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A grand compromise (1 Viewer)


Mod Conspiracy Theorist
DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2011
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A very blue state
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Ok, gays can enter into a polygamous relationship if all parties own guns and want Texas to be able to secede from the Union. Also, Paula Deen can get her job back, but only if she gets an abortion and apolgizes to Trayvon Martin. Al Sharpton and Rush Limbaugh will both be hanged together, and only after tying them to each other.
Rush and Al should make a series of gay porn tapes first.

Paula Dean will get her job back or an even better job so there is no need for her to apologize.

I bet gay guns would have a lot of engraving on them since the one Obama used at Camp David did too.
Ok, gays can enter into a polygamous relationship if all parties own guns and want Texas to be able to secede from the Union. Also, Paula Deen can get her job back, but only if she gets an abortion and apolgizes to Trayvon Martin. Al Sharpton and Rush Limbaugh will both be hanged together, and only after tying them to each other.

You should write your Congressman, that sounds like something they'd love.... complicated and nonsensical legislation is apparently their forte.

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