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8 Atrocities Committed Against Puerto Rico by the US (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 13, 2011
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Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States located in the Caribbean Sea. It is a small island with a population of almost four million citizens. On July 25, 1898, during the Spanish American War, United States invaded Puerto Rico and commenced a long relationship between the two. With this list, I’ll try to underline eight atrocities committed by the United States in Puerto Rico.

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8 Atrocities Committed Against Puerto Rico by the US

Here are some more crimes committed by our country that has been committed by us.... More imperialism that our government would like to erase from our history.
They are not really acknowledging it nor hiding it. Probably because it does not matter at this point. What do you want done about it?
PR gets the best of both worlds and has been offered the choice to become a state many times, but why buy the cow wen you get the milk for free.

They are "getting things for free"?
They are "getting things for free"?

Citizenship and all that goes with it without all the obligations, yes they got a sweet deal hence why they neither want full Statehood or to leave the US.
Read more and videos at: [/FONT][/COLOR]8 Atrocities Committed Against Puerto Rico by the US

Here are some more crimes committed by our country that has been committed by us.... More imperialism that our government would like to erase from our history.


They tried to shoot the president, and congress back in the late forties and early fifties.

But it's not a huge deal anymore for most people. Unlike certain individuals, they know when the past is the past.

They tried to shoot the president, and congress back in the late forties and early fifties.

But it's not a huge deal anymore for most people. Unlike certain individuals, they know when the past is the past.

Ah yes. Excuses for collective punishment.
Citizenship and all that goes with it without all the obligations, yes they got a sweet deal hence why they neither want full Statehood or to leave the US.

Citizenship :lamo If only they could actually vote and if they actually had congressional representation..... What was that thing the original 13 colonies rebelled against? "No taxation without representation"
Read more and videos at: [/FONT][/COLOR]8 Atrocities Committed Against Puerto Rico by the US

Here are some more crimes committed by our country that has been committed by us.... More imperialism that our government would like to erase from our history.

This whole line of discussion is aimed at guilting the American taxpayer to give Puerto Rico access to their paycheck for the bailout.

Citizenship :lamo If only they could actually vote and if they actually had congressional representation..... What was that thing the original 13 colonies rebelled against? "No taxation without representation"

Puerto Ricans get a US Passport. The ones that make a domestic move to New York have no obstacles to voting. Puerto Ricans are exempt from the US Federal Income Tax. The argument to give Puerto Rico US Senate seats is just to give the Democrats two free extra seats.
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This whole line of discussion is aimed at guilting the American taxpayer to give Puerto Rico access to their paycheck for the bailout.

We (the US congress) were the ones that ****ed them in the first place
Ah yes. Excuses for collective punishment.

When a group tries to shoot the president, they can't reasonably expect a pat on the head. Sets a bad example.

I also find it interesting that you never post any of these lists about, say, Venezuela. Or Russia. Or China. Or even England or France, whose closets are so full of skeletons that there's no room for anymore.
Ah yes. Excuses for collective punishment.

Fascinating... Four of the eight items in the list don't involve the US Government at all. And one of those, giving Puerto Ricans US citizenship, is considered an atrocity? One of the items is Puerto Ricans against Puerto Ricans, with nobody from the US even involved at all.

Given all that. it is hilarious that you would dismiss a comment from somebody else about "Excuses for collective punishment". The irony is precious.
When a group tries to shoot the president, they can't reasonably expect a pat on the head. Sets a bad example.
Continuing the excuse for collective punishment.... A petty excuse for vast human rights abuses and basically colonialism.

I also find it interesting that you never post any of these lists about, say, Venezuela. Or Russia. Or China. Or even England or France, whose closets are so full of skeletons that there's no room for anymore.
You can find posts me condemning human rights abuses. Example is with Russia and ***** Riot and their treatment of LGBTQ individuals. Or China and their despicable workplace conditions.

But you're really trying to pull out every trick in the book to excuse human rights abuses and colonialism.
Continuing the excuse for collective punishment.... A petty excuse for vast human rights abuses and basically colonialism.

You can find posts me condemning human rights abuses. Example is with Russia and ***** Riot and their treatment of LGBTQ individuals. Or China and their despicable workplace conditions.

But you're really trying to pull out every trick in the book to excuse human rights abuses and colonialism.

I don't think you understand. They tried to ****ing shoot the president.

They knew what was going to happen next, and they didn't ****ing care.

And hell, compared to a lot of countries, our reaction was pretty ****ing mild. Can you imagine what the Brits would have done if somebody tried to shoot the Prime Minister/whichever royal was in charge at the time, or the Russians if somebody tried to shoot Putin?

