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you are the newly elected U.S. President (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 25, 2005
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United States
Political Leaning
and being in shock and not having your complete senses you have decided to choose your cabinet solely from the debatepolitics forum. Who is in your Cabinet and other important positions in your government?

I think good choices would be Tashah as secretary of state, bandaidwoman as health and human services, teacher as UN ambassador(for some reason I am imagining seeing spit balls flying across the room from the U.S. constigency when Koffi turn his back), superskippy as secretary of defense, and ether as secretary of treasury.

So how would your cabinet look like?
laska said:
and being in shock and not having your complete senses you have decided to choose your cabinet solely from the debatepolitics forum. Who is in your Cabinet and other important positions in your government?

teacher as UN ambassador(for some reason I am imagining seeing spit balls flying across the room from the U.S. constigency when Koffi turn his back),

To hell with that..If you had me as the UN ambassador I would use paperclips in my spitballs. ARMOR PIERCING SPITBALLS:cool:

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