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Zelensky, IMF discuss post-war reconstruction of Ukraine (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Zelensky, IMF discuss post-war reconstruction of Ukraine


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and International Monetary Fund (IMF) Director Kristalina Georgieva have discussed post-war reconstruction efforts as the conflict in the Eastern European country nears two months old. In a statement Sunday, Zelensky said he spoke with Georgieva about preparations needed to spearhead such efforts as well as issues affecting Ukraine's financial stability. "We have clear plans for now, as well as a vision of prospects," Zelensky said. "I'm sure cooperation between the IMF & [Ukraine] will continue to be fruitful." Georgieva thanked Zelensky for the "very good call" in a separate statement while calling for continuing economic support for the besieged nation in order "to lay the foundations for rebuilding a modern competitive Ukraine." The call was held after Ukrainian Prime Minster Denys Shmyhal spoke with Alfred Kammer, the director of the European Department of the IMF, on Saturday about the international financial institution's role in supporting Ukraine.

The war has also laid destruction to Ukrainian infrastructure, and Shmyhal said that mid-March preliminary estimates show $565 billion will be required to rebuild Ukraine after the war. The United Nations Development Program citing government data said around the same time that at least $100 billion worth of infrastructure, buildings, roads, bridges, hospitals and schools have been destroyed. The IMF in March approved the disbursement of $1.4 billion in emergency financing support to Ukraine. Later that same month, the IMF released a report stating Ukraine's economy could contract by as much as 35% because of the war with its growth outlook for the fiscal year now forecast to drop by at least 13.5 percentage points compared to its pre-war baseline. The subsequent punitive measures democratic nations have levied against Russia in response to the war have already taken a bit out of its economy, which is now sliding into a deep recession.

To the greatest extent possible, Russian accounts frozen by Western governments should be earmarked as partial war reparations.

Whatever the final formula, the rebuilding of Ukraine should be a joint venture between Ukraine and an international body such as the IMF to make sure corruption is not permitted.
Zelensky, IMF discuss post-war reconstruction of Ukraine


To the greatest extent possible, Russian accounts frozen by Western governments should be earmarked as partial war reparations.

Whatever the final formula, the rebuilding of Ukraine should be a joint venture between Ukraine and an international body such as the IMF to make sure corruption is not permitted.

Regarding the highlight, I have to quote the wise political scientist, John McEnroe: "You canNOT be serious!"

If there are huge piles-o-money and lying thieves involved, there will theft, corruption, pay offs, pay backs and lies.
Regarding the highlight, I have to quote the wise political scientist, John McEnroe: "You canNOT be serious!"

If there are huge piles-o-money and lying thieves involved, there will theft, corruption, pay offs, pay backs and lies.

On the contrary, the IMF has loaned Ukraine billions since 2014. The books are monitored by the IMF (where money goes, who gets it, what are the results, etc.)

Ukraine has never missed a payment nor a tranch by the IMF. In addition, funding is also tied to benchmarks such as judicial reform.

No, it is not play money as you allege. But then again, you really know little of Ukraine. Only what FOX tells you.
On the contrary, the IMF has loaned Ukraine billions since 2014. The books are monitored by the IMF (where money goes, who gets it, what are the results, etc.)

Ukraine has never missed a payment nor a tranch by the IMF. In addition, funding is also tied to benchmarks such as judicial reform.

No, it is not play money as you allege. But then again, you really know little of Ukraine. Only what FOX tells you.

Your idiocy here is what it is.
In what way does that attach to the IMF?

You allege that Ukraine cheats the IMF, but you have shown us no proofs, nor even IMF accusations.
You allege that Ukraine cheats the IMF, but you have shown us no proofs, nor even IMF accusations.

Well it looks like the Ukraine, under Zelensky and before, is dragging its heels on the reforms their IMF loans are dependent on

From just over a year ago.

Ukraine has a growing debt problem that the government under President Volodymyr Zelensky is only making worse. The International Monetary Fund’s financial support for Ukraine is conditioned on the country making various reforms that will reduce its dependence on international assistance in the future. Kyiv, however, appears to be looking for ways to circumvent the IMF’s conditions while still tapping into the market for government debt. That’s a dangerous strategy for a country whose relationships with the United States and the countries of Western Europe—which together constitute the main source of IMF funds—remain indispensable as it fights off Russia on its eastern border.

You allege that Ukraine cheats the IMF, but you have shown us no proofs, nor even IMF accusations.

Except as lying thieves are lying thieves wherever they live, I made no judgement on anyone in Ukraine.

