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Your best cars/motorbikes, now and then.... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 25, 2008
Reaction score
British Turk
Political Leaning
What is your most highly valued car? Do you collect them, do you have a passion about cars/motorbikes? What car DID you have that you loved?

This is my brother metalgear and his Harley:


My Dad would someday like to collect old cars.
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Your brother looks like a cool guy, i bet he gets tons of chicks. As for me my best car is, what im currently driving;a black bmw 323 convertible.
Your brother looks like a cool guy, i bet he gets tons of chicks. As for me my best car is, what im currently driving;a black bmw 323 convertible.

omg i wanted that for my first car but my dad wouldn't even let me get a word in edgewise. Too good for a first car, apparently :)
I adore that model though.
and haha i guess i dont ask him, he is actually a member on these forums.
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omg i wanted that for my first car but my dad wouldn't even let me get a word in edgewise. Too good for a first car, apparently :)
I adore that model though.
and haha i guess i dont ask him, he is actually a member on these forums.

I have a picture of it, if you are interested i can post it?
Had a used 1971 Chevelle SS 396 when I was a kid. Wish I still had it.


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