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WSJ: Polling the Independent voters (1 Viewer)


Battle Ready
DP Veteran
Jul 29, 2009
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Southwestern U.S.
Political Leaning
Here are some of the stats on Independent voters from the Wall Street Journal article "Republicans Gain Ground Among Independents".

A new comprehensive national survey shows that independent voters—who voted for Barack Obama by a 52%-to-44% margin in the 2008 presidential election—are now moving strongly in the direction of the Republican Party...

The article also said that:

* Independents say they lean more toward the Republican Party than the Democratic Party, 50% to 25%

* The Republican Party is closer to their views by 52% to 30%

* 48% of independents were either "sympathetic to" or "supporters" of the tea party.

* Republicans have a 37% to 23% lead overall among independents who say they intend to vote in the upcoming congressional elections

* Independents who say they are certain to vote in the upcoming election, will vote for the Republicans 42% to 20%

* After Christine O'Donnell's victory last week, Republican lead in the upcoming congressional election with all likely-to-vote independents has reached 22 points, 40% to 18%

* After Christine O'Donnell's victory last week, Republican lead in the upcoming congressional election with all certain to vote independents has reached 23 points, 45% to 22%

* 81% say the federal government and the political leadership in Washington are out of touch with Americans like themselves​

Things are not looking good for democrats this November, and I couldn't be happier.

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Why is it most of the people labeled "Independent" on this forum, defend Obama or are anti-conservative?

Could it be that.... naaaaa.... it just couldn't be.
Why is it most of the people labeled "Independent" on this forum, defend Obama or are anti-conservative?

Could it be that.... naaaaa.... it just couldn't be.
I was speaking of those on this forum who's lean is marked "Independent". Your lean is "Very Conservative".
That doesn't really have anything to do with the article ...
That doesn't really have anything to do with the article ...

It was just an observation. If you have a comment on the article itself, go for it... You will be the first to chime in.
I was speaking of those on this forum who's lean is marked "Independent". Your lean is "Very Conservative".

I am independent yes a conservative but an independent.Independent means no political party

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