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$1.5B contract in Iraq for Biden’s little brother (2 Viewers)

But you ARE voting for Joe, right?

If he wins the Primary? Obviously.

You have to understand that whatever faults any Democratic candidate possesses, Trump eclipses them by a thousand times. In fact, Trump is a Voltron of every candidate's worst qualities, and his worst qualities are so much worse. That's why nothing trump supporters point out about any of the Democratic candidates actually matters.
Hang on.

Republicans are for this, correct?
That's it. I'm totally not voting for James Biden in 2020.

Correct. You're voting for the guy who used his position at the White House to facilitate James Biden's miraculous $1.5b windfall. That's even worse.
Correct. You're voting for the guy who used his position at the White House to facilitate James Biden's miraculous $1.5b windfall. That's even worse.

Like comparing a pickpocket to a trafficker in underage sex slaves.

And yes, Biden is the pickpocket and Trump is the trafficker in underage sex slaves in that simile.

You're asking us to vote for the worst human being in American Presidential history over Biden. You're not gonna get any traction with that here.
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Like comparing a pickpocket to a trafficker in underage sex slaves.

And yes, Biden is the pickpocket and Trump is the trafficker in underage sex slaves in that simile.

You're asking us to vote for the worst human being in American Presidential history over Biden. You'd not gonna get any traction with that here.

I just saw a "are for kids" post saying Hillary makes Trump look like a choir-boy. Good stuff.
With the Barr "probe" into the origins of the Russia hack of the DNC, I'm sure the "both sides" argument will play for the next decade or so.
Correct. You're voting for the guy who used his position at the White House to facilitate James Biden's miraculous $1.5b windfall. That's even worse.

So we are straight here, James Biden works for a construction consulting firm since 2010 and they are apart of the Iraq construction contracts. The company HillStone got the contract did Biden help? But the only facts here are the contract and Biden working for the company. Biden did not receive a check for 1.5 billion.
Like comparing a pickpocket to a trafficker in underage sex slaves.

And yes, Biden is the pickpocket and Trump is the trafficker in underage sex slaves in that simile.

I was solely speaking of Biden's character, and wasn't comparing him to Trump. Biden isn't currently running against Trump, he's running against a dozen Democrats, all of whom seem to be much more morally and mentally sound than he is.

You're asking us to vote for the worst human being in American Presidential history over Biden. You'd not gonna get any traction with that here.

I'm doing no such thing. In fact, if anything, I would prefer you to vote for Tulsi Gabbard, running third party. :lamo
I was solely speaking of Biden's character, and wasn't comparing him to Trump.

That's interesting. If Biden wins the Primary will he be running against anybody in the Republican Party, or is he the only candidate in the 2020 race?
So we are straight here, James Biden works for a construction consulting firm since 2010 and they are apart of the Iraq construction contracts. The company HillStone got the contract did Biden help? But the only facts here are the contract and Biden working for the company. Biden did not receive a check for 1.5 billion.

This appears early on in the OP source article:

"HillStone International won a coveted government contract in part because the company has “the little brother of the vice president as a partner,” as David Richter, president of HillStone’s parent company explained to investors in a recent meeting reported on by Fox Business today."

Richter admitted that Biden's big brother played a part in HillStone receiving the contact. You're correct that Biden didn't pocket the $1.5b, but I'm sure he made off with a nice chunk of US government $$. Maybe he only received 1/15 of the payment, which is $100,000,000...more money than the average Biden supporter will make in his/her lifetime.
I would totally believe that James Biden has some PR impact sitting on that Board in Iraq just as Hunter Biden would have had some PR impact sitting the Board of an energy company in Ukraine.

Yes, sitting a Board member who is the son of the VP of the United States is going to have a PR impact and draw attention to YOUR company. The Biden kids did not have to have specific knowledge for those industries. They could have sat there like tree stumps and been worth whatever they were getting paid. My only surprise in the case of Hunter is that Burisma was not paying him MORE!

Grow up people.
That's interesting. If Biden wins the Primary will he be running against anybody in the Republican Party, or is he the only candidate in the 2020 race?

Yes, but that's a big IF.

According to CNN, Warren is now the frontrunner. It's probably wise for you guys to dump Sloppy Joe.
Yes, but that's a big IF.

According to CNN, Warren is now the frontrunner. It's probably wise for you guys to dump Sloppy Joe.

I have no personal control over who wins the Primary. I only know that whoever wins it, that person will be running against one of the worst human beings this country has to offer.
Boy! Biden and his kinfolk made a ****load of money during Biden's time as veep.

$1.5B contract in Iraq for Biden’s little brother exposes Obama ahead of debate

Where is the $1.5 Billion? The story says...

The housing contract in Iraq is expected to generate $1.5 billion for James Biden’s HillStone, according to Fox

So, it's a made-up number by Fox. But James Biden doesn't own HillStone. He was hired by them. So how does the $1.5 billion get into Jame's Biden's pockets?

And this story is from 2012. Why didn't the Republican House and Senate investigate this? Why didn't Romney bring it up? Could it be that there is nothing there?

This appears early on in the OP source article:

"HillStone International won a coveted government contract in part because the company has “the little brother of the vice president as a partner,” as David Richter, president of HillStone’s parent company explained to investors in a recent meeting reported on by Fox Business today."

Richter admitted that Biden's big brother played a part in HillStone receiving the contact. You're correct that Biden didn't pocket the $1.5b, but I'm sure he made off with a nice chunk of US government $$. Maybe he only received 1/15 of the payment, which is $100,000,000...more money than the average Biden supporter will make in his/her lifetime.

It is an on-going thing with people with power and their family members. I doubt the VP gets that type of money for one job.
It's all wink wink nudge nudge when politicians and their kids get millionaire status. They run on a platform of hating millionaires as they become millionaires themselves. It's a tradition as old as the Roman Empire,

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