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Young People Really Are Stupid (1 Viewer)

I agree with the scientists who make the most sense, not the ones who seem to be promoting a narrative just because the narrative seems so popular among so many leftists.

Which scientists might those be; the 'creationist' sort?
Why do I bring up GND? Isn't it obvious? AOC's GND is presented as a fix for climate change. In reality (as her head poo baa stated, it's more of a social change program). You buy the human caused climate change theory, then you just have to buy the AOC spiel. If you don't, then your whole Progressive/Socialist mantra goes poof.

Aren’t you smart enough not to take this seriously?

It’s a gimmick, a branding exercise.

Actually doing something like this would require and epic commitment of money and resources.

And I’m only talking about the political battle.
This, from someone believing in invisible beings and talking snakes. Yes, truly delusional. Dude, wake up!

Deluded leftist cultist Darwinian genius: 'Humans share a common ancestor with milkweed and if America does not start spending trillions of dollars on leftist climate research we will all die within 12 years.'
Really? So what is your idea of 'good science'? Does it involve 'god'?

Good science involves a logical explanation for why no major measurable sustained changes in the world climate have been recorded in hundreds of years.
Which scientists might those be; the 'creationist' sort?

By refusing to actually look at all scientific contentions, both for and against popular narratives, and failing to address conflicting evidences, the leftist global warming alarmists prove themselves to be poor students and promoters of true science.

Are the global warming narratives entirely accurate all the time? Absolutely not. Which claims are accurate and which claims are inaccurate? To answer that question intelligently takes more than cue cards filled with leftist talking points. Here is a study from Rice University that has the clear taste, smell and appearance of absolute accuracy:

Global Warming: Scientists' Best Predictions May Be Wrong -- ScienceDaily
Aren’t you smart enough not to take this seriously?

It’s a gimmick, a branding exercise.

Actually doing something like this would require and epic commitment of money and resources.

And I’m only talking about the political battle.

AOC is serious about her shtick. She just isn't honest about the real target.
By refusing to actually look at all scientific contentions, both for and against popular narratives, and failing to address conflicting evidences, the leftist global warming alarmists prove themselves to be poor students and promoters of true science.

Are the global warming narratives entirely accurate all the time? Absolutely not. Which claims are accurate and which claims are inaccurate? To answer that question intelligently takes more than cue cards filled with leftist talking points. Here is a study from Rice University that has the clear taste, smell and appearance of absolute accuracy:

Global Warming: Scientists' Best Predictions May Be Wrong -- ScienceDaily

One; you haven't read the study. Two; "may be wrong". 'May' does not mean 'is'. Scientists make mistakes all the time; that's how science progresses, and just because one scientist has issues with AGW, how does that prove the other 99% are wrong?
Good science involves a logical explanation for why no major measurable sustained changes in the world climate have been recorded in hundreds of years.

Good science has also yet to find your 'god', figure out how levitation and resurrection work-not to mention how the Earth manages to be 6000 years old while at the same time producing fossils millions of years old. I'm going to suggest to you that even if irrefutable evidence of anthropogenic global warming was thrust in your face, you'd still find a leftist conspiracy in there somewhere. That's how you operate; deny everything, admit nothing, blame everything on atheists and liberals.
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Deluded leftist cultist Darwinian genius: 'Humans share a common ancestor with milkweed and if America does not start spending trillions of dollars on leftist climate research we will all die within 12 years.'

So, that's what you believe?

I don't think anyone else does. Your beliefs are unique.
One; you haven't read the study. Two; "may be wrong". 'May' does not mean 'is'. Scientists make mistakes all the time; that's how science progresses, and just because one scientist has issues with AGW, how does that prove the other 99% are wrong?

You admit the popular science narrative may be wrong. So do I.
Stop telling the following generations to clean up the mess you created with shortsighted environmental policies based on your comfort and greed.

Why would you want to bring children into a world whose civilization is collapsing because of climate out of control and pollution? What they are doing is the pragmatic and ethical solution.

