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Would you favor repealing "statutes of limitations" for all crimes? (1 Viewer)

Would you favor repealing "statutes of limitations" for all crimes?

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Phonetic Mnemonic ©
DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2011
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Absolutely not.

Heinous crimes, yes. But people change over time, and the punk who stole your car ten years ago may be a successful person with a family. Society gains nothing from pushing an aged prosecution for the crime.

We are not a nation of saints, nor should we pretend to be.
Would you favor repealing "statutes of limitations" for all crimes? Even down to simple misdemeanors? Key word: All.

The most common, and usually only, crime with no statute of limitations is murder. Some states include a few others.

Criminal Statutes of Limitations: Time Limits for State Charges

Good question. I am in favor of no statute of limitations for violent crimes. In fact one thing Georgia actually did right several years ago was to remove the statute of limitations from some sex crimes, particularly those committed against children. This is particularly important in cases when it takes the victim many years to gain the courage to come forth and pursue justice.
Good question. I am in favor of no statute of limitations for violent crimes. In fact one thing Georgia actually did right several years ago was to remove the statute of limitations from some sex crimes, particularly those committed against children. This is particularly important in cases when it takes the victim many years to gain the courage to come forth and pursue justice.
Right, but the flip side of that is questionable memory. Combine that with the fact that many people are very suggestible. Not to mention the "repressed memory" debacle several years ago. I get the sentiment, but I question if it won't cause as many or more problems as it solves.
Not for all crimes, but certainly for violent crimes, there should be no statute of limitations. I would also say that for crimes over a certain dollar value, there should be no statute. If you swindle people out of a million dollars, I don't care what you've done in the meantime, you need to pay.

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