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Young Protester (1 Viewer)

Very touching!

Nice to see that some idealistic youths feel that there is still hope for their nation.

Both Russia and the world will be a better place once whatchamacallit is gone.
Russian constitution that's an oxymoron right there
When it comes down to it, they are all just pieces of paper……….
When it comes down to it, they are all just pieces of paper……….

The willingness of the people to defend it is the difference. If Russia had a lot more like this young woman then Putin wouldn't be an issue
The willingness of the people to defend it is the difference. If Russia had a lot more like this young woman then Putin wouldn't be an issue
But government with sufficient time/power can control what the people think. Once they are conditioned and their culture revolves around false propaganda, they are effectively under the control of the party in question.
North Korea, China, Russia...they control their population.

The same is happening in the U.S. with the Republican party, and its a danger. Some 70% of Republicans think Trump won the election. You can replace that falsity (Trump won) with anything...they are willing to back false things in a big way, they are corrupted.
But government with sufficient time/power can control what the people think.

Only if the people allow it, the people of Russia own this war just as much as Putin.
Only if the people allow it, the people of Russia own this war just as much as Putin.
When were the “people” ever given a choice/opportunity?
Only if the people allow it, the people of Russia own this war just as much as Putin.
What I'm saying is that it reaches a point where the public is so brainwashed, its so embedded in culture, that its self-perpetuating.
People will allow genocide given the right circumstances, freedom of speech must be curtailed in specific, reasonable ways to combat this vulnerability.

Australia trying to do some good with this topic.
When were the “people” ever given a choice/opportunity?

2000 when they elected Putin, then since they let him gather up power a tiny bit at a time and at no time did the Russian people push back because the economy was doing so much better than the USSR.

The Russian people as a whole have to own their collective decision to choose economic security over a dictatorship. This is a Russian war all the way.

The Russian people ARE NOT victims they are perpetrators.
2000 when they elected Putin, then since they let him gather up power a tiny bit at a time and at no time did the Russian people push back because the economy was doing so much better than the USSR.

The Russian people as a whole have to own their collective decision to choose economic security over a dictatorship. This is a Russian war all the way.

The Russian people ARE NOT victims they are perpetrators.
I’m willing to give the people one last chance to un**** this mess….

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