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Would You Ever Vote AOC For President? (1 Viewer)

Would You Ever Vote AOC For President?

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Yes, she is of age (in this hypothetical). This is a generic question. No opponents are named. This is just a question of would you ever vote her president or not.

Against Donald Moscow, in a heart beat.
SO, if left wingers consistently start 50 Trump threads a day does that mean you will vote for Trump?

I wouldn't vote for that moron for all the orange body paint in Trump Tower.
You touted the popular vote. That is all one needs to know about your civics level.

The popular vote in 2016 is worth touting.

That you don't understand that says more about your state of denial than about my civics background.
If you say so. It's easy to view a person in snippets as opposed to reviewing her entire body of work (no matter how small). But you just keep on being so cavalier about her and dismissing this woman out of hand. She may never become a future Commander-in-Chief, but she just may have a long future in politics. And if so, she's going to give the right (and the left) fits!...something about her willingness to hold truth to power comes immediately to mind.

she wouldn't know truth if it hit her in the face. she is dangerous because she is an ideologue.
She has no body of work because she hasn't done anything.

No i take her stupidity very seriously as it endangers me my kids and their future to make a life for themselves.
The fact that people take her absurd policies seriously is very much a concern for the intelligence of our society.
There was not one red state that elected Trump. Not one. It was Democrats in three blue states who elected Trump. Do you believe that voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are low information voters?

Only the grossly politically ignorant ones in those states who voted for the worst presidential candidate ever, aka Donald Trump.
Resounding? Really? 51% to 49% is resounding?


It is resounding.

Still is!

Why do you think Fat Donald, still to this day, continues trying to shout over the din of that popular vote failure on his part? Making false claims of 3 million illegals voting for Hillary, making claims of rigged election for her etc..

Fat Donald can't let it go, why, because it is still resounding with him!
Geezus. More AOCDS. She's only been in office about 1.5 months. It's comedy gold how she makes Trumper heads explode.

The point is though that she is the darling of the Democrats and the leftist MSM and yet this is not what Americans really want. The Democratic party is being dragged so far to the left Trump could actually win again in 2020.
I wouldn't vote for that moron for all the orange body paint in Trump Tower.

Why not? the criteria to vote for him was just as stupid as to one given for AOC. The whole point was that reaction to peoples comments on a forum is a ridiculous reason to make your voting choice on. I really do not care who you vote for, but I am sure it will be for a more valid reason.
Geezus. More AOCDS. She's only been in office about 1.5 months. It's comedy gold how she makes Trumper heads explode.

Maybe if you post a dozen Trump-rage threads a day, you might think about sitting this one out.
If it is the goal I wanted to achieve and it happens then how was it a dumb reason?

It was part and parcel of the "brilliant" campaign that Donald Trump waged against his foe in the 2016 Election.

Remember how severely Donald Trump made a case that Hillary should be demonized and essentially hated?




That you would vote for someone who might destroy the country just so you could laugh at republicans is pretty dumb.
If your options were limited to 'yes' or 'no' instead of "no, never", I would have answered 'no'. The thing is, people just cannot emphatically state whether they would or would not vote for AOC or any other candidate because it's just just too early to make that decision. There's a lot of time between now and November 2020 and anything can happen.

Well, first off, she can't even run in 2020. Second off, I can emphatically state that I would not vote for her. She is a socialist and even if she is forced to accept reality (which I don't believe she can) and round out her sharp edges, I would still never vote for her. I lean to the right and could vote for someone who leans to the left in the right circumstances but a socialist? No, never.
Why not? the criteria to vote for him was just as stupid as to one given for AOC. The whole point was that reaction to peoples comments on a forum is a ridiculous reason to make your voting choice on. I really do not care who you would vote for and I am sure it will for a more valid reason.

First, he's a drooling idiot. He's also a bigoted, racist liar, a shyster, and possibly a criminal. He is a dull, amoral scumbag, as well. Finally, I disagree with him passionately on multiple issues, and I find his cult annoying at best.

