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Y Viva Espana (1 Viewer)

Urethra Franklin

DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
European Union
Political Leaning
The socialist led Spanish parliament has finally given full equality to all it's citizens, gay and straight, in recognizing the rights of gays to marriage and adoption.

What a wonderfully progressive nation. A shining light and an example to us all. Of course this move has immediadetly been condemned by Pope Nazinger, protector of paedophiles. What a wonderful way to commence his leadership, with a pronouncement of hate.

Oh this year I'm off to sunny Spain
Y viva Espana!
Yeah I agree Viva Espana, the first truly Catholic country to allow gay marriage. May the rest of Europe follow, probably Germany will be next. I'm surprised it hasn't done already, Berlin is the gay capital of the world after all. LOL it would shake up the catholic church if Italy allowed it, once the Italian PM has been removed of course.
Urethra Franklin said:
The socialist led Spanish parliament has finally given full equality to all it's citizens, gay and straight, in recognizing the rights of gays to marriage and adoption.

What a wonderfully progressive nation. A shining light and an example to us all. Of course this move has immediadetly been condemned by Pope Nazinger, protector of paedophiles. What a wonderful way to commence his leadership, with a pronouncement of hate.

Oh this year I'm off to sunny Spain
Y viva Espana!

Ah, but sadly not a surprise that the new Pope should start like this!

Must get me a Spanish hunk!
Urethra Franklin said:
The socialist led Spanish parliament has finally given full equality to all it's citizens, gay and straight, in recognizing the rights of gays to marriage and adoption.

What a wonderfully progressive nation. A shining light and an example to us all. Of course this move has immediadetly been condemned by Pope Nazinger, protector of paedophiles. What a wonderful way to commence his leadership, with a pronouncement of hate.

Oh this year I'm off to sunny Spain
Y viva Espana!

Was there a debate somewhere in here?

I think it is a good idea to encourage gays on some level.
Population control mainly. Homosexual people die and leave all their stuff to other peoples kids improving their quality of life.
6+billion is too many people in the world. We cannot even get a decent parking spot in some areas.
akyron said:
I think it is a good idea to encourage gays on some level.
Population control mainly. Homosexual people die and leave all their stuff to other peoples kids improving their quality of life.
6+billion is too many people in the world. We cannot even get a decent parking spot in some areas.

That's a lovely outlook on things.

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