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2411 Bodies of Aborted Children Found at Abortion Doctor's Residence. Hideous and Ghoulish (1 Viewer)

It's antisemitic. It's like equating gays and animals is homophobic.

You can backtrack all you want, but you'll never recover from your mockery of mass murders. I've copied and saved that post. Anytime you blab about other people's 'racism', I'll put your post up.
I'm sure that means medicare for all too, right?

Are you bothered by the discovery of 2411 aborted children's bodies at the abortion doctor's home? I hope so.
What sayeth the Lord about your posts in which you demean and mock young female teens, women, and refer to a former POTUS who happens to be black as 'Chimpy' ? Scripture ,please ?

Aren't you the guy who is for legalized prostitution, aka the trafficking and violent abuse of young women? So you've forfeited all standing to criticize others about women.
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2411 little angelic faces will be the last thing this abortion doctor will see before he begins his descent into Gehenna. Unless, he at some point has asked God for forgiveness.

The Bible never treats abortion as a crime or a sin so ... nope.
More than 2,400 fetuses found at Illinois home to be buried

CHICAGO (AP) — In what's sure to be a politically charged ceremony, more than 2,400 fetuses found last year at the suburban Chicago home of one of the Midwest's most prolific abortion doctors will be buried Wednesday in Indiana, a state with some of the nation's toughest anti-abortion laws.

Indiana's top law enforcement official will preside over the mass burial in South Bend. The service comes five months after relatives sorting through Dr. Ulrich Klopfer's belongings after his Sept. 3 death came across 2,246 sets of preserved fetal remains stacked floor to ceiling in his garage. Later, 165 more were found in a trunk of a car at a business where Klopfer kept several vehicles. His career effectively ended in 2016, when authorities suspended his medical license, citing, among other things, shoddy post-op monitoring of his patients.

Was this monster collecting these bodies as some kind of trophies? Thankfully his practice was shut down for illegal activities. But question for the 'pro-choice' people: Are you proud of this?

What a waste of long pork veal.
More than 2,400 fetuses found at Illinois home to be buried

CHICAGO (AP) — In what's sure to be a politically charged ceremony, more than 2,400 fetuses found last year at the suburban Chicago home of one of the Midwest's most prolific abortion doctors will be buried Wednesday in Indiana, a state with some of the nation's toughest anti-abortion laws.

Indiana's top law enforcement official will preside over the mass burial in South Bend. The service comes five months after relatives sorting through Dr. Ulrich Klopfer's belongings after his Sept. 3 death came across 2,246 sets of preserved fetal remains stacked floor to ceiling in his garage. Later, 165 more were found in a trunk of a car at a business where Klopfer kept several vehicles. His career effectively ended in 2016, when authorities suspended his medical license, citing, among other things, shoddy post-op monitoring of his patients.

Was this monster collecting these bodies as some kind of trophies? Thankfully his practice was shut down for illegal activities. But question for the 'pro-choice' people: Are you proud of this?

This ground has been plowed before.
Pro choice advocates will not be upset by this and the Democratic party actually approves of it.... they cheer for it proudly in fact at their political rallies. They are pro choice (aka: pro death) and proud of it.
The Bible never treats abortion as a crime or a sin so ... nope.

Is thermonuclear war specifically addressed in the bible? No, but we know it's wrong. The RCC has the Magisterium to help us with those matters. And it has condemned abortion in no uncertain terms as gravely sinful.
And then everything will be just fine and dandy won't it?

We Catholics believe there will still be a price to pay in purgatory for grievous sins, but if you have repented, you will ultimate reach Heaven.
Pro choice advocates will not be upset by this and the Democratic party actually approves of it.... they cheer for it proudly in fact at their political rallies. They are pro choice (aka: pro death) and proud of it.

The first decent response to the OP in four pages.
But question for the 'pro-choice' people: Are you proud of this?

Why would you ask pro-choice people such a stupid question?
2411 little angelic faces will be the last thing this abortion doctor will see before he begins his descent into Gehenna. Unless, he at some point has asked God for forgiveness.

So you subscribe to a person being able to commit all sorts of atrocities and then asking God for forgiveness and it being granted, thus absolving himself from a life time of horrific acts with one simple apology?
More than 2,400 fetuses found at Illinois home to be buried

CHICAGO (AP) — In what's sure to be a politically charged ceremony, more than 2,400 fetuses found last year at the suburban Chicago home of one of the Midwest's most prolific abortion doctors will be buried Wednesday in Indiana, a state with some of the nation's toughest anti-abortion laws.

Actually the remains were in the garage and there already were two threads about it.

If anyone is interested they may read the threads at the following links.


2246 preserved fetal remains found in abortionist's garage
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Why would you ask pro-choice people such a stupid question?

It's a question designed to make them think hard about the consequences of their position. "Pro-choice" is another prettied-up misleading term concocted by the Marxists to mask what it really ,means which is 'giving your blessing to people butchering little children in the womb".
You did not answer his question... are you proud of it?

Why would I answer an asinine question as that, since I work every day to stop the kind of carnage the abortion doctor carried out? It's the so called 'pro-choicers' who enabled this monster to do what he did to all these little children.
It's a question designed to make them think hard about the consequences of their position. "Pro-choice" is another prettied-up misleading term concocted by the Marxists to mask what it really ,means which is 'giving your blessing to people butchering little children in the womb".

Pro Choice is a perfect term because it means that they support choice for a woman to have the baby or to have the baby butchered...

Why would I answer an asinine question as that, since I work every day to stop the kind of carnage the abortion doctor carried out?

All you need to do is to say that you do not support it instead of whining and dancing about...

It's the so called 'pro-choicers' who enabled this monster to do what he did to all these little children.

Nobody enabled this guy to do what he did... no woman consented to what he did or even knew about it anymore than you are enabling some lunatic to murder a doctor that performs abortions.

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