If you actually want to read about capital A atrocities---not some stuff which is fairly mild, especially considering the time period---read up on the Belgian Congo.
I don't think you understand. They tried to ****ing shoot the president.
"They" were two men not 3.5 million Puerto Ricans. And it also happened over 50 ****ing years ago.

They knew what was going to happen next, and they didn't ****ing care.

And hell, compared to a lot of countries, our reaction was pretty ****ing mild. Can you imagine what the Brits would have done if somebody tried to shoot the Prime Minister/whichever royal was in charge at the time, or the Russians if somebody tried to shoot Putin?
Ah yes. Now we move to the excuse of, "well it might not be as bad as other countries do".
#8 is messed up. However, what do you expect from Left Wing authoritarians like FDR?

#7 :shrug: Puerto Rico is far from the only place where the armed forces test weapons. Huge swaths of the area surrounding Charleston are set aside for such purposes, in point of fact.

#6 Hearsay, unconfirmed.

#5 Messed up, but not really the fault of the "United States," per se. The man was clearly a psychopath, operating unilaterally.

#4 An over-zealous Puerto Rican police force beat up Puerto Rican protesters. Okay. How is that our fault?

#3 Again, not really the fault of the "United States," per se.

#2 Puerto Rico is far from "colonized." :roll:

#1 Puerto Rico has been given the option for statehood several times. They always vote it down.
Citizenship :lamo If only they could actually vote and if they actually had congressional representation..... What was that thing the original 13 colonies rebelled against? "No taxation without representation"

They get all the other perks and I will remind you that many of our own citizens do not bother with voting. If they wanted to vote they only have to accept Statehood, something they reject but at the same time are not screaming for their Freedom. Think on that.
Read more and videos at: [/FONT][/COLOR]8 Atrocities Committed Against Puerto Rico by the US

Here are some more crimes committed by our country that has been committed by us.... More imperialism that our government would like to erase from our history.

Lol !! This sounds oddly familiar for some reason

Hey, remember when the Greek people elected the Syriza party and the party's leader Alexis Tsipras as their PM ?

Remember what Tsipras did shortly after being elected ? How could anyone forget ?


In a attempt to weasel out of paying back their debt, Tsipras demanded that Germany pay for its Nazi war crimes......Lol !

The Left, just in general is filled with morally repugnant individuals. Just absent of any ethical standards.

And their ridiculous strategies to guilt people into submission are so obvious, so expected.

They barely changed the script from Tsipras's " Nazi War Crimes " scam to this " Puerto Rican atrocity " scam.
Lol !! This sounds oddly familiar for some reason

Hey, remember when the Greek people elected the Syriza party and the party's leader Alexis Tsipras as their PM ?

Remember what Tsipras did shortly after being elected ? How could anyone forget ?


In a attempt to weasel out of paying back their debt, Tsipras demanded that Germany pay for its Nazi war crimes......Lol !

The Left, just in general is filled with morally repugnant individuals. Just absent of any ethical standards.

And their ridiculous strategies to guilt people into submission are so obvious, so expected.

They barely changed the script from Tsipras's " Nazi War Crimes " scam to this " Puerto Rican atrocity " scam.

This justifies these actions and the continued action of our country against Puerto Rico how?

They get all the other perks and I will remind you that many of our own citizens do not bother with voting. If they wanted to vote they only have to accept Statehood, something they reject but at the same time are not screaming for their Freedom. Think on that.
Ah yes. Your only choices are "become a state or be a colony" not independence... :roll: And lets not forget that for Puerto Rico to become a state it would take a act of congress..... Howd those go? Oh yea, they didnt even get out of ****ing committee..
Your support of human right abuses is fringe groups?

Ok, first off, you need to make up your mind. Either the United States is awful for owning Puerto Rico and most Puerto Ricans agree with that, or these are fringe groups and most Puerto Ricans are fine with being a part of the United States. Which one is it?
Ok, first off, you need to make up your mind. Either the United States is awful for owning Puerto Rico and most Puerto Ricans agree with that, or these are fringe groups and most Puerto Ricans are fine with being a part of the United States. Which one is it?

:lamo So now we are moving on to the world is literally "black and white and you have to pick one" :lamo
This justifies these actions and the continued action of our country against Puerto Rico how?

Ah yes. Your only choices are "become a state or be a colony" not independence... :roll: And lets not forget that for Puerto Rico to become a state it would take a act of congress..... Howd those go? Oh yea, they didnt even get out of ****ing committee..

NO ONE gave a rats ass about these supposed " human rights abuses " back when Puerto Rico was loading up Banks with debt that they never had any intention of paying back

Same with Greece. The Greek Govt and its people had no problem with Germany's " Nazi war crimes " when they were loading up German and Spanish banks with worthless Greek debt.

When its time to pay up, when they've run out of other peoples money its time to call attention to " human rights abuses ".

Its the same SCAM from the same people

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