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100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .[W:54] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 16, 2016
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Very Conservative
White House Responds To Petition To Label BLM A “Terror” Group « CBS Pittsburgh

BLM has attempted to disrupt political rallies for those seeking office beginning with and Bernie Sanders rallies and later with Trump rallies . Illegally stopping traffic, throwing eggs at supporters and damaging vehicles . “Terrorism is defined as ‘the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims,'” It's time to label the racist bullies terrorist because that is what they become . Recently BLM and the NEW Black Panther party indicated they intend to kill police in Cleveland .

Together with the BLM , Obama , Lynch and the democRATS have lied and misrepresented the Michael Brown BS “hands up don’t shoot” to Fred Grey and felon Alton Sterling deaths . Hillary , Obama and Lynch present their options as fact and continue to mislead and demonize law enforcement . Police and law enforcement are met with a toxic and highly dangerous community when attempting to do their JOB .

We are in a state of anarchy and mob rule with an administration that supports and encourages domestic terror ! We are approaching civil war with terrorist from home and aboard . We lack leadership and direction. In 7 short years this administration has done more to divide our Nation than ever before . We demand leadership and law and order , so much for the Obama “change “ !

“If you think that you are living in a stupid country, you can be sure that you are being governed by the most stupid people!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

Hyperbole much? The sky isn't falling and we're not entering civil war. Take a deep breath, catch some Pokemon.
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

WH response to the petition...

"....The White House plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations,” nor does the U.S. government “generate a list of domestic terror organizations.”​
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

Hyperbole much? The sky isn't falling and we're not entering civil war. Take a deep breath, catch some Pokemon.

There should be an even better word than Hyperbole. Just another poster making joke posts . . why . . what is bringing these posters out of the woodwork.
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

White House Responds To Petition To Label BLM A “Terror” Group « CBS Pittsburgh

BLM has attempted to disrupt political rallies for those seeking office beginning with and Bernie Sanders rallies and later with Trump rallies . Illegally stopping traffic, throwing eggs at supporters and damaging vehicles . “Terrorism is defined as ‘the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims,'” It's time to label the racist bullies terrorist because that is what they become . Recently BLM and the NEW Black Panther party indicated they intend to kill police in Cleveland .

Together with the BLM , Obama , Lynch and the democRATS have lied and misrepresented the Michael Brown BS “hands up don’t shoot” to Fred Grey and felon Alton Sterling deaths . Hillary , Obama and Lynch present their options as fact and continue to mislead and demonize law enforcement . Police and law enforcement are met with a toxic and highly dangerous community when attempting to do their JOB .

We are in a state of anarchy and mob rule with an administration that supports and encourages domestic terror ! We are approaching civil war with terrorist from home and aboard . We lack leadership and direction. In 7 short years this administration has done more to divide our Nation than ever before . We demand leadership and law and order , so much for the Obama “change “ !

“If you think that you are living in a stupid country, you can be sure that you are being governed by the most stupid people!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan

Time to stock up on corned beef, candles and ammunition. You probably still have some freeze-dried Y2K stash left. Good.
Charlie Manson was right, you know, about 'helter-skelter'. Google it.
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

White House Responds To Petition To Label BLM A “Terror” Group « CBS Pittsburgh

BLM has attempted to disrupt political rallies for those seeking office beginning with and Bernie Sanders rallies and later with Trump rallies . Illegally stopping traffic, throwing eggs at supporters and damaging vehicles . “Terrorism is defined as ‘the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims,'” It's time to label the racist bullies terrorist because that is what they become . Recently BLM and the NEW Black Panther party indicated they intend to kill police in Cleveland .

Together with the BLM , Obama , Lynch and the democRATS have lied and misrepresented the Michael Brown BS “hands up don’t shoot” to Fred Grey and felon Alton Sterling deaths . Hillary , Obama and Lynch present their options as fact and continue to mislead and demonize law enforcement . Police and law enforcement are met with a toxic and highly dangerous community when attempting to do their JOB .

