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350 Percent Interest Rate? Senators Bankrolled By Payday Lenders Can Live With That (1 Viewer)

Right now there is little in the way of regulation although most states have caps on pay day lending and banks are bound by what the Feds have in place.
Most states have interest rate caps in place already.


That's how things are.

Now how do you think they should be?

That's how things are.

Now how do you think they should be?

I don't believe in gouging people that need it.
I also don't think it should be easy or cheap.
There needs to be standards in place so that it can function and help but without gouging people like
These pay day loan places do.

It is a risky business loaning to people that need it as they can't pay for things the way that it is.
No, I comment about posts. Thanks for the link, I did not know and must remark that she did make a really moronic remark there.

She said what most Liberals are thinking. That's why she started tripping in her tongue when she figured out that she'd let the cat out of the bag.
She said what most Liberals are thinking.
No she did not. Most liberals do not want to nationalize the means of production.

That's why she started tripping in her tongue when she figured out that she'd let the cat out of the bag.
She had her foot in he mouth.
But that does not make it so. Just because people do not agree with with your views they do not become communists.

All Liberals are communists, to one degree, or another.
You are making a baseless generalization about something you clearly do not understand.

Do you believe thst the common good comes before the individual right?
If the government had not ended postal banking in 1967, poor people would probably be doing much better than now.

Postal banking was ended in 1967 and Glass-Steagall was ended under Clinton, and the 1% is really doing well.
Do you believe thst the common good comes before the individual right?
While individual rights are quite clear and outlined in our society, the common good is not so much, so it is not possible to place one before the other. However it is important to recognize that a stable and orderly society is necessary for the protection of individual rights. It is for that very reason that there are limitations on all rights, because if you lived alone in the world no one would care if you shouted "fire" in a theatre or made unfounded accusations or defamatory remarks.
While individual rights are quite clear and outlined in our society, the common good is not so much, so it is not possible to place one before the other. However it is important to recognize that a stable and orderly society is necessary for the protection of individual rights. It is for that very reason that there are limitations on all rights, because if you lived alone in the world no one would care if you shouted "fire" in a theatre or made unfounded accusations or defamatory remarks.

Is that a yes?
If you have issues with reading comprehension have to explained to you. If it is a lack of intellectual honesty, please do not bother any further.

I don't, but maybe you have issues with writing coposition? Or, maybe you don't want to admit being a communist?
All Liberals are communists, to one degree, or another.

Hail Stalin!

I don't, but maybe you have issues with writing coposition? Or, maybe you don't want to admit being a communist?
Go troll someone else. Clearly honest and intelligent debate is not something that you do.

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