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You should be forced to sell your house and rent (1 Viewer)

And when you are 60+ you can continue to pay property taxes on your property at the going market rate. Not have them frozen because you are a senior. Get out there and bust your ass like the rest of us to live in our neighborhoods or move.

I'll have to look into that.

Step 1 is eliminating property tax freezing for seniors. That will get a bunch of them moving out of their houses and make property available for those who can afford them. And seniors get a chunk of cash to do what they want with.
They do that in NJ? Never heard of that in NY.
You understand that being given something for free is not the same as paying for something yourself, right? People tend to treat the things they have to pay for, with their own blood and sweat, better than things they get for free.
Ok, so the house is maintained better in one scenario.

Is that all you had to add?
Cant help but guess that most people that blather on about this have never been landlords.

I bear all the costs on maintaining the property. I have to carry extra insurance. I have to pay the property taxes. If an appliance goes out I have to fix it. I have to maintain the sprinkler system. I have to deal with late night phone calls and I have to arrange for someone to manage the property when I go on leave, vacation, business trips, whatever. I have ALL the risk.

My tenants have to pay the rent we charge...a very fair rate...and not damage the house deliberately.

We didnt buy our first house til we were 35. In the military, we moved a lot and it didnt make sense for us to buy although I know some people that did. After several years, we bought another home and moved out, keeping the first of several rental and commercial properties going. Most renters cant afford the down payment for a home. We always kept our rent at rates that people could afford to put away the loan payment balance away and store up enough to eventually buy their own homes. When it comes to commercial properties...the individual businesses that rent space arent looking to buy entire buildings. Again...who carries all the risk? the landlord. Who has to make the bank payments when the properties go unoccupied for any length of time? The landlord.

I have kids that are all of this generation...all of them own at least one home. That includes homes in California, Florida, and Georgia as well. It can be done.
Not aware of anything that freezes property tax for seniors. I think I would know.

Not sure what to tell you. There are some details for you.

Not sure what to tell you. There are some details for you.
Those are exemptions. It's a percentage in reduction. Does nothing to 'freeze' your property taxes. Taxes still go up.
It's also only for lower incomes.
The right wants to add all these hurdles to government programs that don’t need to be there to make interactions with government more aggravating.

So write a law that says income over a certain percentage for Social Security is taxed at 100%, done. You don’t need to add anything to government.

But then the Republicans would have to say they raised taxes instead of cutting spending, but it’s the same thing.
taxing SSA at 100% an mkae you eligiblle for other taxes, especially the fruit cakes on the left that want wealth taxes..
just means test it -simple enough to do -SSA witholds all or part of your benefits over a certain threshold amount
What can you do about it? It's community property.

So let me get this straight: You think anyone can live wherever they want in college dorms?
ok I might care more if I had to be in a union to get decent wages,

Yeah, I know, it doesn't directly affect you so you don't care. That explains why you're a conservative.
I apologize for calling you a dumbass, tattle tale

You called someone else a dumbass. And I didn't tell anyone. If you got in trouble that was 100% on you.
No such thing. Get educated on the status of what you're describing. You're argument hasn't been accurate for 40 years.


Habitat for Humanity is like a cork in a sieve.
You are hopelessly confused and ignorant of the realities.
Yeah, I know, it doesn't directly affect you so you don't care. That explains why you're a conservative.
no, I care, but it is not the biggest thing on my political worries page.

that's not being a conservative, that is being human when something does not directly apply to you.
no, I care, but it is not the biggest thing on my political worries page.

that's not being a conservative, that is being human when something does not directly apply to you.

Empathy is also a human trait, but the ones who lack it tend to be conservative.
Empathy is also a human trait, but the ones who lack it tend to be conservative.
good lord, are they putting you out on the street or something? I hadn't heard there was anything being done about unions recently. Did they outlaw them or something?

how much empathy do I need for a thing that does not seem to be heavily under fire? lol

Am i supposed to be up in arms because once in a blue moon a conservative says "those damn unions!!"

give me a break.
good lord, are they putting you out on the street or something? I hadn't heard there was anything being done about unions recently. Did they outlaw them or something?

how much empathy do I need for a thing that does not seem to be heavily under fire? lol

So GOP isn't pushing 'right to work' laws? They aren't heavily criticizing workers who try to unionize (e.g. Amazon, Starbucks, etc)?
So GOP isn't pushing 'right to work' laws? They aren't heavily criticizing workers who try to unionize (e.g. Amazon, Starbucks, etc)?
some are, sure. the rich republicrats mainly... doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

now if you want to get amazon employees unionized, you need to talk (read:Blame) to Bezos about that.
some are, sure. the rich republicrats mainly... doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

now if you want to get amazon employees unionized, you need to talk (read:Blame) to Bezos about that.

Bezos isn't CEO anymore.
So let me get this straight: You think anyone can live wherever they want in college dorms?
I'm saying it is community property and if you get the house I want, I don't see any legal reason I can't just take it. Why do you deserve the nice house?
taxing SSA at 100% an mkae you eligiblle for other taxes, especially the fruit cakes on the left that want wealth taxes..
just means test it -simple enough to do -SSA witholds all or part of your benefits over a certain threshold amount
Taxing social security 100% at a certain income level is a means test.

But nooooooo, we have to grow government under your plan….
Ok, so the house is maintained better in one scenario.

Is that all you had to add?
No...you left out the fact having to work hard to pay for all the things you want is part of maintaining it. For 99% of the people (basically everyone that isn't independently rich) you actually have go out and be productive and earn a living to afford paying for a house. You can't just sit around all day being cracked out on drugs (which is what most homeless people are) and not get foreclosed on.
You can't just sit around all day being cracked out on drugs (which is what most homeless people are)
About half of all homeless people in the US are employed...
About half of all homeless people in the US are employed...
If someone is fully employed and responsible, they aren't going to be homeless. Any person capable of holding down a job is capable of getting a cheap apartment with roommates. There are also many resources to use for people that are homeless, and need shelter, but are responsible people. The homeless do not want to follow rules that are laid out for such places. Those who are homeless are homeless directly through their own actions, which is drugs or sever mental health issues.
You are hopelessly confused and ignorant of the realities.
No. How long can an able-bodied adult receive cash assistance? Do you know? I do. There are limits and most states have requirements to be employed, job-seeking, or in training. If you live in a state without those requirements, that's the fault of your local government and not the fault of those who need the aid.

As I said, outdated by 40 years.

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