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A change of heart (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
With all this Terri mess, I've been thinking...maybe I'm wrong to support the liberals and democrats?

Today, I registered as a republican and sent a substantial donation to the GOP. I will actively campaign for all republicans and do all I can to support Bush and each of his proposals for a better America.

Hoot said:
With all this Terri mess, I've been thinking...maybe I'm wrong to support the liberals and democrats?

Today, I registered as a republican and sent a substantial donation to the GOP. I will actively campaign for all republicans and do all I can to support Bush and each of his proposals for a better America.


I was wondering how long it would be until some one did this today. Well played.

This morning I told my wife we were being audited by the IRS. Then as she started getting worked up, I asked her what the date was. I swear I had to ask her the date about four times for her to get it. I'm hoping she starts talking to me again next week sometime.
LOL, was looking in my Freezer to see if the snow ball had melted.
vauge said:
LOL, was looking in my Freezer to see if the snow ball had melted.

He had me for a moment as well. My wife's talking but still giving me the "eye." The IRS thing was a pretty evil set up as we/our company had donated some stuff to the troops and we were told we could write it off on our taxes. Our account told us we could then said we couldn't. In the end we had to re-filed some of the forms and pay the extra tax. So our taxes this year have kind of been an issue and a mess. It might of been wise of me to stick to something less, shall we say, touchy. Next year I think I'll just tell her it's looks like she's gained weight.
Next year I think I'll just tell her it's looks like she's gained weight.

I have found that honesty is best in everything but that subject. :?
vauge said:
Next year I think I'll just tell her it's looks like she's gained weight.

I have found that honesty is best in everything but that subject. :?

Yes and your friends are Great! I'd love to go have dinner with them.
Pacridge said:
Next year I think I'll just tell her it's looks like she's gained weight.

Surely there are easier ways to commit suicide? :p

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