However, politics very often reduces people to being lying thieves. Zelenskyy may be a notable exsception.

The IMF is actully the entity that I was targeting, though.
To the greatest extent possible, Russian accounts frozen by Western governments should be earmarked as partial war reparations.

I suspect that this hasn't and won't apply to wars waged by Western governments because Western governments deem their wars as being just.
I suspect that this hasn't and won't apply to wars waged by Western governments because Western governments deem their wars as being just.

It also opens an interesting can of worms, given that Ukraine is not gonna be the last war. Next time say Armenia and Azerbaijan clash a condition for ceasefire will be the party with the upper hand presenting a bill for damages.
I suspect that this hasn't and won't apply to wars waged by Western governments because Western governments deem their wars as being just.

You suspect everything and everyone that doesn't conform to you convoluted worldview.
You suspect everything and everyone that doesn't conform to you convoluted worldview.

Major league projection going on in the above.

Why didn't you comment on the Ukrainians circumventing of the conditions of their IMF loans instead of engaging in the usual ad hominem against people who dare to disagree with you?
It also opens an interesting can of worms, given that Ukraine is not gonna be the last war. Next time say Armenia and Azerbaijan clash a condition for ceasefire will be the party with the upper hand presenting a bill for damages.

I won't be holding my breath waiting for the world organisations pressuring to ensure the Saudis rebuild Yemen anytime soon.

The world court decision Nicaragua V the USA stated the USA should pay reparations to Nicaragua, the check must have been lost in the post for the last 30 odd years
Major league projection going on in the above.

Why didn't you comment on the Ukrainians circumventing of the conditions of their IMF loans instead of engaging in the usual ad hominem against people who dare to disagree with you?

Perhaps because they are irrelevant to this discussion?
Perhaps because they are irrelevant to this discussion?

What would you know?

Obviously you haven't been participating in nor following " this discussion", so I can only assume you are stalking people again and making false inferences, as you are apt to do.
How are pre war issues with the IMF really relevant to post war reconstruction?

Read what the OP contains, both the link and the commentary, and see how RELEVANT Ukraines circumvention attempts are to the usual abilities of the IMF to grant funding/loans etc

Read what Antiwar wrote about how the US/West doesn't appear to be held to the same standards when it comes to war reparations.

When you've done that you will know where you went wrong and can issue a mea culpa thread about it if you want to.
Read what the OP contains, both the link and the commentary, and see how RELEVANT Ukraines circumvention attempts are to the usual abilities of the IMF to grant funding/loans etc

Read what Antiwar wrote about how the US/West doesn't appear to be held to the same standards when it comes to war reparations.

When you've done that you will know where you went wrong and can issue a mea culpa thread about it if you want to.

The OP speaks to the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Antiwar's opinion is irrelevant to this case.

And why did my Mea Culpa post trigger you so? Ah, that's right. You lack the capacity to admit being wrong therefore you lack understanding of those that have that ability.
The OP speaks to the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Antiwar's opinion is irrelevant to this case.

And why did my Mea Culpa post trigger you so? Ah, that's right. You lack the capacity to admit being wrong therefore you lack understanding of those that have that ability.

No triggering here

You NEVER read what I said you should read or never read it properly. You have the same opportunity to admit you are wrong again and the same opportunity to attention seek off of it, as you are apt to do. Pointing that out is meant to encourage you.

Eitherway you NEVER understood what was contained in the OP, that much is clear as day.
No triggering here

You NEVER read what I said you should read or never read it properly. You have the same opportunity to admit you are wrong again and the same opportunity to attention seek off of it, as you are apt to do. Pointing that out is meant to encourage you.

Eitherway(sic) you NEVER understood what was contained in the OP, that much is clear as day.

Time to first lie. First sentence.

The OP discusses the reconstruction of Ukraine.
Time to first lie. First sentence.

The OP discusses the reconstruction of Ukraine.

You made an assumption and want it to be treated as a fact that people ,who know the reality and disagree with it, are somehow " lying". That's just standard trolling.

Reread the OP and understand why you are wrong, instead of trolling those you are apt to stalk. Talk instead of stalk, how hard is that to do?
You made an assumption and want it to be treated as a fact that people ,who know the reality and disagree with it, are somehow " lying". That's just standard trolling.

Reread the OP and understand why you are wrong, instead of trolling those you are apt to stalk. Talk instead of stalk, how hard is that to do?

The OP discusses reconstruction.
"Knowing the reality and disagreeing with it" is surely not what the poster intended to claim for himself. But engaging in learning proper syntax might help to get out of what appears to be a constant dilemma.

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