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Wow, wow, wow again and then a bit more WOW! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Political Leaning
I did not expect in a million years that when I started watching the "Warrior" on Netflix that I would be transfixed by this series. Nonetheless and having now watched 16 of the 30 episodes (3 seasons) of this show, all is can say is Wow, wow, wow again and the a bit more WOW to finish it off

Captivating on every episode, extremely well written, covering just about everything that is part of real life and in an eye-opening fashion that brings to life corruption, racism, love, hate, loyalty, disloyalty, cheating, revenge, intelligence, ignorance, opportunity, sex, and just about everything we all face in real life every day of our lives.

I have to put "the Warrior" among the top 3 series I have ever seen in my life.

I watched all three seasons as they were released. Very good show.
Episode 9 of season 2 has to be the most intense episode I have ever seen in my entire life. This is what hate does do you!
I did not expect in a million years that when I started watching the "Warrior" on Netflix that I would be transfixed by this series. Nonetheless and having now watched 16 of the 30 episodes (3 seasons) of this show, all is can say is Wow, wow, wow again and the a bit more WOW to finish it off

Captivating on every episode, extremely well written, covering just about everything that is part of real life and in an eye-opening fashion that brings to life corruption, racism, love, hate, loyalty, disloyalty, cheating, revenge, intelligence, ignorance, opportunity, sex, and just about everything we all face in real life every day of our lives.

I have to put "the Warrior" among the top 3 series I have ever seen in my life.

Ok, I checked out the first episode. It's good. I've always loved well done martial arts movies and historical period pieces.
I watched all three seasons as they were released. Very good show.
Didn't it bother you that it depicted Chinese immigrants being trafficked and otherwise abused by white Americans? That's pretty woke if you ask me.
Ok, I checked out the first episode. It's good. I've always loved well done martial arts movies and historical period pieces.

Didn't it bother you that it depicted Chinese immigrants being trafficked and otherwise abused by white Americans? That's pretty woke if you ask me.
As you say, it's a historical period piece and there is a historical basis for the things that happened in the series.

As you say, it's a historical period piece and there is a historical basis for the things that happened in the series.

Oh, now you are talking history? When the last time there was someone that tried to con us, lied, and was a criminal in the WH, he got taken down.............Remember Nixon, the Republican president? So if you believe in precedent and history. Trump will get taken down. It has already cost him several businesses and $500 million
Oh, now you are talking history? When the last time there was someone that tried to con us, lied, and was a criminal in the WH, he got taken down.............Remember Nixon, the Republican president? So if you believe in precedent and history. Trump will get taken down. It has already cost him several businesses and $500 million

Leave it up to you and your ilk to turn this into a political thread. Perhaps you should just ask the mods to move this over to a political forum, eh?

In any case, you bore me.

You and your thread are dismissed.

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