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You think the far left has gone as far as they can but you are wrong. (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I was watching Hannity and Coombes tonight and the main topic was berthing the magnificent battle ship the USS IOWA permanently in San Francisco as a museum..........Well the City council voted 8-3 against doing it for various partisan political reasons...........

They had the City Supervisor on as guest a far left democrat, and when asked do we need a military, he said something to the absolutley not and that the military should be disbanded and done away with.......

Now I have heard some nutty ideas from our friends on the far left but this takes the cake.........Even Coombes and avowed Liberal looked like a hawk on this one..........

I remember hearing about this several months ago... has there been some new development in this story?

The SF city council seems pretty dumb to me. You have a point, for once.
Kandahar said:
I remember hearing about this several months ago... has there been some new development in this story?

The SF city council seems pretty dumb to me. You have a point, for once.

I have a point very often but sadly your bias won't let you see it..........

No just that Senator Feinstein is pushing for it and in 2 polls 83 percent and 93 percent of the people polled were for it...
From therant...

If there is one consistent theme in the left’s approach to national security, it is that the enemy is never out there; it is always here. During the Cold War, the left didn’t fear the Soviet Union as much as it feared the U.S. Government. In the left’s paranoid history—routinely taught on our college campuses—Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, not Joseph Stalin, created the Cold War; South Korea invaded North Korea; and America is now, as it was then, the only real threat to World Peace.
They were quick to criticize the Patriot Act. They have anguished over prisoners at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. They have worried over how many times it is permissible to shoot a dead Iraqi terrorist. They confuse putting a pillowcase over someone’s head with cutting it off. They tell us that when minorities riot in America it is symptomatic of a larger community political sentiment but when Muslims riot and kill because of a political cartoon, the left tells us the riots have nothing to do with the larger community or even Islam. They have been quick to report the underside of combat but not the heroism of our troops. They have worked hard to prevent the military from recruiting. They have demonstrated against the war.
The irony in all of this is that, if successful, leftist public policies will facilitate the next act of mass murder and when that happens the public will clamor for even more aggressive government action. That indeed is the experience of every democracy that awoke one day to find itself a society under siege. Britain created the self-proclaimed “draconian” Prevention of Terrorism Act. Canada temporarily implemented martial law in October of 1970. Italy and German passed harsh anti-terrorism legislation, with the support, incidentally, of even the Communists. India created special courts, with special rules of evidence, to deal explicitly with terrorism. All these measures were legislative responses to a public outcry after severe terrorist attacks.

The best solution to both pursuing the war on terrorism and preventing additional compromises in civil liberties is to thwart the next act of mass murder...

More than anything else, the time that has passed since 9/11 without a terrorist attack on our soil has emboldened liberal politicians to use the diminished sense of urgency about same, juxtaposed against the administrations efforts to continue to prevent further attacks as an opportunity to seek partisan advantage. BDS in extremis.
Oh my Lord, you find one crazy local politician and you claim that it show the party is moving lefter and lefter because of him? There are Republicans look for the incarceration and death sentences of homosexuals, you know.

Does that mean the Republican Party is going to adapt that into its platform?
Mickeytrout11 said:
Oh my Lord, you find one crazy local politician and you claim that it show the party is moving lefter and lefter because of him? There are Republicans look for the incarceration and death sentences of homosexuals, you know.

Does that mean the Republican Party is going to adapt that into its platform?

You need to read the title of the thread.......
You think the far right has gone about as far as they can go but you are wrong.

You need to read the title of the thread.......

Ooooooooooook. What's that supposed to mean?

Look at the title of this reply. I don't know what it's supposed to imply either, you tell me.
Okay, okay... but the audio clip (if you listened to it at all) is relevant.

I watch several right & left wing blogs & sites. Take it easy :rofl
Kandahar said:
I remember hearing about this several months ago... has there been some new development in this story?

The SF city council seems pretty dumb to me. You have a point, for once.
A point, but no link.

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