blood.

Because it's entirely different when it is their own country. They operate in Israels best interest. But that is a good question I think about that myself. Many communists throughout history are Jewish. It appears that the majority are. Marx, Trotsky, Schymer, Fienstein, Emma Goldman, Hollywood, Betty Friedan, Feminism, ACLU, etc. The ethnic minority in Russia was vital in installing communism.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
We don't just list every single Jew. What would be the point of that? All of the information is confirmed however some of the people listed were only tried for espoinage but not convicted. That means they couldnt prove it 100 percent. Chances are they were guilty and got off. Regardless all of the people listed are confirmed. Secondly Jewish neocons took over the Republican party. Liberals and Republicans dont like Bushs globalist foreign policy so they wrongfully blame the white Christians. Go to wikipedia and type in "Project for a New American century" which is the foundation of Bushs foreign policy and you will find over half the people are Jews. The founder was Jewish also. Jews dominate all the leadership positions of both parties we dont not have a democracy anymore. The Jews are the biggest threat to American sovereignty and I believe it 100 percent. They have views contrary to the principles of our constitution and work tirelessly to accomplish their marxist goals unlike any other group. Jews are doing exactly in America what they did in Germany which got them thrown in concentration camps. History always repeats itself. :( Also I believe that the Jews diliberately infiltrated the republican party with a sole intent to take it over and discredit it. If I were in charge of the GOP I would ban all the Jews because it only will smear their image. All of the neocons in congress are always Jewish. It just makes the republican party look bad with these marxist policies. Secondly all of the scandals are committed by Jewish "Republicans". Cunningham, Abramhoff, and all of the neocons are Jewish. I can guarantee you that the republican party would be much more conservative and have a better image if they didnt allow the Jews in. Republicans techinically have a majority on the presidency and Congress but contrary to popular belief this is far from the truth; they dont have control of anything. Jewish neocons are listed as "republican" but they are far leftists who are only republican in name. I cant tell the difference between the Clinton and Bush admin.

Think of it this way. It is well known that Jews control the democratic party. Now Clinton of the democratic party is best friends with George Bush SR of the Republican party and have the same exact policies. What does that tell you? Who is worse Bush jr or Clinton? They are both equall as bad but honestly I think Bush Jr is even worse then Clinton and I am super conservative. Our democracy has gone down the toilet.

Hey Einstein, (I think he was another famous jew.) If you are found not guilty, that means you were INNOCENT!! If you are found innocent, then you are not guilty. Thus, you are spewing racism.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
Pollard is Jewish.
And he wasn't spying for the communists.

AmericanPatriot29 said:
List the non Jewish Americans who spied for Russia and lets compare the list.
I don't have time to look up every single spy in American history, but Robert Philip Hanssen comes to mind.

AmericanPatriot29 said:
You will always have your traitors everywhere I am just saying it's much more rampant with the Jews. Their allegaince is to communism and Israel first not America.
You cannot make that generalization for an entire race. That would be like saying you have genocidal maniacs everywhere, but it's much more common with the whites.

AmericanPatriot29 said:
Because it's entirely different when it is their own country. They operate in Israels best interest.
Then they would consider it in their best interests to align themselves with Communist states, if they really have that predilection to support communism. Yet, during the Cold War, we were Israel's biggest supporter, while the Soviet Union was the biggest supporter of Israel's enemies.

AmericanPatriot29 said:
But that is a good question I think about that myself. Many communists throughout history are Jewish. It appears that the majority are. Marx, Trotsky, Schymer, Fienstein, Emma Goldman, Hollywood, Betty Friedan, Feminism, ACLU, etc.
This paragraph is contradictory. You say that the Jews want communism for everywhere but their own country, yet Russia was Trotsky's own country. He didn't have an Israel to run to once communism took hold in Russia. Karl Marx wanted communism for the whole world, not everywhere but a tiny patch of it, especially one that was under Turkish control at the time.

AmericanPatriot29 said:
The ethnic minority in Russia was vital in installing communism.
On the contrary, Jews had little power in Russia, which was (and in large part, still is) a heavily anti-Semitic country. The person who had the greatest hand in installing communism in Russia was Vladimir Lenin, a non-Jew. Stalin, Kruschev, Brezhnev, and Gorbachev are all non-Jews. I don't believe that any of the commies in China, North Korea, or Vietnam are Jews, either.
It appears that the majority are. Marx, Trotsky, Schymer, Fienstein, Emma Goldman, Hollywood, Betty Friedan, Feminism, ACLU, etc.

i love the way that you slip in femminists and hollywood like they have any relavence to either jewishness or spying!

i mean its obvious, isn't it...i mean look at two of the biggest communist countries in the world..china and n. korea. they are completly run by jews aren't they. you can't move in beijing for jews
Other threads at Debate politics authored by AmericanPatriot29. Clearly, this username has a white supremicist/ anti-Semitic agenda.