We are in a state of anarchy and mob rule with an administration that supports and encourages domestic terror ! We are approaching civil war with terrorist from home and aboard . We lack leadership and direction. In 7 short years this administration has done more to divide our Nation than ever before . We demand leadership and law and order , so much for the Obama “change “ !

“If you think that you are living in a stupid country, you can be sure that you are being governed by the most stupid people!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan

Say it, don't spray it.

Any one got a towel I can use...
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

Hyperbole much? The sky isn't falling and we're not entering civil war. Take a deep breath, catch some Pokemon.

Dude, it just became available in Canada, just caught a charmander and a Venonat while taking a **** at work.

Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

Dude, it just became available in Canada, just caught a charmander and a Venonat while taking a **** at work.


Ironically, they are still waiting for it to be released in Japan. I say we hold it hostage till Japan makes Kantai Collection available in the US...
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

Dude, it just became available in Canada, just caught a charmander and a Venonat while taking a **** at work.


Lucky you, sadly US Military doesn't allow Pokemon to spawn naturally on post. So if any troops want to play Pokemon on post they need spend money on lures and incense. That's too expensive for my blood at the moment.
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

White House Responds To Petition To Label BLM A “Terror” Group « CBS Pittsburgh

BLM has attempted to disrupt political rallies for those seeking office beginning with and Bernie Sanders rallies and later with Trump rallies . Illegally stopping traffic, throwing eggs at supporters and damaging vehicles . “Terrorism is defined as ‘the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims,'” It's time to label the racist bullies terrorist because that is what they become . Recently BLM and the NEW Black Panther party indicated they intend to kill police in Cleveland .

Together with the BLM , Obama , Lynch and the democRATS have lied and misrepresented the Michael Brown BS “hands up don’t shoot” to Fred Grey and felon Alton Sterling deaths . Hillary , Obama and Lynch present their options as fact and continue to mislead and demonize law enforcement . Police and law enforcement are met with a toxic and highly dangerous community when attempting to do their JOB .

We are in a state of anarchy and mob rule with an administration that supports and encourages domestic terror ! We are approaching civil war with terrorist from home and aboard . We lack leadership and direction. In 7 short years this administration has done more to divide our Nation than ever before . We demand leadership and law and order , so much for the Obama “change “ !

“If you think that you are living in a stupid country, you can be sure that you are being governed by the most stupid people!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan

LMAO I love it!!!
another example of fluff and hype!

"racist terrorist group":lamo
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

WH response to the petition...

"....The White House plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations,” nor does the U.S. government “generate a list of domestic terror organizations.”​

Ummm....what? Who does, if not the executive?
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

Lucky you, sadly US Military doesn't allow Pokemon to spawn naturally on post. So if any troops want to play Pokemon on post they need spend money on lures and incense. That's too expensive for my blood at the moment.

That's why you let all the barracks dwellers spend the money for you and just use theirs.
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

Ummm....what? Who does, if not the executive?

I took a few minutes to look, and early reading suggests there is no system in place to do it. There are kinda sorta lists(AG and FBI have something like it), but nothing official. Note I only spent 15 minutes on it, so I may have missed something.
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

Hyperbole much? The sky isn't falling and we're not entering civil war. Take a deep breath, catch some Pokemon.

Well, it does follow the rather odd way we have been interpreting minority protection by the Constitution these last year. Terrible as it might seem.
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

I took a few minutes to look, and early reading suggests there is no system in place to do it. There are kinda sorta lists(AG and FBI have something like it), but nothing official. Note I only spent 15 minutes on it, so I may have missed something.

We do have terrorist watch lists, though. All that falls under various departments of the executive.
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

We do have terrorist watch lists, though. All that falls under various departments of the executive.

