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ZERO Iraqi Batallions ready to fight alone (1 Viewer)

What happened to those 35 battalions Bush bragged about?
scottyz said:
What happened to those 35 battalions Bush bragged about?
I think the 35 battalions that you are talking about are the ones that are prepared to fight with our support. Those are actually up to over 50 now.

It isn't good news that the one battalion that was prepared to fight without our support has been downgraded. It is good news that more have been upgraded to being able to fight with our support. I would actually consider this to be 2 steps forward followed by 1 step backward. Not all bad, but not as good as you would hope.
NYStateofMind said:
I think the 35 battalions that you are talking about are the ones that are prepared to fight with our support. Those are actually up to over 50 now.
He said these 35 battalions had assumed control over Iraqi cities and were ready to take the lead.
Oh look at the left cheer with glee: "civil war civil war, yaaaay!" You people are sick.

And as a matter of fact Sadder the head of the Shiite militia has made the order for them to protect Sunni Mosques, so put that in your pipe and bite down.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
And as a matter of fact Sadder the head of the Shiite militia ...
Sadr is in charge of A Shi'ite militia, not 'the'.
Simon W. Moon said:
Sadr is in charge of A Shi'ite militia, not 'the'.

So what his militia is the most powerful and the most radical and if he's calling for peace in the wake of this bombing it says quite alot about the ground situation, no one there wants civil war except for Iran and the foriegn insurgency.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Oh look at the left cheer with glee: "civil war civil war, yaaaay!" You people are sick.
Who is cheering? :roll: This means we have to stay there longer, lose more troops and go further into debt.
scottyz said:
Who is cheering? :roll: This means we have to stay there longer, lose more troops and go further into debt.

I'm cheering!!! I'm cheering for training Iraq troops as fast as we possibly can, so we can get our men and women home as soon as possible. :smile:
scottyz said:
Who is cheering? :roll: This means we have to stay there longer, lose more troops and go further into debt.

The left will never admit it but they are praying for a full out civil war...The only way they can regain power in this country is if that happens..........

As far as the Iraqis fighting by theirselves they are the ones that controlled the curfew the last few days without and U.S. help.....
Navy Pride said:
The left will never admit it but they are praying for a full out civil war...The only way they can regain power in this country is if that happens..........

As far as the Iraqis fighting by theirselves they are the ones that controlled the curfew the last few days without and U.S. help.....

The truth is NP that YOU are probably secretly praying for another 9/11 to strike America so that the Republicans can hold on to power.

That is the only reason Bush got re-elected, because the RNC and Rove used 9/11 to perfection.

Right NP?
scottyz said:
Who is cheering? :roll: This means we have to stay there longer, lose more troops and go further into debt.

Bullshit you people have been praying for civil war in Iraq this whole freaking time so you could say look Bush was wrong yadayadayada just like you people cheer at the 1,000 and 2,000 American KIA counts.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Oh look at the left cheer with glee: "civil war civil war, yaaaay!" You people are sick.

And as a matter of fact Sadder the head of the Shiite militia has made the order for them to protect Sunni Mosques, so put that in your pipe and bite down.

I believe it was Deegan who posted that he always thought that Iraq would end up in Civil War. Do you consider him a lefty?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Bullshit you people have been praying for civil war in Iraq this whole freaking time so you could say look Bush was wrong yadayadayada just like you people cheer at the 1,000 and 2,000 American KIA counts.
yadayadaydayda.. take your prozac today? :roll:
hipsterdufus said:
I believe it was Deegan who posted that he always thought that Iraq would end up in Civil War. Do you consider him a lefty?
Many people warned it would devolve into civil war. It's not a left or right thing, it is just the reality of the situation. It's why Bush Sr. and Cheney originally thought taking Iraq was a bad idea....
hipsterdufus said:

If the civil war is underway in Iraq, my guess is a that lot of these batallions will simply dissolve completely.

The unending, self-serving attempts to lie about and smear our troops and their mission by the "patriotic" left is still underway.

