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16 Year Old Liberal saying Hi (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Hello there. I needed to find a healthy way to debate politics without constantly venting my frustrations on the people I live with so thats why I'm here. Don't think that because I'm 16, however, that my opinions shouldn't be as respected as anyone elses. I think you will find that I am--forgive me--a bit more well informed then the average 16 year old :)

I hope we have some great discussions.
Welcome FinnMacCool, I too am liberal. If you want to express the rage built up inside you, you've come to the right place!
Welcome aboard!!!

Where or how did you get your liberal views at a relatively young age?
Glad to have you.
I hope you enjoy it here.

I like your name. I must've been a bit younger than you when I cam across the mabinogion.
Where or how did you get your liberal views at a relatively young age?

I think it has to do with the fact that I grew up listening to punk music, which were very underground bands. The topics of their songs were very political and usually left leaning but thats when I started getting interested in politics.You might consider punk music just simply a genere but it is quite a bit more of that. These people were came from the lower-class of society, were shunned, rejected and were angry about it and expressed this in music. They also took ideas of government or dress or things like that and tried to think of a different way to do it and formed opinions which often shocked people (or sometimes just did it for the sake of shocking people). Because I grew up on these storys of poverty, racism, genocide, and war, I decided that it is neccesary to make some changes. Since being liberal has to do with making changes, I tend to support liberals.

My Dad also had a lot to deal with this. After September 11th, when I was 12, I supported Bush but my Dad didn't. We would often get into debates that made me end up questioning my beliefs. Now, when I look back, I realize that 9/11 drove everyone to be afraid and do stupid things. If it had been Kerry or Gore or some other guy in there, they would've all messed up this "War on Terror" the same way Bush is messing it up now but Iraq, of course, makes things different. I believe that, when the country was most supporting him, he took advantage of that to go into Iraq. The reason being globalization, the effects of which would not be apparent right away but soon and it would help Bush since he definatly has some ties to major corporations and oil companies.

I do not, however, feel any affiliation to a certain party. Democrats, republican, socialist, or any other kinda of politican; even Ralph Nadar, they are all corrupt. However sad as it is, the only thing I can possibly think of is supporting those who I believe are the lesser evil (which nowadays, are democrats). I won't try to defend Kerry because I think its irrelevant as he has lost the election.

Simon, thanks! I actually am very interested in Celtic and Norse myth. I guess you could say I am sort of studying it. I'm what you might call a "writer" and I take some inspiration from these old and sometimes ancient storys.

By the way, the quote from my signature comes from Operation Ivy, which is a punk/ska band.
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FinnMacCool said:
After September 11th, when I was 12, I supported Bush but my Dad didn't. We would often get into debates that made me end up questioning my beliefs.
Debating at 12 years old...awesome, regardless of political leaning.
Enjoy the forum.
Welcome to debate politics. I am also a music lover. I grew up on all sorts of music including punk and ska, which I still listen to even today.

I am also a liberal. I think Bush should be impeached. Of course, there a lot of other things that need to happen, but I think we should start there and then try to get the troops home.

Like you I also did not have a strong affinity toward any particular party. That is until recently. I currently affiliate with the Green Party, because they have the most forward thinking ideology when it comes to the state of the world today. They very strongly believe in taking on environmental issues which I feel is too often overlooked by the Republicans and Democrats.

That is also why often I write in GREEN!!

Welcome aboard. See you in the trenches. PM me if you need anything!
FinnMacCool said:
I think it has to do with the fact that I grew up listening to punk music, which were very underground bands. The topics of their songs were very political and usually left leaning but thats when I started getting interested in politics.You might consider punk music just simply a genere but it is quite a bit more of that. These people were came from the lower-class of society, were shunned, rejected and were angry about it and expressed this in music. They also took ideas of government or dress or things like that and tried to think of a different way to do it and formed opinions which often shocked people (or sometimes just did it for the sake of shocking people). Because I grew up on these storys of poverty, racism, genocide, and war, I decided that it is neccesary to make some changes. Since being liberal has to do with making changes, I tend to support liberals.

