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Yet More Republican Media Bias (1 Viewer)


Active member
Nov 17, 2004
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I was there, now I'm here
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This goes out to all "liberal media" conspiracy theorists who like to use anecdotal evidence:

Both the Washington Post and (recent "liberal media" whipping boy) Newsweek obediently, and ineptly, passed on -- and thus gave credence to -- the Bush lie that Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco’s hesitancy to declare a state of emergency had prevented the feds from responding to the crisis more rapidly.

The Post, citing an anonymous “senior Bush official,” reported on Sunday that, as of Saturday, Sept. 3, Blanco “still had not declared a state of emergency”… when, in fact, the declaration had been made on Friday, August 26 -- over 2 days BEFORE Katrina made landfall in Louisiana (and while Bush was getting his tire pumped by Lance Armstrong at his "ranch"). This claim was so demonstrably false that the paper was forced to issue a correction just hours after the original story appeared.

Newsweek’s effort to assist the Bush damage control effort was even more egregious. While claiming that “Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Barbineaux Blanco seemed uncertain and sluggish, hesitant to declare martial law or a state of emergency, which would have opened the door to more Pentagon help” the magazine didn’t even bother to cite a “senior Bush official,” choosing instead to report Blanco’s alleged failings as unsubstantiated fact. Wonder where they got that “fact”? You think it might have been from the same “senior Bush official” that snookered the Post?

So, there you have it, proof positive of Republican bias in the media, right? Right? And there's more where that came from. That's the beauty of anecdotal evidence, you can find it anywhere and use it to prove anything.
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Between nearly every major journalist in the business having earlier worked as an employee of one Democrat or another, and all the peer-reviewed studies overwhelmingly showing that journalists vote for liberals, and Dan Rather's legacy of DNC maneuvering, the only way someone can peddle this "eye of the beholder" crap is if they are willfully blind or completely clueless.

I'm guessing you think OJ is innocent too.

Newsweek burying the hottest sex scandal story of the century-Monica Lewinsky for weeks until Matt Drudge finally screamed about it?

Dan Rather railroading bogus stories about Bush's National Guard record through with only John Kerry operatives as their source?

Only in the cartoonishly unrealistic, denial-ridden mind of a liberal can plain proof be discarded as "anecdotal evidence."

What a joke.

Oh yeah...Compare Katrina to 9/11.

New York had no plan for such events, yet because they had LEADERS like Guiliani and Pataki (REPUBLICANS) they did remarkably well. The only difference between the people who responded to 9/11 and the people who responded to Katrina is that everyone who responded to Katrina (besides Bush) was a Democrat. Democrats can't lead. President Bush had record numbers of aid on its way to the region before Katrina even hit. the DEMOCRATS in charge down there can't organize it or handle their business-and they've had FEMA warning them this day would come since the 1970s. It is not media bias to report the obvious. Democrats wouldn't make a mandatory evacuation like BUSH was requesting. Democrats screwed the pooch here.

As usual, those pointing the fingers are most to blame.
... I have yet to understand the obsession with media bias. All media is balanced one way or the other, no matter how you slice it - its only humane. Accept it, and stop ranting and crying about news casters being biased.. I've never cared.
I don't think that the media is maliciously liberal based. The media strives to bring every dramatic story and tragedy to the publics attention. It is not about truth. It is about scandel and money. There is no success stories that will sell papers over what a tragedy will do. Selling a story to the public on a "flushed Koran", or the humiliation of militant Islamists at "Abu-Ghraib", or the alleged abuses at Gitmo, will always find an interested audience over a success story of the Kurds in Iraq or the successes all across Iraq. By exploiting any chance to produce a story, they feed on the frenzy of the liberal that is striving for any mundane detail that may derail any effort. Thereby, the media is always accused of being "liberally based". They kind of compliment each other. The media loves the tabloid like stories that produce numbers and the liberal absolutely love to get bogged down in details and isolations.

Reporting the news is a priveledge and a responsibility. It should not be exploitive.
>>New York had no plan for such events, yet because they had LEADERS like Guiliani and Pataki (REPUBLICANS) they did remarkably well.<<Aquapub

What garbage...put these two leaders under 10 feet of water and see how well they respond. I can't stand this republican spin of comparing Katrina to 9/11. New York had all their roads and thoroughfares open and all the police, fire departments and rescue squads able to respond.

Big difference, right?
aquapub said:
New York had no plan for such events, yet because they had LEADERS like Guiliani and Pataki (REPUBLICANS) they did remarkably well. The only difference between the people who responded to 9/11 and the people who responded to Katrina is that everyone who responded to Katrina (besides Bush) was a Democrat. Democrats can't lead. President Bush had record numbers of aid on its way to the region before Katrina even hit. the DEMOCRATS in charge down there can't organize it or handle their business-and they've had FEMA warning them this day would come since the 1970s. It is not media bias to report the obvious. Democrats wouldn't make a mandatory evacuation like BUSH was requesting. Democrats screwed the pooch here.

As usual, those pointing the fingers are most to blame.

Your trying to compare a car wreck to a train wreck by comparing 9/11 to Huricanne Katrina.
argexpat said:
This goes out to all "liberal media" conspiracy theorists who like to use anecdotal evidence:

Both the Washington Post and (recent "liberal media" whipping boy) Newsweek obediently, and ineptly, passed on -- and thus gave credence to -- the Bush lie that Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco’s hesitancy to declare a state of emergency had prevented the feds from responding to the crisis more rapidly.