So no, I won't be voting for Tweety. Ever.
Well, first off, she can't even run in 2020. Second off, I can emphatically state that I would not vote for her. She is a socialist and even if she is forced to accept reality (which I don't believe she can) and round out her sharp edges, I would still never vote for her. I lean to the right and could vote for someone who leans to the left in the right circumstances but a socialist? No, never.

I'd vote for AOC before I would the moron with the orange face. But, that's far from a ringing endorsement. I do, however, get a kick out of people who support the Stupid Man, pretending that their opinion on what makes a good president is worth a damn.
Against Donald Moscow, in a heart beat.

This has nothing to do with Trump. Care to try again? Would you ever vote for her or not? Let's just pretend Trump has served his two terms and would no longer be eligible for the presidency.
Only the grossly politically ignorant ones in those states who voted for the worst presidential candidate ever, aka Donald Trump.

The reason Trump won key states is because districts that went for Obama twice, voted for Trump. But hey, if you want to call Obama voters ignorant, thats your business. But maybe in the future, you might run a candidate that actually cares about the middle class and you can get your voters back. But in the mean time, please continue calling Americans stupid, thats a great way to keep trump in office until 2025.
Only the grossly politically ignorant ones in those states who voted for the worst presidential candidate ever, aka Donald Trump.

So, you say that everyone who did not want to vote for crooked Hillary or was tired of the status quo, establishments and political dynasties, was low information?
I was mainly referring to his quick rise to the WH...2 yrs in IL Senate, 2 yrs in U.S. Senate...8 yrs in the WH. Had nothing to do with his or her politics or how they governed. Sorry you misinterpreted (or that I didn't elaborate on exactly how I viewed the two politicians). But even so, Obama still had enormous cross-over appeal. That was basically my point.

Did he really? I was under the impression that most Republicans loathe him almost as much as they do HRC. The right lost their collective **** when he got elected.
That's an extremely sexist comment but not a surprising one coming from you.

Nothing sexist about it. Heck, I'd vote for a guy to keep his barista job if he can make a good cup of coffee, too.
First, he's a drooling idiot. He's also a bigoted, racist liar, a shyster, and possibly a criminal. He is a dull, amoral scumbag, as well. Finally, I disagree with him passionately on multiple issues, and I find his cult annoying at best.

So no, I won't be voting for Tweety. Ever.

Well, hes not an idiot, hes not a racist, hes not a criminal, hes not dull and there is no cult. Damn but you really have to try hard to get that much wrong in a single post.

It is resounding.

Still is!

Why do you think Fat Donald, still to this day, continues trying to shout over the din of that popular vote failure on his part? Making false claims of 3 million illegals voting for Hillary, making claims of rigged election for her etc..

Fat Donald can't let it go, why, because it is still resounding with him!

Well then, I guess since Trump won the vote for president 306 - 232 then that was even more resounding at 57% to 43%. You guys got your asses kicked.
I'd vote for AOC before I would the moron with the orange face. But, that's far from a ringing endorsement. I do, however, get a kick out of people who support the Stupid Man, pretending that their opinion on what makes a good president is worth a damn.

I do, however, get a kick out of people who don't support the president for purely partisan politics and revenge, pretending that their opinion on what makes a good president is worth a damn.
Well, hes not an idiot, hes not a racist, hes not a criminal, hes not dull and there is no cult. Damn but you really have to try hard to get that much wrong in a single post.

This will be my daily reminder to Trumpists : here in real reality, saying it doesn't make it true.
I would never vote for AOC and totally reject her economically foolish platform.
This will be my daily reminder to Trumpists : here in real reality, saying it doesn't make it true.

Apply that standard to your own posts first and maybe then it will matter what you say.
The popular vote in 2016 is worth touting.

That you don't understand that says more about your state of denial than about my civics background.
lol...mmmkay, well you just keep winning your popular vote while the rest of the nation votes for President. Worked out well for you so far.

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