You painted this as a step backwards. The unbiased version is that some core changes were made to this one battalion and it had to have temporary assistance from our troops, requiring it to be temporarily referred to as a level two battalion. This is from your link:

"...its readiness level has dropped in the wake of a new commander and numerous changes in the combat and support units..."

Furthermore, one of the most important examples of substantive progress was mentioned in this link you provided: "The security force operations are under the direction of the Iraqi government."

This link also reveals how much progress we are making (contrary to your spin) in specific detail:

"According to the congressionally mandated Iraq security report released Friday, there are 53 Iraqi battalions at level two status, up from 36 in October. There are 45 battalions at level three, according to the report.
Overall, Pentagon officials said close to 100 Iraqi army battalions are operational, and more than 100 Iraq Security Force battalions are operational at levels two or three."

Not nearly as dramatic and condemning without the B.S. spin, huh?

How long did it take us to convert Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan to functioning democracies with the patriotic left telling us it couldn't be done every step of the way?

Nice try.

Every time you people try to pull the rug out from under our troops and smear their mission with this phony spin, conservatives will call you out for it. You should get use to it.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Bullshit you people have been praying for civil war in Iraq this whole freaking time so you could say look Bush was wrong yadayadayada just like you people cheer at the 1,000 and 2,000 American KIA counts.

They have to hope and pray everything goes bad in Iraq even if it means more american deaths.........That is the sad part........
KidRocks said:
The truth is NP that YOU are probably secretly praying for another 9/11 to strike America so that the Republicans can hold on to power.

That is the only reason Bush got re-elected, because the RNC and Rove used 9/11 to perfection.

Right NP?

Yeah, that must be why Bush is making himself more unpopular by spying on internation calls that might be suspected to have relations with al qaeda...
Navy Pride said:
They have to hope and pray everything goes bad in Iraq even if it means more american deaths.........That is the sad part........

Oh shucks NP, you found us out! The reason why top leftists have called out for a withdrawel of our troops is because they think that by pulling our troops from harms way they'll die.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Bullshit you people have been praying for civil war in Iraq this whole freaking time so you could say look Bush was wrong yadayadayada just like you people cheer at the 1,000 and 2,000 American KIA counts.


cheering isn't the same protesting. The only thing the left wants is to get get out or do the job right because we, unlike the right, value human lives.
You people are so sad.

If you want to know what is going on inside Iraq regarding the politics, tribal feuding and the Iraqi military, read about Pakistan and what happened there.

I keep typing that we are facing a failing civilization. Sooner or later, people will wake up to this.
You people are so sad.

If you want to know what is going on inside Iraq regarding the politics, tribal feuding and the Iraqi military, read about Pakistan and what happened there.

I keep typing that we are facing a failing civilization. Sooner or later, people will wake up to this.

Why are you always so mysterious? What you say makes absolutely no sense, especially when you refuse to make a point but only post so you can tell everyone how much smarter you are then everyone else. I suggest you make a thread instead of acting like some kind of hit and run mystery poster.

Sorry if that came off as rude.
FinnMacCool said:
Why are you always so mysterious? What you say makes absolutely no sense, especially when you refuse to make a point but only post so you can tell everyone how much smarter you are then everyone else. I suggest you make a thread instead of acting like some kind of hit and run mystery poster.

Sorry if that came off as rude.

Because I am the man of mystery. I am ........(wait for it)..........Austin Powers. Groooovy Baby.

Pakistan has been the greatest disappointment among the major states that tried democracy. They had every reason to succeed but they are endangered. There are lessons there. The speed in which the general American wants troops out of Iraq is hurting. Weak, new governments, or those transforming themselves, need training wheels on the bicycle of state, and we try to insist instead that every government should jump on a Harley.
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GySgt said:
The speed in which the general American wants troops out of Iraq is hurting. Weak, new governments, or those transforming themselves, need training wheels on the bicycle of state, and we try to insist instead that every government should jump on a Harley.

right, but we should either do the job right, or get out. When KIAs are coming in everyday, you know you need to fix the stradegy. I guess since we've "gotten so far" in Iraq, we should stay in there until they've got a beter government but we should put more troops in so as to swamp and overload the insurgency.

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