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90-Year-Old World War II Veteran: 'Your Shutdown Is Not an Epic Battle' (1 Viewer)

Well damn put. Buy that man a beer!

I hope everyone remembers these morons at the next election and votes every incumbent out. We don't need their worthless asses anymore.

What good is voting them out going to do? In another four years, the same dolt voters will elect a congress which is as equally inept, and we'll be having the same conversation. Do away with democracy, and this preposterous political gridlock will stop. It's the only way.
Had the old gentleman admitted that democrats shared the blame and even owned a major part of it by passing a terrible healthcare bill that deserved opposition, I would have respected his message. As it is, I only can say his hair isn't bad for an old guy.
Had the old gentleman admitted that democrats shared the blame

Democrats own this 100%. The House gets one chance per year to ask for things it wants, because the president doesn't need congress very often (the last time was 2011). Congress is coequal with the president, under our constitution. Therefore, it is right and proper for the House to insist on asking for things when they get the chance. It's the president who refused to negotiate. Therefore, the president's fault.

Democrats own this 100%. The House gets one chance per year to ask for things it wants, because the president doesn't need congress very often (the last time was 2011). Congress is coequal with the president, under our constitution. Therefore, it is right and proper for the House to insist on asking for things when they get the chance. It's the president who refused to negotiate. Therefore, the president's fault.


I wish could agree with you. At the end of the day, if Boehner folds, like I've been reading, this whole mess will be for nothing. If King Obama gets everything he wants, I fault the republicans for not having the will to stand shoulder to shoulder to fight for the good of the country.

The truth is most of Congress is dead to me. I would never vote for a democrat, I believe that their platform is mostly evil. I'd support damned few republicans because they aren't much different than democrats, especially the leadership. What I would support is term limits, a bad idea whose time has come. I'd also support stripping away most of the perks that Congress has granted themselves, the fat pensions, the health care subsidy, the cheap cafeteria, the free gym. I'm tired of treating them like royalty while they feed us crap.

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