The Post, citing an anonymous “senior Bush official,” reported on Sunday that, as of Saturday, Sept. 3, Blanco “still had not declared a state of emergency”… when, in fact, the declaration had been made on Friday, August 26 -- over 2 days BEFORE Katrina made landfall in Louisiana (and while Bush was getting his tire pumped by Lance Armstrong at his "ranch"). This claim was so demonstrably false that the paper was forced to issue a correction just hours after the original story appeared.

Newsweek’s effort to assist the Bush damage control effort was even more egregious. While claiming that “Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Barbineaux Blanco seemed uncertain and sluggish, hesitant to declare martial law or a state of emergency, which would have opened the door to more Pentagon help” the magazine didn’t even bother to cite a “senior Bush official,” choosing instead to report Blanco’s alleged failings as unsubstantiated fact. Wonder where they got that “fact”? You think it might have been from the same “senior Bush official” that snookered the Post?

So, there you have it, proof positive of Republican bias in the media, right? Right? And there's more where that came from. That's the beauty of anecdotal evidence, you can find it anywhere and use it to prove anything.

I was under the impression that the Washington Post was a pretty objective publication. Weren't they the whistle-blowers in Watergate?

I suppose you consider the New York Times more objective....right?
It's true, the state of emergency was declared on friday.


BATON ROUGE, LA--Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco today issued Proclamation No. 48 KBB 2005, declaring a state of emergency for the state Louisiana as Hurricane Katrina poses an imminent threat, carrying severe storms, high winds, and torrential rain that may cause flooding and damage to private property and public facilities, and threaten the safety and security of the citizens of the state of Louisiana The state of emergency extends from Friday, August 26, 2005, through Sunday, September 25, 2005, unless terminated sooner."

aquapub said:
Between nearly every major journalist in the business having earlier worked as an employee of one Democrat or another

Please prove this.

aquapub said:
and all the peer-reviewed studies overwhelmingly showing that journalists vote for liberals

And this.

aquapub said:
and Dan Rather's legacy of DNC maneuvering

And this. FYI, Dan Rather was an employee of a capitalist, free market corporation called CBS, which in turn is owned by a giant media conglomerate called Viacom.

aquapub said:
the only way someone can peddle this "eye of the beholder" crap is if they are willfully blind or completely clueless.

As you are to the corporate ownership of the media.

aquapub said:
I'm guessing you think OJ is innocent too.

Who gives a sh!t.

aquapub said:
Newsweek burying the hottest sex scandal story of the century-Monica Lewinsky for weeks until Matt Drudge finally screamed about it?

The idea that the media was reluctant to report on Clinton's sexual daliances is laughably preposterous. [/QUOTe]

aquapub said:
Dan Rather railroading bogus stories about Bush's National Guard record

Yes, and distracting attention from the proven fact that Bush was a draft-dodging chickenhawk coward who was AWOL for an entire year of his National Gaurd "service."

aquapub said:
with only John Kerry operatives as their source?

Please prove this.

aquapub said:
Only in the cartoonishly unrealistic, denial-ridden mind of a liberal can plain proof be discarded as "anecdotal evidence."

Only in the cartoonishly unrealistic, denial-ridden mind of a knee-jerk Republican ignoramus can plain proof of Bush's incompetence be discarded as "liberal bias."

aquapub said:
What a joke.

Yes you are.

aquapub said:
Oh yeah...Compare Katrina to 9/11. The only difference between the people who responded to 9/11 and the people who responded to Katrina is that everyone who responded to Katrina (besides Bush) was a Democrat.

The responses by the Republican governors of Mississippi and Alabama were just as feeble as that of Louisiana's...had New Orleans been situated in either of the those two states, the response would have been exactly the same. Not to mention that the retarded federal response was the result of a bunch of incompetent Bush-apponted Republican cronies, and the Incompetent Jackass-in-Chief himself
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MiamiFlorida said:
I was under the impression that the Washington Post was a pretty objective publication. Weren't they the whistle-blowers in Watergate?

I suppose you consider the New York Times more objective....right?

I don't consider any news organization objective...they're all corporate-owned and thus have a corporate bias, namely, the maximization of profit by any means necessary.
Media is always biased, stop always picking on the right wing and look at the left wing bias too. Its because media has a agenda.. They wouldnt report it if they didnt want something to happen because of it. They "report" how Bush is bad in dealing with the hurricane to make people loose support for the goverment or bush. they wouldnt say it if they wanted bush to get more support, Its all based on agenda...Thats a elementary modern media fact
What hogwash. The real problem was not that a state of emergency wasn't announced it was the fact that the Gov. Didn't want the help at first saying it wasn't needed. Declaring a State of Emergency doesn't mean the Federal Gov't just jumps into the fire without permission. Permission was not granted by the Gov, its that simple.

Also, Why the f&*k weren't those School buses chartered to pick up the helpless people? Blame the Mayor.
See my comments on the other "media bias thread.
The Truth-Bringer said:
stop always picking on the right wing and look at the left wing bias too. They "report" how Bush is bad in dealing with the hurricane to make people loose support for the goverment or bush.

Making the government look bad...that sounds like conservative bias, doesn't it?

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