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A democrat I could vote for in 2008......... (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
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Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Bill Richardson a democrat and the governor of New Mexico is someone I could vote for president in 2008..........If he runs he probably would have little chance of winning the party nomination because the democratic party has been high jacked by the far left and will only nominate big liberals like Gore and Kerry..........

One can hope though...Richardson seems like a fine man with high moral values.........
Navy Pride said:
Bill Richardson a democrat and the governor of New Mexico is someone I could vote for president in 2008..........If he runs he probably would have little chance of winning the party nomination because the democratic party has been high jacked by the far left and will only nominate big liberals like Gore and Kerry..........

One can hope though...Richardson seems like a fine man with high moral values.........

You have to be kidding me. Navy, I am disappointed. Richardson?

Did you know he wants illegals to get a drivers license? No kidding.

Waste of a vote. He only declared a "state of emergency" with Arizona because he knows he is in hot water with his constitutants.

Richardson said:
"These are changing political times where our basic and programs are being attacked. Illegal and legal immigration unfairly attacked. We have to band together and that means Latinos in Florida, Cuban-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans, South Americans - we have to network better - we have to be more politically minded - we have to put aside party and think of ourselves as Latinos, as Hispanics, more than we have in the past."
Source: http://www.americanpatrol.com/REFERENCE/billrichardsonremarks.html

Sounds like a racist to me...
vauge said:
You have to be kidding me. Navy, I am disappointed. Richardson?

Did you know he wants illegals to get a drivers license? No kidding.

Waste of a vote. He only declared a "state of emergency" with Arizona because he knows he is in hot water with his constitutants.

Source: http://www.americanpatrol.com/REFERENCE/billrichardsonremarks.html

Sounds like a racist to me...

No I did not know that.......I know he is fiscal coservative and for tax cuts though......I don't think there is any candidate I agree with on the border issue though......
Navy Pride said:
I know he is fiscal coservative and for tax cuts though......
That he is, he is brewing up for the prez run. He is a Washington insider and will get quite a bit of backers.
Navy Pride...what is you view on the border issue?
Pub31321 said:
Navy Pride...what is you view on the border issue?

I would like to see the border between Mexico and the U.S. closed tighter then a drum...........
vauge said:
Did you know he wants illegals to get a drivers license? No kidding.
So is that better or worse than Bush wanting to give illegals temporary worker status so they can legally take American jobs?
Its really a tough call because a lot of the aliens that sneak across the border do jobs and work for wages that American citizens will not accept.......
I'm smelling hypocricy here. You want the border closed tight as a drum, yet you want the workers who sneak over to pick your fruit? You don't want them to go through a proper driving test to get a license to drive legally, yet you want them to work here legally for low wages? Like you yourself said, many of the people take jobs that Americans don't want. These people, most of them, are very hard working, law abiding citizens, who only want to feed their family's and want the American dream. An American dream that Americans like us take for granted. Most only want to improve their living situation and see a better future for their children. Is that so wrong?
Salah ud Deen said:
I'm smelling hypocricy here. You want the border closed tight as a drum, yet you want the workers who sneak over to pick your fruit? You don't want them to go through a proper driving test to get a license to drive legally, yet you want them to work here legally for low wages? Like you yourself said, many of the people take jobs that Americans don't want. These people, most of them, are very hard working, law abiding citizens, who only want to feed their family's and want the American dream. An American dream that Americans like us take for granted. Most only want to improve their living situation and see a better future for their children. Is that so wrong?

I told you its a tough call.............No I don't have any fruit orchards so i have no fruit to pick............

If they want to come into this country they should go through the immigration process just like anyone else.........

Oh and one more thing............No one in this country illegally should ever be able to get a drivers license........
Navy Pride said:
I told you its a tough call.............No I don't have any fruit orchards so i have no fruit to pick............

If they want to come into this country they should go through the immigration process just like anyone else.........

Oh and one more thing............No one in this country illegally should ever be able to get a drivers license........
Do you ever eat fruit or vegtables? If so then an illegal alien likely picked it.

Did our ancestors go through proper immigration when they wiped out the First Nation people's that had resided on this continent for thousands of years?
Navy Pride said:
I told you its a tough call.............No I don't have any fruit orchards so i have no fruit to pick............

If they want to come into this country they should go through the immigration process just like anyone else.........

Oh and one more thing............No one in this country illegally should ever be able to get a drivers license........

But they should be able to get a job? HuH?

Im lost here, They should go through the immigration process, they should not get a drivers license until they have done so, but they should be able to run across the border and get a job, most likely working for waves that are much lower than the average for the type of job, in order to put more profits into the employer's pockets by going against the rules.

Hrm.. sounds weird to me.
Salah ud Deen said:
Do you ever eat fruit or vegtables? If so then an illegal alien likely picked it.

Did our ancestors go through proper immigration when they wiped out the First Nation people's that had resided on this continent for thousands of years?

Give me a frigging break will you.........The situation was slightly different then.......
Navy Pride said:
Give me a frigging break will you.........The situation was slightly different then.......
There were natives being killed as late as the early 1900's, thats not that long ago you know. Plus southwestern US was Northern Mexico, they are just coming back to their ancestral homes, just like the Jews claim in Palestine, only the Mexicans have roots going back only 100-200 years ago and not 2,000 years ago. So why can't the Mexicans come back to their ancestral land?
Salah ud Deen said:
There were natives being killed as late as the early 1900's, thats not that long ago you know. Plus southwestern US was Northern Mexico, they are just coming back to their ancestral homes, just like the Jews claim in Palestine, only the Mexicans have roots going back only 100-200 years ago and not 2,000 years ago. So why can't the Mexicans come back to their ancestral land?

Because it is no longer their land...It is the United States............
Salah ud Deen said:
There were natives being killed as late as the early 1900's, thats not that long ago you know. Plus southwestern US was Northern Mexico, they are just coming back to their ancestral homes, just like the Jews claim in Palestine, only the Mexicans have roots going back only 100-200 years ago and not 2,000 years ago. So why can't the Mexicans come back to their ancestral land?

No one ever said that they can't come back they just need to do it through legal means. It's not fair that they don't have to go through the miles of red tape which legal immigrants go through to enter the U.S.. I have no anomosity towards anyone wishing to enter the United States (save for those who seek to do it harm) if I was living outside the U.S. in a squalid **** hole like Mexico or under the thumb of an oppressive regime in the Mid-East I would want to come to the U.S. too, however, they just need to do it through the proper legal channels. It's simple and it's fair, would you not agree?
Salah ud Deen said:
There were natives being killed as late as the early 1900's, thats not that long ago you know. Plus southwestern US was Northern Mexico, they are just coming back to their ancestral homes, just like the Jews claim in Palestine, only the Mexicans have roots going back only 100-200 years ago and not 2,000 years ago. So why can't the Mexicans come back to their ancestral land?
That would only be the case if they stayed in the area that was originally Mexico...so I guess you are for getting them out of the other 45 states?...:roll:

It's irrelevant anyway...I live in Philly...I don't think if everything east of the Mississippi was taken over I'd be able to go to Seattle and claim its my "ancestral homeland"....

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