Simple: Young people ARE stupid. They think with their hearts and not their heads. First, those in power don't give a crap whether you have children or not. In fact, their job would be easier if you don't have children. So, you're playing right into their hands. Second, if global warming is caused by man (and not just the normal cycle of things that has always happened) then the solution to the problem is decreasing the human population on the planet. As long as people keep multiplying exponentially global temps will continue to increase, no matter how much you fight it. Third, Global warming can't be stopped. To think you can win a fight with mother nature is downright stupid. Look at the million woman pro-abortion rally in DC shortly after Trump became president. What did it accomplish? Zero. Since then things have gone backwards for pro-abortionists, not forwards. Fourth, what you want to do is spend your children's and grandchildren's prosperity in an uphill battle to fight mother nature. Money is no object, spend 93 trillion dollars on the Green New Deal and save the planet while at the same time you bring on a Great Depression far worse than what happened to the world in the 1930's. You just can't spend trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars without having to pay for it and it will be your descendants who pay a huge price for your foolishness. You can't even say what it is you want. List your detailed demands without saying stupid **** like I want my children to be able to live. List what you want and the price tag it will cost.
You're calling them idiots, and then asking what they want.... hmmmmm

I want them to list detailed demands along with the price tag, not say stupid ass **** like, "I want my kids to live in a pollution free world".
I want them to list detailed demands along with the price tag, not say stupid ass **** like, "I want my kids to live in a pollution free world".

Right..... you want them to make it easy for you to understand because.... as the Spanish say, you're the belly button of the world.
There no longer is a debate that global warming is happening right now and is being exacerbated and accelerated by human activities.
You've just turned your global warming scam into a religion. Where there is no debate, there is no science just religion.

There is no "left" that wants to eliminate meat, cars, and airplanes.
Of course the left want to eliminate meat, cars, airplanes, and generally destroy the nation. That is their publicly stated goal.

Ocasio-Cortez admits that we can't get zero emissions in 10 years "because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast." The unconstitutional New Green Deal would also eliminate 99% of all vehicles. Enough of your blatant lies.

Global warming is not a "right" vs. "left" issue. It is a scientific theory, proven by years of research.
Man-made global warming is a scam created by the anti-American leftist freaks for the purpose of redistributing wealth and establishing a fascist dictatorship. Which is why the left's only solution is to massively increase taxes and the size and scope of government. It has never been proven by anyone that there is any correlation between atmosphere CO2 and mean surface temperatures. There is proof that atmospheric CO2 and mean surface temperatures are not related, but no proof that they are related.

Donald Trump has said that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese to keep us from being competitive. He has never retracted that position.
The communist Chinese are late to the game. The communist Democrats started this man-made Global Cooling scam during the 1970s. Then switched it to Global Warming in 1980 when they saw their Global Cooling scam was going bust. Then changed it again to Climate Change in 1989 when they saw their Global Warming scam was going bust.

The Green New Deal is a non binding resolution. It is a statement of a goal, much like Kennedy's goal to put men on the moon by the end of the decade.
The Green New Deal is a joke, and demonstrates just how mentally-deranged the left has become. Putting all your eggs in the basket of a 20-something barely educated bartender has to be one of dumbest things I've ever seen the anti-American left ever do. You guys must be truly desperate.

That said, human beings are not going to be able to stop global warming. Doing so would require global cooperation unprecedented in human history, for one thing. For another, we still have people in power who won't acknowledge the problem, and others who would rather rant about the "other side" or the "left" who wants to do away with airplanes and eating meat.
Humans are not going to be able to stop global warming because humans have absolutely nothing to do with global warming. Here is a news flash for you: The climate changes, and it has absolutely nothing to do with humans.
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I remember when I as young and stupid.

They are not stupid. Just indoctrinated. Leftists love using children as a tool to push their political agenda. Remember the Hitlerjugend? This is just another fine example of leftists displaying their indoctrination work for the rest of the world to see. They should be ashamed of themselves, but it is a very common theme among leftist freaks.
You've just turned your global warming scam into a religion. Where there is no debate, there is no science just religion.