Yes, that is the AG list I referred to.
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

White House Responds To Petition To Label BLM A “Terror” Group « CBS Pittsburgh

BLM has attempted to disrupt political rallies for those seeking office beginning with and Bernie Sanders rallies and later with Trump rallies . Illegally stopping traffic, throwing eggs at supporters and damaging vehicles . “Terrorism is defined as ‘the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims,'” It's time to label the racist bullies terrorist because that is what they become . Recently BLM and the NEW Black Panther party indicated they intend to kill police in Cleveland .

Together with the BLM , Obama , Lynch and the democRATS have lied and misrepresented the Michael Brown BS “hands up don’t shoot” to Fred Grey and felon Alton Sterling deaths . Hillary , Obama and Lynch present their options as fact and continue to mislead and demonize law enforcement . Police and law enforcement are met with a toxic and highly dangerous community when attempting to do their JOB .

We are in a state of anarchy and mob rule with an administration that supports and encourages domestic terror ! We are approaching civil war with terrorist from home and aboard . We lack leadership and direction. In 7 short years this administration has done more to divide our Nation than ever before . We demand leadership and law and order , so much for the Obama “change “ !

“If you think that you are living in a stupid country, you can be sure that you are being governed by the most stupid people!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan

you have some serious issues
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

"....The White House plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations,” nor does the U.S. government “generate a list of domestic terror organizations.”​

I loled
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

White House Responds To Petition To Label BLM A “Terror” Group « CBS Pittsburgh

BLM has attempted to disrupt political rallies for those seeking office beginning with and Bernie Sanders rallies and later with Trump rallies . Illegally stopping traffic, throwing eggs at supporters and damaging vehicles . “Terrorism is defined as ‘the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims,'” It's time to label the racist bullies terrorist because that is what they become . Recently BLM and the NEW Black Panther party indicated they intend to kill police in Cleveland .

Together with the BLM , Obama , Lynch and the democRATS have lied and misrepresented the Michael Brown BS “hands up don’t shoot” to Fred Grey and felon Alton Sterling deaths . Hillary , Obama and Lynch present their options as fact and continue to mislead and demonize law enforcement . Police and law enforcement are met with a toxic and highly dangerous community when attempting to do their JOB .

We are in a state of anarchy and mob rule with an administration that supports and encourages domestic terror ! We are approaching civil war with terrorist from home and aboard . We lack leadership and direction. In 7 short years this administration has done more to divide our Nation than ever before . We demand leadership and law and order , so much for the Obama “change “ !

“If you think that you are living in a stupid country, you can be sure that you are being governed by the most stupid people!”
― Mehmet Murat ildan

BLM has probably been hijacked (or is occasionally hijacked) by people whose sole intention is to create mayhem. Anyone can say they belong to BLM. It's not an exclusive club.
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

WH response to the petition...

"....The White House plays no role in designating domestic terror organizations,” nor does the U.S. government “generate a list of domestic terror organizations.”​

LOL! seriously?
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

Hyperbole much? The sky isn't falling and we're not entering civil war. Take a deep breath, catch some Pokemon.

I wonder if you would think twice about that if you were a cop. Those of us who are removed from the violence and are sitting pretty easily comment on something we don't have a clue about. I, personally, find it unacceptable that
a ..cops are so anxious that they are more prone to use lethal force
b...we don't come together and speak up against the "kill all pigs" mentality.
c...Potus takes sides based on skin color
We may not enter a civil war today or tomorrow, but this violence needs to stop and cooler heads need to sit and talk, objectively and unbiased. If we don't...I don't want to think about it.
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

,” nor does the U.S. government “generate a list of domestic terror organizations.”

Since when?

Who does generate a list of domestic terror organizations?
Re: 100,000 sign petition to label BLM a terror group .

Time to stock up on corned beef, candles and ammunition. You probably still have some freeze-dried Y2K stash left. Good.
Charlie Manson was right, you know, about 'helter-skelter'. Google it.

And must be time to re-stock that pixie dust and put away those unicorns . google that . :roll:

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