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Zinke chartered flight in oil executive's plane for $12,000: report (1 Viewer)

And what is your point? It's been this way for many years.
Did he break the law?

That way for years does not make it right- then look at the optics- rather ffn stupid move. The ethics people should have been able to ad 1 and 1.
That way for years does not make it right- then look at the optics- rather ffn stupid move. The ethics people should have been able to ad 1 and 1.

The way it is currently set up is per the law!
It's needs to be looked at. But right now that is what it is.
Did he break any laws? I don't think we know that now.
The way it is currently set up is per the law!
It's needs to be looked at. But right now that is what it is.
Did he break any laws? I don't think we know that now.

No we do not know if a law was broken,we also do not know if this was a 1 of??? But the optics suck. The ethics people should get some glasses.
No we do not know if a law was broken,we also do not know if this was a 1 of??? But the optics suck. The ethics people should get some glasses.

OK... I agree with you about the optics!
In what way? Companies list their airplanes with chartering companies. Customers go to the chartering companies to buy a charter. I don't know whether or not the charter company chooses the plane or the customer since I don't charter them myself. This sounds like a complaint without a problem. The problem is that he chartered the jet in the first place.

Depending on where in Montana and how many travelled, $12 K may be a bargain. The Beech I think seats 10 or so. Flights to Podunk Montana are not cheap, if you can get there at all.
I'm more concerned with any conflict of interest with the ownership. But it's likely that the charter was booked through a charter company and Joe six pack does not typically rent out his million dollar plane.

This is far different than $400 K of travel by one person when public travel was available.
OK... I agree with you about the optics!

Thank you
We will have to wait for more info. Off topic but I wonder if Price is toast?? Your opinion is?
Thank you
We will have to wait for more info. Off topic but I wonder if Price is toast?? Your opinion is?

I think he will get the Ax over this. And then when you throw in healthcare fiasco in the Senate.
It does not look good for him. Watch for the tweet! :2razz:
I think he will get the Ax over this. And then when you throw in healthcare fiasco in the Senate.
It does not look good for him. Watch for the tweet! :2razz:

I agree- wonder if he would have the gall to run for Congress again?
Don't try to make this a Trump problem. Abuse of expense accounts is rampant. Abuse of private flights is rampant. This didn't just start In January 2017.

Personally, I'm hoping Trump asks for Price's resignation. What a powerful message that would send. I also think he should appoint a task force to investigate expense account abuse across the board. And if each major dept within the gvmt doesn't have an expense auditing company auditing expenses monthly? They're all complicit. And I know they are.

Yes and they can start with Trump's expenses.
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Yes and they can start with Trump's expenses.

Well, I don't think that's going to happen. The POTUS is a little different than a rank and file employee. Now aren't they? Lobby Congress to controls on it.
Read more here: Zinke chartered flight in oil executive's plane for $12,000: report | TheHill

So basically we have two ethically challenged actions here.

1. Like other members of the Trump administration, he is using extremely expensive charted flights on the taxpayer's dime.

2. He is using that taxpayer money on oil industry planes.

Once again, they are filling the swamp.

Obama officials also took pricey, non-commercial planes

The use of private planes by President Trump’s Cabinet has come under intense media scrutiny in recent days, but officials in the Obama administration also took pricey flights on the government’s dime, including for personal trips.

Top figures during President Barack Obama’s tenure who used non-commercial planes for travel included then-attorney generals Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, then-FBI director Robert Mueller, and then-CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta.

Flight furor: Obama officials also took pricey, non-commercial planes | Fox News
Which would be worse, if the government official paid more for the oil company plane or if he paid less for it?
Less I would say, more may simply be incompetence, whereas less could imply some level of bribery.
Civil servants are not allowed to accept valuable gifts.
Less I would say, more may simply be incompetence, whereas less could imply some level of bribery.
Civil servants are not allowed to accept valuable gifts.

Or, another way to look at it is, if he was spending government money on the flight being charged less wouldn't really be a bribe. If he was spending his own money it might be different. Paying more than the market rate might be seen as cronyism.
I suspect there's nothing at work here but plain bad judgement. No government official should put himself under that kind of spotlight.
Or, another way to look at it is, if he was spending government money on the flight being charged less wouldn't really be a bribe. If he was spending his own money it might be different. Paying more than the market rate might be seen as cronyism.
I suspect there's nothing at work here but plain bad judgement. No government official should put himself under that kind of spotlight.

I think you may be right, simply poor judgment.
Do you think that the Secretary even knew who owned the plane? Someone on his staff charters it and he flies. Do you think the plane is even in the name of the executive or a holding company of some sorts?

According to reports he gave a speech to a hockey team and this exec was a campaign donor. Yep, he knew him.

Not only is the swamp full but the friendly skies too. Between paying for the cabinet's trips, 45's weekend getaways from that DC public housing dump where he now resides and having to pay for rooms, food and SS golfcarts, and $300,000 for his kids to ski, that's pretty expensive swamp land.
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Obama officials also took pricey, non-commercial planes

The use of private planes by President Trump’s Cabinet has come under intense media scrutiny in recent days, but officials in the Obama administration also took pricey flights on the government’s dime, including for personal trips.

Top figures during President Barack Obama’s tenure who used non-commercial planes for travel included then-attorney generals Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, then-FBI director Robert Mueller, and then-CIA director and defense secretary Leon Panetta.

Flight furor: Obama officials also took pricey, non-commercial planes | Fox News

More blame Obama non sense for trump's bumbling Presidency...LOL

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