Jewish influence in hollywood: A historical analysis

Sports Announcer: "Lack of whites make NBA look like zulu uprising"

For all of you liberals out there who support multiculturalism...

Some racial statistics for us all...

Is Russia key to white survival?

Do Jews run Hollywood? You bet they do!

Note to all members. If you ever come across a post at Debate Politics that you find offensive, please report it by clicking the red/white triangle in the lower left-hand corner of that post.
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battleax86 said:
I don't have time to look up every single spy in American history, but Robert Philip Hanssen comes to mind.

True. You always have your exceptions. But the amount of spies in the US would be severely limited if we didnt allow the Jews in these positions.

You cannot make that generalization for an entire race. That would be like saying you have genocidal maniacs everywhere, but it's much more common with the whites.

Why not? That would be an accurate statement if you said it about Arabs.

Yet, during the Cold War, we were Israel's biggest supporter, while the Soviet Union was the biggest supporter of Israel's enemies.

Because the Jews own America. We are just a pawn to Israel. Additionally you have Christian zionists who support Israel because their religion tells them. Heck I support Israel as a state I just dont support them controlling the US. Secondly the Soviet Union was against all of the states that allied with America and it was critical that Israel ally with us because 1 we give them trillions in aid and 2 we protect them.

This paragraph is contradictory. You say that the Jews want communism for everywhere but their own country, yet Russia was Trotsky's own country. He didn't have an Israel to run to once communism took hold in Russia.

Karl Marx wanted communism for the whole world, not everywhere but a tiny patch of it, especially one that was under Turkish control at the time.

Exactly and he was Jewish. Trotsky was more of a democratic socialist more then a communist but it blew up in his face. The Jews didnt have a country because they were kicked out of everywhere.

On the contrary, Jews had little power in Russia, which was (and in large part, still is) a heavily anti-Semitic country. The person who had the greatest hand in installing communism in Russia was Vladimir Lenin, a non-Jew. Stalin, Kruschev, Brezhnev, and Gorbachev are all non-Jews. I don't believe that any of the commies in China, North Korea, or Vietnam are Jews, either.

It was the Jewish intellectuals in Russia which sparked the Russian revolution and overthrew the government. (History repeats itself)

I am only discussing Jews and communism in European countries and I know they basically have no role in installing communism in Asian countries. Secondly Jews own America and George Bush is President. It doesnt mean squat. Bush only does what he is told by the legislative body in his cabinent which is dominated by Jews.
AmericanPatriot29 said:
True. You always have your exceptions. But the amount of spies in the US would be severely limited if we didnt allow the Jews in these positions.
So you're going to exclude someone from holding a job on the basis of his race? That's not only retarded, but racist.

AmericanPatriot29 said:
Why not? That would be an accurate statement if you said it about Arabs.
No, it wouldn't. For every genocidal Arab you can name, I can name a white one.

AmericaPatriot29 said:
Because the Jews own America. We are just a pawn to Israel.
That's bulls**t. Right now, America is the only thing holding Israel back from taking care of its problems with the Arabs on their own terms. It's America pushing Israel to make more and more concessions to the Arabs. If the Jews owned America and we were just Israeli pawns, that would not be happening.

AmericaPatriot29 said:
Additionally you have Christian zionists who support Israel because their religion tells them.
OK, and?

AmericaPatriot29 said:
Heck I support Israel as a state I just dont support them controlling the US.
They don't. Yes, there are some high-ranking officials who are Jewish, but the idea that they are all organized into some Jewish conspiracy to control America is, quite frankly, stupid.

AmericaPatriot29 said:
Secondly the Soviet Union was against all of the states that allied with America and it was critical that Israel ally with us because 1 we give them trillions in aid and 2 we protect them.
We didn't do that until they became our allies. They just as easily could have turned to the Soviets for protection and likely would have if Jews are really communist, as you claimed.

AmericaPatriot29 said:
Exactly and he was Jewish.
And he wanted it for his own country, despite what you claimed.

AmericaPatriot29 said:
Trotsky was more of a democratic socialist more then a communist but it blew up in his face. The Jews didnt have a country because they were kicked out of everywhere.
So what? Getting a country of their own would have been the ideal tool to export Communism globally...yet, they were firmly in the First World during the Cold War and remain a free country. Your accusation that Jews, as an entire ethnic group, are pro-Communist is just plain stupid.

