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A Eulogy, or a campaign convention? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2005
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Political Leaning
This was the most disgusting display of partisan politics I have ever seen. What gives these politicians the right to turn a funeral in to a Democratic campaign convention? I was just watching the news, and felt I had to speak about this shame on our country today, I am truly sick to my stomach. First, 4 presidents attend this funeral of the wife of Martin Luther King, and Bush is fed to the lions. I want to know why this funeral was so important in the first place, since when have we given so much credence to the wife of a great man, and where will it end. I have not a single recollection of a wife ever receiving such an honor, or if they did, having it turn in to a disgusting political circus?

I just wanted some thoughts on this from others here, at this moment, I can barely even admit I am an American, much less be proud of that fact. This country has gone down the toilet, and it's getting worse by the day.:roll:
It was actually the second worst display...

Paul Wellstone's funeral comes in first....
cnredd said:
It was actually the second worst display...

Paul Wellstone's funeral comes in first....

I thought Wellstone's took the cake, this topped even that. What a disgraceful display by the Dems to use such a solemn occassion, one that should bring us all together, to instead attempt to split the country apart.

More and more I am committed to never ever voting Democrat again.
You can say this about Carters legacy he's not only the worst President in history he's, also, the worst former President in history. I love how he brought up the wiretapping though, I guess someone forgot to remind that senile old prick that it was LBJ and Robert Kennedy who put the taps on MLK jr.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
You can say this about Carters legacy he's not only the worst President in history he's, also, the worst former President in history. I love how he brought up the wiretapping though, I guess someone forgot to remind that senile old prick that it was LBJ and Robert Kennedy who put the taps on MLK jr.

Someone forgot to remind that senile old prick that now was not the time nor place to include it, whoever the hell did it...
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
You can say this about Carters legacy he's not only the worst President in history he's, also, the worst former President in history. I love how he brought up the wiretapping though, I guess someone forgot to remind that senile old prick that it was LBJ and Robert Kennedy who put the taps on MLK jr.

I was waiting for Chris Matthews or Cynthia Tucker to bring up the fact that it was Democrats who tapped MLK, that it was Democrats who stood in the doorways of schools, that it was Democrats who put the dogs on protestors, that it was Democrats who refuse to allow MLK day and it was Democrats who refused to let him lie in state in the capital. It was Democrats who engaged in the longest filbuster in Senate history as they fought against Civil Rights.
Stinger said:
I was waiting for Chris Matthews or Cynthia Tucker to bring up the fact that it was Democrats who tapped MLK, that it was Democrats who stood in the doorways of schools, that it was Democrats who put the dogs on protestors, that it was Democrats who refuse to allow MLK day and it was Democrats who refused to let him lie in state in the capital. It was Democrats who engaged in the longest filbuster in Senate history as they fought against Civil Rights.

I wonder why ol'e Sheets Byrd wasn't invited to attend. Ho, ho! But I forgot it's President Bush who hates black people.
I only heard selected parts of the speeches today on NPR. Frankly, I was shocked at how heartfelt and non-political Clinton was in the part they played today. Now hearing you guys, it will be interesting to see what the rest of the speech was. The section of Bush's speech was just typical transparent analogies to the war in Iraq. They were the only two that I heard though.
jallman said:
I only heard selected parts of the speeches today on NPR. Frankly, I was shocked at how heartfelt and non-political Clinton was in the part they played today. Now hearing you guys, it will be interesting to see what the rest of the speech was. The section of Bush's speech was just typical transparent analogies to the war in Iraq. They were the only two that I heard though.

Gotta hand it to Slick Willy he separtated himself from his colleagues there rather quickly. He was always good at P.R..
Let's not forget that the democrats behavior at the Wellstone funeral was still fresh when voters went to the polls. Perhaps Red State America will remember this funeral the next time they vote. I love it. The liberals absolutely self-destruct and make asses of themselves.
I can't even respond, I have changed my post numerous times already, but let's just say "race relations" they were severly damaged today, good show!:roll:
jallman said:
I only heard selected parts of the speeches today on NPR. Frankly, I was shocked at how heartfelt and non-political Clinton was in the part they played today. Now hearing you guys, it will be interesting to see what the rest of the speech was. The section of Bush's speech was just typical transparent analogies to the war in Iraq. They were the only two that I heard though.

He just chose it as the opportunity to launch Mrs. Bill Clintons presidentital bid. Tacky but at least he didn't attack anyone.
jallman said:
I only heard selected parts of the speeches today on NPR. Frankly, I was shocked at how heartfelt and non-political Clinton was in the part they played today. Now hearing you guys, it will be interesting to see what the rest of the speech was. The section of Bush's speech was just typical transparent analogies to the war in Iraq. They were the only two that I heard though.
Actually, it wasn't Bush nor Clinton that pulled this trash off...

