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9 Years Into Obama’s Common Core – Math Scores at 20 Year Low and Falling (1 Viewer)


Oct 8, 2018
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9 Years Into Obama’s Common Core – Math Scores at 20 Year Low and Falling
Baxter Dmitry News, US

Nine years after Barack Obama forced schools around the country to adopt Common Core, teachers are coming forward with results to prove the controversial teaching method is a failure, and significantly less effective than traditional teaching methods.

Parents and teachers across the nation are now urging schools to dump the toxic Common Core curriculum, arguing that it deliberately dumbs down children and creates unnecessary and complicated methods for working out relatively simple problems.



Who'd have thunk it? Thanks Obama, for dumbing down America's children!
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9 Years Into Obama’s Common Core – Math Scores at 20 Year Low and Falling
Baxter Dmitry News, US

Nine years after Barack Obama forced schools around the country to adopt Common Core, teachers are coming forward with results to prove the controversial teaching method is a failure, and significantly less effective than traditional teaching methods.

Parents and teachers across the nation are now urging schools to dump the toxic Common Core curriculum, arguing that it deliberately dumbs down children and creates unnecessary and complicated methods for working out relatively simple problems.

Students are recording results lower than previously thought possible, and frustrated teachers are warning that “if we do nothing” about Common Core the results “will keep on declining.”

Concerns About College Readiness

While the trends in ACT math were worrisome, the scores in English didn’t offer much cause for celebration, either. The average score for the class of 2018 was 20.2, the same as five years ago, and down half a point from the English-score high in 2007.

On the science section of the ACT, students in the class of 2018 averaged 20.7, down from 21 in 2017, and about the same as five years ago.

The national average composite score for the class of 2018 was 20.8, down from 21 in 2017 and about the same as in 2016.

Math and English scores drew the attention of the ACT by another measure, too: readiness for college-level work. The ACT’s score benchmarks are correlated with the likelihood of earning Bs or Cs in credit-bearing coursework. And increasing numbers of students are falling short.

Only 4 in 10 met the math benchmark, the lowest level since 2004, and down from 46 percent in 2012. Six in 10 met the English benchmark, the lowest level since the benchmarks were introduced in 2002.

It’s going to take a lot more than acknowledging Common Core’s failure to make up for the years of classroom chaos that the Bill Gates/Barack Obama curriculum inflicted on many teachers and students without their consent. A direct apology and a promise to stay away from our kids and their education in the future would be a start.


Who'd have thunk it? Thanks Obama, for dumbing down America's children!

Obama? You do realize common core was a state-led initiative, right? The administration may have supported it but they in no way implemented the curriculum as you are insinuating.

Harvard Education Publishing Group

Myth #2 The Common Core State Standards are an Obama administration initiative.
The Obama administration is a strong supporter of the Common Core State Standards initiative, but the administration did not lead it. The initiative was, and continues to be, state-led.

No federal official was on the work teams and feedback groups that developed the standards. Then, once the standards were released, forty-five states and the District of Columbia—each acting on its own—chose to adopt the standards.

The Obama administration clearly supported the effort. In its Race to the Top program—a $4.3 billion competitive grant program that awarded funds to states that pledged reforms in four key areas—the administration awarded 40 points out of a possible 500 to states that adopted “a common set of K-12 standards” which were internationally benchmarked and that prepared students for colleges and careers-- such as the Common Core State Standards. States could conceivably have won the grants without adopting the Common Core standards specifically. In February 2010, President Obama said he might tie funds from the federal Title I program to adoption of the Common Core standards, but the administration never followed up on that plan. The administration provided incentives but did not force states to adopt the standards.
Obama? You do realize common core was a state-led initiative, right? The administration may have supported it but they in no way implemented the curriculum as you are insinuating.

Harvard Education Publishing Group

Common Core was implemented by the Obama administration. The Democratic Party, dumbing down public education at every turn.
Nine years after Barack Obama forced schools around the country to adopt Common Core,

Yeah, Obama held them at gun point....oh wait, Obama didn't force anything.

Who'd have thunk it? Thanks Obama, for dumbing down America's children!

Looks like the dumbing down started long before Obama took over.
No, it was not.

Facts win again! :laughat:

States had no choice but to accept Obama's common core or else they would not receive funding. Anyone that would advocate for common core is not very bright.
States had no choice but to accept Obama's common core or else they would not receive funding. Anyone that would advocate for common core is not very bright.

Did they?


But experts told us there was no demand that states adopt Common Core before Washington would hand over funding. And even then, there was no requirement for actually implementing them.

Delaware, for example, won its grant in March 2010, but didn’t adopt Common Core until August of that year. Tennessee also won in March 2010, but adopted them in July of that year.

