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Obama is a socialist. Fortunately, in the system he has to work with, he shares power with other socialists (progressives), liberals, moderates and conservatives. This system (I'll call it a Federal Republic, for want of a better word) is designed to prevent any one person from making such destructive changes. Obama has attempted to make changes towards the platform you've outlined using baby-steps, which have already caused plenty of damage to our country, and have guaranteed that he will not be re-elected.
scott3dl, Obama is not a socialist. He is regarded by most actual socialists as having centrist views. Claims of him being a socialist are only seen in republican propaganda. By European standards, he is actually a moderate conservative. America is perhaps one of the least socialist countries in the world; most people viewed as 'left-wing extremists' in America would generally be viewed as mainstream social democrats in Europe.
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JustinS;bt1248 said:
scott3dl, Obama is not a socialist. He is regarded by most actual socialists as having centrist views. Claims of him being a socialist are only seen in republican propaganda. By European standards, he is actually a moderate conservative. America is perhaps one of the least socialist countries in the world; most people viewed as 'left-wing extremists' in America would generally be viewed as mainstream social democrats in Europe.

I agree that America is one of the least socialist countries in the world; at least the world that I'm familiar with. Obama is a dedicated socialist, who has been allowed to portray himself as a moderate by a corrupt press and apathetic public. If Obama showed his true colors, he would not be able to run for any office outside of Chicago, San Francisco, Portland or Seattle. As far as Europe goes, times are changing. The European countries are slowly beginning to realize that Socialism only leads to ruin. The pendulum is starting to swing, hopefully its not too late.
scott3dl said:
I agree that America is one of the least socialist countries in the world; at least the world that I'm familiar with. Obama is a dedicated socialist, who has been allowed to portray himself as a moderate by a corrupt press and apathetic public. If Obama showed his true colors, he would not be able to run for any office outside of Chicago, San Francisco, Portland or Seattle. As far as Europe goes, times are changing. The European countries are slowly beginning to realize that Socialism only leads to ruin. The pendulum is starting to swing, hopefully its not too late.

Well, that's your opinion. I don't think that the Europeans are 'realizing' anything, they are simply following the neoliberal influences of today's society; this influence is probably just a fad in my opinion. None of the European countries are socialist; the Nordic countries are the closest to socialism, and they are actually doing well. There are left-wingers stating the exact opposite of what you said; that capitalism leads to ruin and that socialism is the only option.

Obama might be a 'dedicated socialist' as you said, but it surely isn't showing. Republicans simply call him socialist in order to discredit his political views, when in actuality his views correspond to those of a centrist. Just ask any socialist; they will respond with the same answer.
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@Justin- I agree that the Nordic countries are doing well, and that their economies are closet to Socialism. It's difficult to compare the economies of Finland, Norway and Sweden to the rest of Western Europe (forget about anywhere else in the world) because these countries have relatively low populations and are rich in natural resources. There are nationalistic/anti-immigration movements gaining power in the Nordic countries, because others are flooding there, seeking to stick their snouts in the socialist trough. This illustrates the fatal weakness that Socialism suffers from.

Maybe you're right that the Europeans aren't "realizing" anything, maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part. I sure hope they are, because if they continue their liberal/socialist ways, they are in for some seriously hard times. The Conservative Popular party just won by a large margin in Spain. I'm hoping that this is the trend other, more powerful European countries follow.

Again, I partially agree with your statement that Republicans are calling Obama a Socialist in order to discredit him. There is a lot of evidence, though, that shows that he is one. The label of "Socialist" in America would keep any candidate from being elected to a Federal position. Obama will always try to present himself as a Centrist. I would expect any Socialist to continue this charade, because this is an obvious fact.
scott3dl said:
if they continue their liberal/socialist ways, they are in for some seriously hard times
I disagree with this prediction. They are actually becoming less socialist, and are facing some hard times. Countries such as Spain are actually not that liberal, anyway. They are still on the right, so you are pretty much advocating complete and utter neoliberalism.

Advocating socialist policies, such as universal healthcare, is entirely different from socialism. It is not reasonable to say "Obama has a healthcare plan, that makes him socialist," or other such things. Obama is Obama. He presents himself as a centrist, so it doesn't make a difference whether or not he is socialist on the 'inside.' Politicians speak in a language apart from our own; it is rather hard for non-experts to decode their philosophy and political views.

Here is a source that will hopefully change your mind about Obama being a socialist; note that this website is non-partisan, so it will not give you any liberally biased information.
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JustinS;bt1248 said:
scott3dl, Obama is not a socialist. He is regarded by most actual socialists as having centrist views. Claims of him being a socialist are only seen in republican propaganda. By European standards, he is actually a moderate conservative. America is perhaps one of the least socialist countries in the world; most people viewed as 'left-wing extremists' in America would generally be viewed as mainstream social democrats in Europe.

America has made more advances toward socialism in the last 4 years than any democrate would like to admit. At least not until its to late to do anything about it.
Much of the op would be communist, not socialist. Obama is working with what he has and not overstepping the mark. It’s the dumbing down period of arranging the individual into groups and producing government dependency. Progressivism, a rule of elite, is the final outcome.

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