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Yes Stone was indicted and arrested for political act! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Stone lied about politics to the congress which is a violation of the law. So you could say Stone was indicted and arrested for a political act. I find it interesting that so many Trumpsters think it is okay for Trump people to lie to congress as long as they do it to support and protect the president. And for those who think Mueller does not have the goods on Stone, just think of everyone else Mueller has done this to and how quickly they have folded once having seen the evidence MUeller's team has on them. Stone will be no different, although Stone might actually go to trial and then to jail for Trump hoping for an eventual pardon. If I was Stone I would put little stock on any of Trump's promises.
Stone lied about politics to the congress which is a violation of the law. So you could say Stone was indicted and arrested for a political act. I find it interesting that so many Trumpsters think it is okay for Trump people to lie to congress as long as they do it to support and protect the president. And for those who think Mueller does not have the goods on Stone, just think of everyone else Mueller has done this to and how quickly they have folded once having seen the evidence MUeller's team has on them. Stone will be no different, although Stone might actually go to trial and then to jail for Trump hoping for an eventual pardon. If I was Stone I would put little stock on any of Trump's promises.

Let's get one thing right: it's unlawful to lie to Congress, and about what one lies to Congress doesn't matter as goes the lie's unlawfulness.

No, one can say that; however, one who understands the law and aptly takes context into consideration wouldn't say that. Such a person would say Stone was arrested/indicted for lying to Congress.
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Not a “political act”. Crimes committed in the furtherance of assisting the Trump campaign and lies regarding those criminal actions.
I never imagined in my wildest dreams that anyone would be defending/supporting Roger Stone. This is sad on so many levels.
Stone lied about politics to the congress which is a violation of the law. So you could say Stone was indicted and arrested for a political act. I find it interesting that so many Trumpsters think it is okay for Trump people to lie to congress as long as they do it to support and protect the president. And for those who think Mueller does not have the goods on Stone, just think of everyone else Mueller has done this to and how quickly they have folded once having seen the evidence MUeller's team has on them. Stone will be no different, although Stone might actually go to trial and then to jail for Trump hoping for an eventual pardon. If I was Stone I would put little stock on any of Trump's promises.
I have no sympathy for stone but I do find the prosecutional discretion exercised unequal and largely down political lines. Its so obvious its undeniable even though I know the partisans will claim it's not true.

I also find the timing of this indictment very interesting. These indictments are always curiously timed to distract peoples attention off of the Democrats when they are feeling political heat. This time it is the shutdown.

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I have no sympathy for stone but I do find the prosecutional discretion exercised unequal and largely down political lines. Its so obvious its undeniable even though I know the partisans will claim it's not true.

The evidence against this is the absence of prosecutions when republicans controlled all branches of the government and Trump controlled the FBI. The ONLY reason for this is that there are no democrats who deserve prosecution. If there were any legal grounds to prosecute a democrat on, you bet you butt they would have been prosecuted in the last 2 years.

I also find the timing of this indictment very interesting. These indictments are always curiously timed to distract peoples attention off of the Democrats when they are feeling political heat. This time it is the shutdown.

A.) According the the polls republicans have been the ones feeling the heat from this shutdown.

B.) Even if it were democrats feeling the heat, why would a republican controlled FBI want to distract from democrats feeling the heat?
Except everyone else lies to congress and gets away with it.

Link please. I want to know all of the people who have lied to Congress and gotten away with it. It better be everyone!!!!
I have no sympathy for stone but I do find the prosecutional discretion exercised unequal and largely down political lines. Its so obvious its undeniable even though I know the partisans will claim it's not true.

I also find the timing of this indictment very interesting. These indictments are always curiously timed to distract peoples attention off of the Democrats when they are feeling political heat. This time it is the shutdown.

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Actually, I think Trump used his acceptance of the Dem plan today to get the news off of the Stone arrest. Trump does not want people looking at another of his cronies being arrested. More and more smoke, people are beginning to think that maybe there is fire there somewhere near Trump and/or his family.
Actually, I think Trump used his acceptance of the Dem plan today to get the news off of the Stone arrest. Trump does not want people looking at another of his cronies being arrested. More and more smoke, people are beginning to think that maybe there is fire there somewhere near Trump and/or his family.
It's always interesting to me how differently two people can look at the same thing

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Stone needs to talk...Or his old white ass is going to jail...For a long time
Stone was the Trump campaign team's conduit to Julian Assange and the DNC email dumps on Wikileaks.

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