AmericaPatriot29 said:
It was the Jewish intellectuals in Russia which sparked the Russian revolution and overthrew the government. (History repeats itself)
Lenin was not a Jew. Stalin was not a Jew. Even if the entire Communist revolt can be blamed on Jews, you cannot blame the actions of individuals on an entire race.

AmericanPatriot29 said:
I am only discussing Jews and communism in European countries and I know they basically have no role in installing communism in Asian countries.
So then do you believe that Asians have Marxism in their veins?

AmericanPatriot29 said:
Secondly Jews own America and George Bush is President. It doesnt mean squat. Bush only does what he is told by the legislative body in his cabinent which is dominated by Jews.
Friend, do you actually believe the things that you type?

The Cabinet is not a legislative body. Secondly, the only Jew in his Cabinet is Michael Chertoff. Your claim that the Cabinet is "dominated by Jews" is false. Third, I doubt that if America and Bush were under Jewish control, Bush would be calling for the creation of yet another Arab state in Jewish land.

I don't know where you get your crazy ideas from, but they're making you sound like a Klansman.
battleax86 said:
So you're going to exclude someone from holding a job on the basis of his race?

No, I just wouldnt give them a job on the basis of race.

No, it wouldn't. For every genocidal Arab you can name, I can name a white one.

Yeah but eventually the white ones will run out and I will just keep naming names and your point would be destroyed.

That's bulls**t. Right now, America is the only thing holding Israel back from taking care of its problems with the Arabs on their own terms. It's America pushing Israel to make more and more concessions to the Arabs. If the Jews owned America and we were just Israeli pawns, that would not be happening.

It appears but just wait until things pan out. Secondly the Jews in America are not exactly the same as the Jews in Israel. The difference could be considered as Democrat and Republican. Some Jews want to make concessions to the Arabs while others dont. Doesnt mean anything.

Christians area heavily against carving up Israel and making any concessions to Arabs. What was the whole west bank settlement controversy? Who did that? Whos interest was that in and who supports the palestineans in America? Radical leftists. Who leads these radical leftists? The Jews. We all know white Christians believe that Israel is Gods land and should not be forfeited to Arabs in any sense. So as a white Christian country if we really do run everything as the Jews lead you to believe why would our administration advise Israel to do something in direct conflict with American Christian beliefs?

And he wanted it for his own country, despite what you claimed.

Who was responsible for making Israel a state? America. Israel is weak they know it would be a fatal blunder to ally with the soviets and it would be absolutely ridiculous. We finance their military and without our protection especially at that time they would be destroyed and their world image tarnished permanently.

So what? Getting a country of their own would have been the ideal tool to export Communism globally

Exactly. Russia tried to do just that and who was responsible for starting the Russian revolution?

Your accusation that Jews, as an entire ethnic group, are pro-Communist is just plain stupid.

If you look at history at the Palmer Raids the American communist party was increasing in membership. 90 percent of members were foreign born. Most of them were from Poland and Russia which had the largest Jewish communities. The 1924 immigration act was instated to severely reduce the immigration of European Jews because they were directly going into the communist party. All of the left wing communist movements were started and led by Jews. Feminism, “civil liberty” unions such as the ADL, ACLU, NAACP, etc and Marxist ideologies such as neoconservatism etc.

It’s not a conspiracy theory just look it’s openly stated in most places.


I already showed the Jewish role for the NAACP, ACLU, and neoconservatism in my other thread.

Lenin was not a Jew. Stalin was not a Jew. Even if the entire Communist revolt can be blamed on Jews, you cannot blame the actions of individuals on an entire race.

Like the Jews don’t blame the white race for all of the world’s problems? There are innate differences between races, religions, and cultures that we need to acknowledge. Arabs who follow Islam are responsible for a lot of the world’s problems. It’s true. Would I want to immigrate the whole entire middle east in America? No.

So then do you believe that Asians have Marxism in their veins?

No. But there is something suspicious about Asians they have a tendency to follow oppressive doctrines. Many American Asians are very liberal for reasons I don’t know. :(

The Cabinet is not a legislative body. Secondly, the only Jew in his Cabinet is Michael Chertoff. Your claim that the Cabinet is "dominated by Jews" is false. Third, I doubt that if America and Bush were under Jewish control, Bush would be calling for the creation of yet another Arab state in Jewish land.

I am sorry I meant to say and his legislative body instead of in. His policy makers are largely Jewish a little bit over 50 percent. Could you imagine white American Christians being 2.5 percent of Israels population yet they comprise a little bit over 50 percent of Areal Sharons policy makers? What does that tell you? His cabinent does only have 1 or so Jews if I am not mistaken but the Jews are heavily concentrated in other more important positions. I was going off in a rant.
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