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WWE working to ban virtual fan who showed Ku Klux Klan video during broadcast (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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The WWE said Tuesday that it was working to bar the virtual fan whose Ku Klux Klan video aired during Monday's WWE Raw program.

The fan, whose screen was visible, aired a video of a man in KKK garb, complete with a white hood. The offensive video could be seen clearly during the Raw main event on USA Network.

"This abhorrent behavior does not reflect WWE's values and we have zero tolerance for these unacceptable acts," WWE said in a statement Tuesday. "We are working to ban those involved from future events and per our policies, any inappropriate actions result in the removal from the live stream."

Along with the KKK video, there were other clear violations of the terms of conditions, including a fan who aired a video of a man getting his throat slit and another fan who broadcast a photo of disgraced WWE performer Chris Benoit, who murdered his wife and son before killing himself in 2007.

WWE working to ban virtual fan who showed Ku Klux Klan video during broadcast

Yes, WWE needs to get a handle on this.
That was probably working the audience and all according to script. Vince McMahon is the one man who would give Trump a run for his money when it comes to being one miserable excuse for a human being.

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