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2 Obama officials: No guarantee taxes won't go up (1 Viewer)

No. Far from it.

Rightt, because i wish to give Obama some more time. The same amount i gave Bush before i made my mind up on him?

Damn you are right. I am such a bitch. How dare i try and be fair between the two President.
Rightt, because i wish to give Obama some more time. The same amount i gave Bush before i made my mind up on him?

Damn you are right. I am such a bitch. How dare i try and be fair between the two President.

I agree with you. Time is what needs to pass to see what really will happen with Obama's moves and strategy to get us back on track. I gave Bush till around 2005. Oh well. The right wants to demonize because they feel threatened and are in the minority.
Wrong... because you wish to give The Obama a pass.

Because i wish to give Obama time.
It took me 2 years to concluded Bush was a ****wit.
Give me time to establish the same for Obama
Because i wish to give Obama time.
That's your -current- excuse.
One can only imagine the excuses you'll give later.
That's your -current- excuse.
One can only imagine the excuses you'll give later.

No, it is simple common sense.
Give Obama time, 7 months is hardly long
No, it is simple common sense.
Give Obama time, 7 months is hardly long
I'll believe it when I see it; I'll bet the farm that it never happens.
Until then -- keep making those excuses.
I don't think there is any upcoming President that can be worse than Bush.

When you get me a President who starts 2 more wars, then we'll talk

Hmm, terrorists attack America on 9/11 and you blame Bush for going to war to protect America? Also, a dangerous dictator fails to comply with numerous UN resolutions and whose actions had the potential to cause an even greater loss of life in America and you blame Bush?

All in all, at least Bush did something FOR America rather than against America - such as closing Guantanamo Bay without a plan as to what to do with the terrorists or pushing a costly universal healthcare plan after passing the most expensive bill in history at a time when the economy is already struggling. No thank you - in the end, Obama is making Bush look like a genius.
Hmm, terrorists attack America on 9/11 and you blame Bush for going to war to protect America? Also, a dangerous dictator fails to comply with numerous UN resolutions and whose actions had the potential to cause an even greater loss of life in America and you blame Bush?

Oh thats right, stupid me
The people in the plane had links with Saudi Arabia but we invade Iraq ... Yup, perfect sense to me.

Oh please.
We are going about UN resolutions now? Is that now the basis of a US attack on a country?

When do i expect to see US Soldiers in Darfur then?
Rightt, because i wish to give Obama some more time. The same amount i gave Bush before i made my mind up on him?

Damn you are right. I am such a bitch. How dare i try and be fair between the two President.

Fair? You unfairly blame one president for "starting" two wars without taking relevant facts into consideration - such as America was attacked on 9/11 while defending Obama's willful actions - such as finding new ways to overspend during what could have been a slight economic downturn.
Your inconsistencies are hardly fair.
He is commander in chief. Who else does the buck stop with? :roll:

As i said, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11
It was a war of CHOICE.
As i said, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11
It was a war of CHOICE.
According to you. Your opinion doesn't make it so.
No thank you - in the end, Obama is making Bush look like a genius.
Given that this would require a miracle -- an act of divine intervention -- doesn't this support His followers' notion that The Obama is indeed The Messiah?
Oh thats right, stupid me
The people in the plane had links with Saudi Arabia but we invade Iraq ... Yup, perfect sense to me.
Wait, you blamed Bush for TWO wars... you cannot count the Iraq war twice... besides I already adressed the causes of Iraq war... and I did not specifically cite 9/11... rather I stated, the failure to follow UN resolutions and the threat that was posed to America.
Oh please.
We are going about UN resolutions now? Is that now the basis of a US attack on a country?
No, not by itself, but coupled with the threat posed to America, if Saddam had been trying to aquire WMD's - unfortuntaly for Saddam, he was too successful in trying to appear as if he was hiding weapons...

When do i expect to see US Soldiers in Darfur then?
Do they pose a threat to the US?
Do they pose a threat to the US?

No threat to US.
Unless you include invisible WMD's. Yup, i heard the invisible ones could take out half of America.