It was Carter, Rev. Joseph Lowry, and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin...

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Gotta hand it to Slick Willy he separtated himself from his colleagues there rather quickly. He was always good at P.R..

Thats typical. You expect the Bush haters to capitulate when he does something great, but you cant help but make a jab at clinton over a really good speech and maintaining dignity. And you guys blame liberals for all the divisiveness and bipartisanship in this country. :roll:
cnredd said:
Actually, it wasn't Bush nor Clinton that pulled this trash off...

It was Carter, Rev. Joseph Lowry, and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin...


And maybe, just maybe, the good reverend, mayor, or former president could address the 69% out of wedlock birth rate among blacks, and how maybe, just maybe that has something to do with poverty rates?:confused:

I am just so tired of this black whining, and no effort behind it, not a single mention of the cause and effect, just finger pointing.

Practice safe sex, go to school, and then get a f**king job, that would be a good start! I am tired of four hundred pound welfare recipients, with 13 kids, and a brand new Caddy, crying poor mouth, it must end somewhere.:roll:
jallman said:
Thats typical. You expect the Bush haters to capitulate when he does something great, but you cant help but make a jab at clinton over a really good speech and maintaining dignity. And you guys blame liberals for all the divisiveness and bipartisanship in this country. :roll:
Now why would you print this garbage right after I post this comment?...:confused:

Actually, it wasn't Bush nor Clinton that pulled this trash off...

jallman, I agree. I have yet to see anyone in this thread who is not a democrat/liberal say something positive about Clinton standing up for Bush. :roll:
cnredd said:
Now why would you print this garbage right after I post this comment?...:confused:

Actually, it wasn't Bush nor Clinton that pulled this trash off...


Now why would you not look at the time stamps on the two posts and think to yourself...maybe he was posting that at the same time I was. Or maybe...just maybe after the appreciation I showed you for offering me the first link in this thread, that I might be directing that at an angry little TOT and not you. Oh, I know why you wouldnt think like that...it kinda undermines your self justified excuse for being antagonistic. :doh
aps said:
jallman, I agree. I have yet to see anyone in this thread who is not a democrat/liberal say something positive about Clinton standing up for Bush. :roll:

I will, but he ruined it by joining in on the campaign convention in the end, by suggesting the 08 presidential run, even Hillary knew this, she was trying to calm the crowd down, and probably smacked him after. It was pretty sad when the classiest people at the funeral were the Senator from N.Y, and a dead woman in her casket, Coretta Scott King.:roll:
jallman said:
Thats typical. You expect the Bush haters to capitulate when he does something great, but you cant help but make a jab at clinton over a really good speech and maintaining dignity. And you guys blame liberals for all the divisiveness and bipartisanship in this country. :roll:

Hay give credit where credit is due I don't think I should have to give him any credit for doing what he should have done that's like giving your kid allowance for cleaning his room and brushing his teeth. And by the way it wasn't the conservatives who turned a funeral into a political platform, but hay I guess dead women and injured soldiers are fair game now.
cnredd said:
Now why would you print this garbage right after I post this comment?...:confused:

Actually, it wasn't Bush nor Clinton that pulled this trash off...


Because his post was within 2 minutes of yours, which means they were probably being typed at the same time.

too little too late, the opinion was formed.
jallman said:
Now why would you not look at the time stamps on the two posts and think to yourself...maybe he was posting that at the same time I was. Or maybe...just maybe after the appreciation I showed you for offering me the first link in this thread, that I might be directing that at an angry little TOT and not you. Oh, I know why you wouldnt think like that...it kinda undermines your self justified excuse for being antagonistic. :doh
I don't know...The fact that your post has "You guys" in it and not just "You" made it sound like it was directed threadwide and not just one person...

Stupid me to think "guys" was plural since you just meant TOT when you wrote it...:roll:
cnredd said:
I don't know...The fact that your post has "You guys" in it and not just "You" made it sound like it was directed threadwide and not just one person...

Stupid me to think "guys" was plural since you just meant TOT when you wrote it...:roll:

okay, fine cnredd, I am not going to argue semantics with you over this. But if you dont want to be seen as one of the TOT type conservatives that give good conservatives a bad name, then dont align yourself with a redirect that was not meant for you. But hey, if you want to be part of that crowd, then accept the statement as being true to you too...makes no nevermind to me. But anyway, thanks for that link, it was very informative.

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