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5 Worst European Countries to Live in (1 Viewer)


May 2, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
5. Albania


Albania's life expectancy is 74 and its GDP per capita is lower than the world average - at $11,100. Mafia presence is pervasive and corruption is a problem. It is also one of only two European countries that do not provide universal healthcare to its citizens.

4. Russia


There has been little progress in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Corruption is pervasive, and the Economist Intelligence Unit classifies Russia as an 'authoritarian regime'. Russia has the highest homicide rate of any European country - at 9.0 per 100,000, and life expectancy only 69 years.

3. Belarus


Belarus remains a command economy and a dictatorship despite the collapse of the Soviet Union. President Lukashenko controls all branches of government, and freedom of speech, press, media, movement, association and assembly are restricted. Belarus still celebrates the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, and is the only European country to still use the death penalty.

2. Moldova


Moldova is the least developed country in Europe and the only European country with 'medium' human development according to the Human Development Index. Corruption is above average for a developing country, and life expectancy is only 70 years.

1. Ukraine


The civil war has devastated Ukraine. 9,208 people have been killed and 1,414,798 have been internally displaced. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on Earth and ranks below many African and Middle Eastern countries. Property rights are poorly protected and the country ranks 162th out of 178th on the Index of Economic Freedom.

Did you know the name of this forum is "Debate Politics", not "random lists of made up crap by random guy on the internets".
5. Albania


Albania's life expectancy is 74 and its GDP per capita is lower than the world average - at $11,100. Mafia presence is pervasive and corruption is a problem. It is also one of only two European countries that do not provide universal healthcare to its citizens.

4. Russia


There has been little progress in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Corruption is pervasive, and the Economist Intelligence Unit classifies Russia as an 'authoritarian regime'. Russia has the highest homicide rate of any European country - at 9.0 per 100,000, and life expectancy only 69 years.

3. Belarus


Belarus remains a command economy and a dictatorship despite the collapse of the Soviet Union. President Lukashenko controls all branches of government, and freedom of speech, press, media, movement, association and assembly are restricted. Belarus still celebrates the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, and is the only European country to still use the death penalty.

2. Moldova


Moldova is the least developed country in Europe and the only European country with 'medium' human development according to the Human Development Index. Corruption is above average for a developing country, and life expectancy is only 70 years.

1. Ukraine


The civil war has devastated Ukraine. 9,208 people have been killed and 1,414,798 have been internally displaced. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on Earth and ranks below many African and Middle Eastern countries. Property rights are poorly protected and the country ranks 162th out of 178th on the Index of Economic Freedom.

Never mind, I haven't seen you make a point since you started consuming bandwidth here.
I dare you, say something! Make a simple declarative sentence on a debatable subject.
Did you know the name of this forum is "Debate Politics", not "random lists of made up crap by random guy on the internets".

Guess what? Politics is how those countries got that way.

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