Saddam should have been left alone.
...As i said, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11
It was a war of CHOICE.
...and as I stated, you referred to two wars; I cited 9/11 as the impetus for the Afghanistan War and Saddam's failure to comply with UN resolutions tied with the threat he posed if he had WMDs as some of the contributing reasons for Iraq.

All of a sudden, the Iraq war is the only war you seem to point out and take the specific cause for the Afghan war as the specific cause for the Iraq war – perhaps you are just confused… or perhaps you are trying to mislead.

In the end, I do agree with you on one point - the Iraq war was a war of choice - Saddam's choice.
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In the end, I do agree with you on one point - the Iraq war was a war of choice - Saddam's choice.

Afhanistan perhaps wasn't but it still counts as a war.
Iraq was a war of choice and stupidity for the 'coalition of the willing'

As i said and always have said, we should have left Iraq alone and Saddam
No threat to US.
Unless you include invisible WMD's. Yup, i heard the invisible ones could take out half of America.

Saddam should have been left alone.

Thank you for that Monday-morning quarterback analysis - but, unfortunately we did not know for certain that there were no WMDs and Saddam Hussein did everything he could to act as if he did, by not complying with UN resolutions.

Do you know why realistic toy guns are no longer sold in American toy stores? Not because they caused any direct harm by themselves, but rather because the police could not know for certain whether someone has a relaistic looking toy gun or a real one - and they could not afford to be wrong... same as America could not afford to be wrong with Iraq.
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same as America could not afford to be wrong with Iraq.

If we gave the UN investigators and Kelly more time, they would have ensured and checked. And hell maybe we wouldn't have lost so many soldiers.
We found no WMD's. We were wrong. Why is that so hard to accept?

So ... Attack Iraq but leave in place Saudi Arabia who has a history of funding and influencing extremism? Attack Iraq but leave Iran which is building a Nuke? Attack Iraq but leave Syria which funds terrorist groups?
Attack Iraq and ignore Al Qaeda is in Pakistan, a nuclear country

Great logic. I can see the world has gone so much safer because of our actions.
Afhanistan perhaps wasn't but it still counts as a war.
No one is arguing whether or not the Afghanistan War could or could not be counted as a war - rather you blamed President Bush for starting that war when in fact, America was attacked first on 9/11 and it was that event that directly led to the Afghan War.

Iraq was a war of choice and stupidity for the 'coalition of the willing'
Being wrong and being stupid are not synonymous - you were wrong to blame Bush for the Afghan War - are you arguing that becuase you are wrong, you are stupid too?

In the end, President Bush was right to try and protect America when the UN failed - the fact that Saddam was lying, is Saddam's own fault - he had many opportunities to simply comply with the UN - SADDAM CHOSE NOT TO AND THUS HE IS RESPONSIBLE.

As i said and always have said, we should have left Iraq alone and Saddam
I disagree.
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I disagree.

Well of course you disagree.

Okay, i'll admit i am wrong to blame Bush for Afghanistan but i will blame Bush for Iraq.
9/11 led to Afghanistan fair enough
But Bush must have been drunk when he authorised force in Iraq.
Well of course you disagree.

Okay, i'll admit i am wrong to blame Bush for Afghanistan but i will blame Bush for Iraq.
9/11 led to Afghanistan fair enough
But Bush must have been drunk when he authorised force in Iraq.

Lol, again I disagree :) - Saddam, by not complying with UN resolutions, appeared to have been hiding WMDs. America was still reeling from 9/11 and Bush simply could not put more innocent American lives in danger by allowing Saddam to have and perhaps distribute WMDs.

Again, and there is really no way of getting around this - Saddam chose not to comply - he could have complied and there would have been no war - but, Saddam chose not to comply.

Your argument is akin to arguing that a cop should be held responsible for shooting a criminal who did not comply with his order to lay on the ground and who, moreover, was brandishing an empty gun [which of couse, the police officer did not know was empty at that time.] In the end, the criminal's choice to not comply with the police officer led to his own shooting - the peace officer is not to blame for that choice.
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I think it is pathetic US is picking and choosing which nations to invade just because of UN resolution.

How many has Israel missed out on? Invade it?
How about China? Russia? Most of Africa ... And Asia ... and ME have human rights abuses, do we invade them all?

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