Of course the left want to eliminate meat, cars, airplanes, and generally destroy the nation. That is their publicly stated goal.

Ocasio-Cortez admits that we can't get zero emissions in 10 years "because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast." The unconstitutional New Green Deal would also eliminate 99% of all vehicles. Enough of your blatant lies.

Man-made global warming is a scam created by the anti-American leftist freaks for the purpose of redistributing wealth and establishing a fascist dictatorship. Which is why the left's only solution is to massively increase taxes and the size and scope of government. It has never been proven by anyone that there is any correlation between atmosphere CO2 and mean surface temperatures. There is proof that atmospheric CO2 and mean surface temperatures are not related, but no proof that they are related.

The communist Chinese are late to the game. The communist Democrats started this man-made Global Cooling scam during the 1970s. Then switched it to Global Warming in 1980 when they saw their Global Cooling scam was going bust. Then changed it again to Climate Change in 1989 when they saw their Global Warming scam was going bust.

The Green New Deal is a joke, and demonstrates just how mentally-deranged the left has become. Putting all your eggs in the basket of a 20-something barely educated bartender has to be one of dumbest things I've ever seen the anti-American left ever do. You guys must be truly desperate.

Humans are not going to be able to stop global warming because humans have absolutely nothing to do with global warming. Here is a news flash for you: The climate changes, and it has absolutely nothing to do with humans.

Glitch vs. every scientific organization on Earth.

I think I'll go with the latter.
You admit the popular science narrative may be wrong. So do I.

If you know any science that could never in the future be shown to be wrong, let us know.
If you know any science that could never in the future be shown to be wrong, let us know.

All science is debatable. That is one of the things that makes it science. When all debate has ended it ceases to be science and has become religion instead. Only religion is never debated.
We've got young adults from Canada, Sweden, Germany, etc all pledging to not have children unless their countries take serious action on climate change. LOL. I mean we're talking about Canada, Sweden, Germany, and other tree hugger countries who were part of the Paris Accord. What in the hell is it these people want? I am personally glad that these idiots aren't going to be passing on their DNA. Let their breed die out.

No future, no children: Teens refusing to have kids until there'''s action on climate change

Just wait until some cutie strikes their fancy and all bets are off. Heck, perhaps they'll cancel the 'baby mommy/daddy' or 'teen and pregnant is cool' shows. Wouldn't that be refreshing?
C'mon, we were all young and full of ideals once, thought we could conquer the world. Some of us are still working on it.
Of course it is a bit different now. Back in the day, a mere phone call overseas set you back a good allowance, airmail took forever, rallying the troops took some doing. Now it is a click away, reaching thousands, millions even, doesn't take much. Media reporting is instant.
Let them, it gets us talking. All the hysteria aside, perhaps we come up with a sensible solution that holds all nations to the same standards. I mean, it is easy to protest and scream at the top of your lungs where it is ok to do so and where necessities of daily living don't take your focus away from your issues. We mustn't forget those who struggle for water, food, shelter, going to school, speaking, walking down the street without a male escort. Their priorities are very different than ours. We have all the conveniences, we can speak freely, have little to worry about, so we find things that we blow out of proportions.
I know, in some parts kids would give their left toe to go to school. Here we protest because we either have to take the subway, a fossil fueled bus or mom's car.
Right..... you want them to make it easy for you to understand because.... as the Spanish say, you're the belly button of the world.

They are the ones claiming they will not have children until countries get serious about climate change but they don't define what get serious means. What has to be done in order for them to agree to have children? What are their demands?
Because you can't think for yourself. How pathetic.

If I think for myself, I will take the unsupported opinion of someone posting anonymously on a political forum over every scientific organization on Earth?

Will I ignore the obvious changes in the local climate where I live, and the ones reported on elsewhere as well?

Thinking for myself means that I have to follow blindly the nonsense spewed by the bloggers and pundits paid by the fossil fuel industry?

Sorry. You just have it backwards.

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