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Word game (1 Viewer)


Active member
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Eagle River, Alaska
Political Leaning
I am sure most of you have seen these before, kinda lame but on a four wheeling forum i post on it brings in some funny words. This is how it works:

I will say one word and then the replier will say what the first word comes to mind from my word and continues this was till a new word is established.

First word:

Canuck :D
galenrox said:

I'd like to see the logic of Charlie Brown=demolitions...

galenrox said:

The connection is I used to work in demolitions and my boss was named Charlie Brown (I'm pretty convinced that his parents hated him)

Now it makes perfect sense....

Now how the hell do you get chicken=naked?!??!?!?(I'm afraid of the answer)...

BTW - birthday(as in "suit")
cnredd said:
Now it makes perfect sense....

Now how the hell do you get chicken=naked?!??!?!?(I'm afraid of the answer)...

BTW - birthday(as in "suit")

Quid Pro Quo said:
What the hell...I might as well continue with my perversion.

The Bush

Take this however you want: Burning
Quid Pro Quo said:
Yes! Finally a good word to post off of....

Billo Really

That was cold blooded...

so my word will be

galenrox said:
Are we doing phrases now? Cause if so "DON'T TELL ME HOW TO LIVE!"

How about pickle, don't ask me why, it was the first thing that came to my head!

lol pickle.. You should of said Tickle first.. Im sure jallman (no offense) would have said My Pickle! :D Im kidding!

beats (the vegie.. not off! :rofl )
AK_Conservative said:
lol pickle.. You should of said Tickle first.. Im sure jallman (no offense) would have said My Pickle! :D Im kidding!

beats (the vegie.. not off! :rofl )

It's "beets"

galenrox said:

Just saw a story on the news about it

AK_Conservative said:
car driver

Is this a word or phrase game? Word is singular.

AK_Conservative said:
doesnt matter just choose!


I guess you aren't a strict constructionist.


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