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4 republican senators to block the vote (1 Viewer)

Do you think 4 republicans will want to stick it to Trump?

  • Yes, the two women senators for sure, Romney and that guy from Colorado

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • No, McConnel has a firm reign over senators. No defections.

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2019
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Political Leaning
So 4 republican senators are needed to block Trump's vote on the new SCOTUS justice appointment.

The senate is split 53 to 47, but if there a tie, Pence gets to vote so you need 4.

Do you think 4 republicans will want to stick it to Trump?
So 4 republican senators are needed to block Trump's vote on the new SCOTUS justice appointment.

The senate is split 53 to 47, but if there a tie, Pence gets to vote so you need 4.

Do you think 4 republicans will want to stick it to Trump?

Susan Collins will never stick to her guns, she never has to date.
So she does not count under any circumstances.
my guess is that Republicans will confirm his nomination. i would be surprised if they didn't. every Republican is Tweety until he is voted out.
So 4 republican senators are needed to block Trump's vote on the new SCOTUS justice appointment.

The senate is split 53 to 47, but if there a tie, Pence gets to vote so you need 4.

Do you think 4 republicans will want to stick it to Trump?

I don't think they find 4. It does not mean "no defections" like the poll asks, but you did not allow for "less than 4" in your poll. I think as long as Repubs KNOW 4 is not there, it's advantageous for them to have 2 or 3 dissenters for the upcoming votes in some the states.
I think four is a long shot. It's a better hope that the Dems take that AZ seat and get 3 defections and it's still a long shot.
So 4 republican senators are needed to block Trump's vote on the new SCOTUS justice appointment.

The senate is split 53 to 47, but if there a tie, Pence gets to vote so you need 4.

Do you think 4 republicans will want to stick it to Trump?
As usual, in your TDS rant you only had two choices, yes there will be at least 4 defections or no, there will not be any defections. That's what happens when you are so biased you post a poll so quickly that you didn't realize that there may be some defections, just not enough. Where is that option?
It appears Trump has the votes to confirm a nominee.

Probably. But the Democrats could very well change the court composition after the new Congress is seated.
Romney's already saying he's on board with a replacement. Hardly surprising as he probably also wants that long term conservative agenda, regardless what he thinks of Trump and McConnell.

It's really down to Collins and Murkowski who have to fear moderate Republican women voters in their states (Mormon women probably aren't even allowed to vote - just kidding :) ). That leaves the possibility Mark Kelly flips that AZ seat to the Dems early and who's left? Looks like a long shot still.
Probably. But the Democrats could very well change the court composition after the new Congress is seated.
Yes. They aren’t above changing the rules of the senate to benefit them when they have a majority. They do that routinely.

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