Daniel Thatcher, a senior policy specialist at the National Conference of State Legislatures, said Washington has subsequently been accused of coercing states into adopting Common Core. In 2015, a federal judge rejected former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal’s coercion claims in a lawsuit he brought against the Education Department, which his successor has since ended
Let's ignore the fact that millions of children go to school hungry so their mental development is seriously compromised because of poor nutrition.
Let's ingore the fact that the majority of our schools have classroom overcrowding.
Let's ingore the fact that far too many kids go home to emptiness or exhausted parents who are unable to help them with homework who probabably can't do the work so how can they help their child do it.
Let's ignore the fact that too many schools have HUGE budgets for sports like football but can't spend extra money on classroom supplies, text books, teaching aides, more teachers, etc.


Let's never forget that if anything fails "blame Obama"

I don't know what kind of educational programs the OP experienced in the school system... but I am plenty old enough to have known and experienced quite a few both good and bad generally aimed at reading or math that were deemed successful or a failure long before Obama became president.
I am denying the notion that the Obama administration implemented a common core curriculum. You have not posted one fact proving that.

Then who forced states to implement common core? Why would states use a teaching system of failure, that produces the results I posted? Hmmmm. I don't believe your "facts".
Let's ignore the fact that millions of children go to school hungry so their mental development is seriously compromised because of poor nutrition.
Let's ingore the fact that the majority of our schools have classroom overcrowding.
Let's ingore the fact that far too many kids go home to emptiness or exhausted parents who are unable to help them with homework who probabably can't do the work so how can they help their child do it.
Let's ignore the fact that too many schools have HUGE budgets for sports like football but can't spend extra money on classroom supplies, text books, teaching aides, more teachers, etc.


Let's never forget that if anything fails "blame Obama"

I don't know what kind of educational programs the OP experienced in the school system... but I am plenty old enough to have known and experienced quite a few both good and bad generally aimed at reading or math that were deemed successful or a failure long before Obama became president.

That's great that you didn't experience Common Core, which is what the thread is about.
That's great that you didn't experience Common Core, which is what the thread is about.

You missed the point - common core or any educational program will never be successful solely on its own because of the many faucets determining a child's learning ability and success within the school system.
You missed the point - common core or any educational program will never be successful solely on its own because of the many faucets determining a child's learning ability and succcess within the school system.

No, the article specifically states that test scores are down because of common core. On to the next best teaching practices.
No, the article specifically states that test scores are down because of common core. On to the next best teaching practices.

They will fail too because we as a country fail to address the real issues within our education system.
They will fail too because we as a country fail to address the real issues within our education system.

Maybe so, but this thread is about common core.

I do agree with you though, until the educational system finds a way to teach kids individually by what helps them best to learn then everyone loses.
No, the article specifically states that test scores are down because of common core. On to the next best teaching practices.

What article? You didn't provide any links. And usually your "articles" end up being from wack-a-loon ultra far right websites....not reputable sources. Maybe this time it's different?
What article? You didn't provide any links. And usually your "articles" end up being from wack-a-loon ultra far right websites....not reputable sources. Maybe this time it's different?

Do you have a point or it your goal only to harass? Why even bother making posts like the above?
Baxter Dmitri the source of the OP is a founder of YourNewsWire, a clickbait fake news website that deals in conspiracy and has been debunked thousands of times. Yet SOME folk find it a good source of ridiculous statements to post here.
Baxter Dmitri the source of the OP is a founder of YourNewsWire, a clickbait fake news website that deals in conspiracy and has been debunked thousands of times. Yet SOME folk find it a good source of ridiculous statements to post here.

I see a lot of sites quoted here that are left leaning. If you don't have anything to say about real statistics, that Coomon Core is a failure forced upon states by Obama then you don't have to post here.

Why are most of the women on this site so unfriendly and hostile? Sad.
Maybe so, but this thread is about common core.

I do agree with you though, until the educational system finds a way to teach kids individually by what helps them best to learn then everyone loses.

Are you saying that any discussion other than it's Obama's fault as to why common core failed is not about common core. /good grief You don't want a discussion about common core...otherwise you would be open to discuss all the elements within the educational system causing lower testing scores.
Are you saying that any discussion other than it's Obama's fault as to why common core failed is not about common core. /good grief You don't want a discussion about common core...otherwise you would be open to discuss all the elements within the educational system causing lower testing scores.

This doesn't make sense. If you don't want to talk about failing test scores due to common core then by all means, go start your own thread about teaching practices.
I see a lot of sites quoted here that are left leaning. If you don't have anything to say about real statistics, that Coomon Core is a failure forced upon states by Obama then you don't have to post here.

Why are most of the women on this site so unfriendly and hostile? Sad.

There is a large difference between "left leaning" and fake news website pushed on Facebook. If you cannot tell what that difference is, you should not be posting.

My reading is that most of the women here have been trying to help you out...help which is not appreciated at all...SAD.

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