My Dad also had a lot to deal with this. After September 11th, when I was 12, I supported Bush but my Dad didn't. We would often get into debates that made me end up questioning my beliefs. Now, when I look back, I realize that 9/11 drove everyone to be afraid and do stupid things. If it had been Kerry or Gore or some other guy in there, they would've all messed up this "War on Terror" the same way Bush is messing it up now but Iraq, of course, makes things different. I believe that, when the country was most supporting him, he took advantage of that to go into Iraq. The reason being globalization, the effects of which would not be apparent right away but soon and it would help Bush since he definatly has some ties to major corporations and oil companies.

I do not, however, feel any affiliation to a certain party. Democrats, republican, socialist, or any other kinda of politican; even Ralph Nadar, they are all corrupt. However sad as it is, the only thing I can possibly think of is supporting those who I believe are the lesser evil (which nowadays, are democrats). I won't try to defend Kerry because I think its irrelevant as he has lost the election.

Simon, thanks! I actually am very interested in Celtic and Norse myth. I guess you could say I am sort of studying it. I'm what you might call a "writer" and I take some inspiration from these old and sometimes ancient storys.

By the way, the quote from my signature comes from Operation Ivy, which is a punk/ska band.

This post makes you...easily...the smartest liberal here....

Now don't screw it up!:2wave:
As you may already know, hardcore conservatives and the like believe that "liberal" today means "anti-american". As a liberal and a patriot, surely you know nothing could be further from the truth. In fact many of our founding fathers were indeed, "liberals".

That said, beware of the anti-liberal crew. You'll find cnredd often flames (although i see he paid you a nice compliment. do not be fooled). Navy Pride is another to be wary of, although he ususally speeaks mindless drivel. GySgt, usually has more substance to his arguments but is hard-core conservative. SKILMATIC is the more moderate and level headed of the bunch. He has a sense of humour and fairness that the others I mentioned before seem to lack.

The most outspoken on your side are of course myself, the king of spin 'Billo_Really', the eloquent 'freethough6t9', plus the sharpest and sanest of them all 'Simon W. Moon'. This is what I know from the month I have been debating here virtually 24/hrs a day.

Here are some links to forums where rhetoric is blowing up:

BUSH IS A WAR CRIMINAL, vote if you want him impeached.


THE GREAT MYTH: Liberal Media Bias


(there are several threads on the topic, but i just decided to point you to the latest)

Hope to read your posts in the near future!!
Batman said:
Debating at 12 years old...awesome, regardless of political leaning.
Enjoy the forum.

Yes, that's awesome, as I say age has No hold on itelligence. Being loaded with diplomas only proves that you have a great memory and can memorize numerous facts. Intelligence is only skin deep.
Im hurt cnredd. Lol, nah, no I am not, but I want to say welcome to a fellow liberal.

Welcome to the forum and may you hit all the topics I don't care to hit...because I bascially only go into Today's News anymore...kinda sad, but that is all I have time for.
ban.the.electoral.college said:
As you may already know, hardcore conservatives and the like believe that "liberal" today means "anti-american". As a liberal and a patriot, surely you know nothing could be further from the truth. In fact many of our founding fathers were indeed, "liberals".

hardcore conservative=anyone to the right of Ted Kennedy...
ban.the.electoral.college said:
That said, beware of the anti-liberal crew. You'll find cnredd often flames (although i see he paid you a nice compliment. do not be fooled). Navy Pride is another to be wary of, although he ususally speeaks mindless drivel. GySgt, usually has more substance to his arguments but is hard-core conservative. SKILMATIC is the more moderate and level headed of the bunch. He has a sense of humour and fairness that the others I mentioned before seem to lack.

The most outspoken on your side are of course myself, the king of spin 'Billo_Really', the eloquent 'freethough6t9', plus the sharpest and sanest of them all 'Simon W. Moon'. This is what I know from the month I have been debating here virtually 24/hrs a day.
Way to let him form his own opinions..."Welcome...here is a list of your enemies and friends"....Welcome to the brainwashing, Finn!

Here are some links to forums where rhetoric is blowing up:

BUSH IS A WAR CRIMINAL, vote if you want him impeached.


THE GREAT MYTH: Liberal Media Bias


(there are several threads on the topic, but i just decided to point you to the latest)[/QUOTE]

In other words...go to the threads that HE started...the hell with what interests you, Finn...sounds like a used car dealer telling you what kind of car he wants you to buy...:doh

If you start hating me, Finn...do it because it's your choice...not because someone grabbed you by the wrist and told you to!

