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You can't make this stuff up (1 Viewer)


Official disruptive influence
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Dec 27, 2017
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Since JFK declined to resurrect to appoint tRump as the rightful president now it's the Space Force's job.

"The election, I believe, was stolen," said a woman with an America flag draped over her shoulders.

"But we know that, Space Force has it all, Trump has all the information, it's going to be overturned," the woman claimed.

"What do you think Space Force has?" the interviewer asked.

"Space Force is a military branch, you know, just like the Army, you know, all the military. And they literally...the night of the election they literally watched the election be stolen. They watermarked the ballots, they know exactly what happened with every ballot," she said. "They know what countries were involved, they followed the money, they know what every every politician that's been paid off."

Unemployment, 40 year high. And a labor shortage?

Yes, she really said that.

That's what we get when we allow people to vote for a Con-Man.
So let's dump the Con-Party in November, don't let anyone anywhere vote Republican, keep your eyes on all the States, let's get going, let us see what the Democrats will do, and let's not let them screw up like we did Trump by letting him pass his tax cut.
So let's dump the Con-Party in November, don't let anyone anywhere vote Republican, keep your eyes on all the States, let's get going, let us see what the Democrats will do, and let's not let them screw up like we did Trump by letting them pass their tax cut.

And of course, we need to keep voting that way as long as Trump the Terrorist is a free man.
So let's dump the Con-Party in November, don't let anyone anywhere vote Republican, keep your eyes on all the States, let's get going, let us see what the Democrats will do, and let's not let them screw up like we did Trump by letting him pass his tax cut.
THe operative word is We.
Plus, you might want to look up the word Sarcasm.
And of course, we need to keep voting that way as long as Trump the Terrorist is a free man.
Has little to do with Trump.

Has to do with 2017 tax cut, 1929 depression, 2008 recession and how they behaved, what they did to us by holding back Obama's recovery that Trump blew just like Bush, so I fired him.

How exciting!
Has little to do with Trump.

Has to do with 2017 tax cut, 1929 depression, 2008 recession and how they behaved, what they did to us by holding back Obama's recovery that Trump blew just like Bush, so I fired him.

The Great Depression is why I became a Democrat. A Republican President caused it. A Democrat took us out of it. The Great Recession in 2008 was the same story. Then the COVID-19 recession in 2020 was another repeat: lose jobs with a Republican, get jobs with a Democrat.
THe operative word is We.
Plus, you might want to look up the word Sarcasm.
How can the Democrats screw up?

By losing their Majorities.

By banning magazines and Ar-15s.

By spending too much money, it's got to stop sometime soon.

By not spanking the Republicans.
The Great Depression is why I became a Democrat. A Republican President caused it. A Democrat took us out of it. The Great Recession in 2008 was the same story. Then the COVID-19 recession in 2020 was another repeat: lose jobs with a Republican, get jobs with a Democrat.
And now they wantt to steal the midterms, so they can overturn an election, just so they can have power, and we'll get by with that.
And now they want to steal the midterms, so they can overturn an election, just so they can have power, and we'll get by with that.

All Republicans care about are money, power, and hate.
All Republicans care about are money, power, and hate.
Ya, their God is going to come judge us all with Hare Krishna too for eating meat and not chanting Hare Krishna.

Let's go with the Democrats, at least they believe in science.
Yeah, their God is going to come judge us all with Hare Krishna too for eating meat and not chanting Hare Krishna.

What in the world are you talking about?

Let's go with the Democrats, at least they believe in science.

Democrats believe in love because of science.
more proof that Trump still lives rent free in lots of heads
including yours, so you can't complain about it.
another typical stupid comment that ignores reality. I don't constantly bring Trump up-it's those who are finding that defending Biden is a tough task, who do that
I don't constantly bring Trump up-it's those who are finding that defending Biden is a tough task, who do that
Any member here can feed your screen name and 'Trump' into the DP search feature, and discern for him/her self if the above statement holds water, or not. Ten pages/25 posts per page since Feb.14th/2022. :ROFLMAO:
Unemployment, 40 year high. And a labor shortage?

Yes, she really said that.

The dumb republican twit probably meant to say that inflation is at a 40-year high.

But somebody needs to tell the republican dumbass that another very strong jobs report was just released on Friday ... and the unemployment rate fell to a VERY low 3.6%

The Fed wouldn't be raising interest rates if the economy was in "shambles", you dumb f***in' republican twit...
It's Reagan's fault. He closed all the looney bins
Since JFK declined to resurrect to appoint tRump as the rightful president now it's the Space Force's job.

OMG!!! There are stupid people out there. Bring a news truck!

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