This whole post was an insult to freedom of thought.
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Nobody likes CNREDD here, in-fact we've got a poll going to get him gone haha!
Just kidding, in fact I love my dear CNREDD! What would I do if he wasn't a member?

I'm a 16 Year Old Liberal as well (June 20th 1989) and I started debating political happenings about the time of the Iraqi Invasion. My mom and sister are both big Bush fans, I disagree with them on alot of political standings. I like Operation Ivy, Ramones, Smashing Pumpkins, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Misfitz.. when I talk about the ROCK music I like. But I'm mainly a metal head (my band is a Growling Metal Band) I love Man-O-War, Iced Earth, Arch Enemy, Immortal, Dimmu Borgir, Old Metallica.. etc etc.

I think you'll fit in here, take it easy.. you may think some of these people here are mean.. but that's their way of debating. I'm assured that you'll get used to it.

Arch Enemy said:
Nobody likes CNREDD here, in-fact we've got a poll going to get him gone haha!
Just kidding, in fact I love my dear CNREDD! What would I do if he wasn't a member?


Thank you...I think...

One thing I can attest to here is things are more honest when you can get someone from the "other side" of the aisle to agree with you.

If I say "I saw a report on Fox" to a Liberal, what comes next is usually discounted...but if you say "I read it in the NYTimes" to a Liberal, it lends itself more credibility...

Same with this forum....And you(Arch) can attest to this....I go after Conservatices if they're acting like idiots, too...

That's why I wish more Liberals would keep some of their own guys in check...hearing it from a Conservative rings hallow....

Hey Finn...I've gotten compliments from Arch & Sham...2 people on the left with over 2000 posts between them...and a put-down from someone whose been here less than 2 weeks...

You make the call!
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I agree! That guy who has been here for about 2 Weeks holds more value then Shau and I, just don't rub it in! :rofl

Now I believe that we're supposed to encourage posting, not frighten the living crap out of somebody.

CNREDD Makes Liberals look good!!
Arch Enemy said:
I agree! That guy who has been here for about 2 Weeks holds more value then Shau and I, just don't rub it in! :rofl

Now I believe that we're supposed to encourage posting, not frighten the living crap out of somebody.

CNREDD Makes Liberals look good!!

Believe me...That ain't no compliment to Liberals....;)
ban.the.electoral.college said:
As you may already know, hardcore conservatives and the like believe that "liberal" today means "anti-american". As a liberal and a patriot, surely you know nothing could be further from the truth. In fact many of our founding fathers were indeed, "liberals".

That said, beware of the anti-liberal crew. You'll find cnredd often flames (although i see he paid you a nice compliment. do not be fooled). Navy Pride is another to be wary of, although he ususally speeaks mindless drivel. GySgt, usually has more substance to his arguments but is hard-core conservative. SKILMATIC is the more moderate and level headed of the bunch. He has a sense of humour and fairness that the others I mentioned before seem to lack.

I disagree with these assessments. I suggest that you just take each member on their own merits as you find them.

ban.the.electoral.college said:
The most outspoken on your side are of course myself, the king of spin 'Billo_Really', the eloquent 'freethough6t9', plus the sharpest and sanest of them all 'Simon W. Moon'. This is what I know from the month I have been debating here virtually 24/hrs a day.

I also disagree with these assessments. Just because I oppose Team Bush's handling of the GWoT and the invasion of Iraq does not make me a liberal. I first registered as a Republican in 1985 back when conservatism was conservative. There's actually a great deal more to conservatism than mere loyalty to Bush and his Iraq policy. There's also room w/in conservatism for lively, vigorous and intellectually honest debate. Don't let the pop-cons fool you.

FWIW, I don't see myself as being on anybody's side per se. Some folks agree w/me about some things and other folks agree w/me about others. I can't help it or find fault when folks besides myself show some sense and agree w/me.
Cnredd-I try and point out bullshit now when it is coming from my own people just as much as when it is coming from conservatives, but sometimes...well, the conservative bs just overwhelms my senses, lol. Honestly, I think that you are a positive influence in this forum whether anyone wants to recognize it or not. You have a bunch of lame brains here who just want to come and express their opinions, and that is great, and then you have those who are here to both learn and educate at the same time...you usually fall into the latter.

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