Willoughby said:
JUst wondering if there are any other non-americans on here and what their opinions are regarding the media bias. FRom a british point of view it would appear that the bias in the US is leaning towards conservative. Maybe that is due to the connection that is made between over-the-top patriotism and conservatives?
Yeah, you're right. We're just paranoid......
[Copied from the last post I saw where somebody tried to deny such an overwhelmingly obvious reality]:
Just to give you an idea of how many holes there are in the liberal lie that the media is anything but liberal, the following is a short list of some household name-media people and which Democrats in office they worked for before being trusted to disseminate "objective" news:
NBC Tim Russert-Governor Mario Cuomo (D), Senator Pat Moynihan (D).
CNN Jeff Greenfield-Senator Bobby Kennedy (D), Mayor John Lindsay (D).
MSNBC Chris Matthews-President Jimmy Carter (D), House Speaker Tip O'Neil (D).
NBC Ken Bode-Presidential candidate Morris Udall (D).
PBS Bill Moyers-President L.B. Johnson (D).
NBC Brian Williams-President Jimmy Carter (D).
ABC Rick Underforth-President Carter (D), President Clinton (D), and a handful of Senators, all (D).
PBS Elizabeth Brackett-Mayoral candidate Bill Singer (D), Brackett was also HERSELF a candidate (D).
NBC Jane Pauley worked on the state Democratic Committee of Indiana (D).
ABC Pierre Salinger-President Kennedy (D), he also WAS a senator from California (D).
CBS Lesley Stahl-Mayor John Lindsay (D)
New Yorker Ken Auletta-Mayor John Lindsay (D)
New York Times David Shipley-President Bill Clinton (D).
New York Times Leslie Gelb-Presidents Johnson (D) and Clinton (D).
New York Times Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, New Yorker, American Prospect James Fallows-President Jimmy Carter (D).
CNN, Los Angeles Times Tom Johnson-President Johnson (D).
Washington Post, CBS, NBC, Walter Pincus-Senator J.W. Fulbright (D), Pincus’s wife was also a Clinton appointee.
New York Times Jack Rosenthal-Presidents Kennedy (D) and Johnson (D).
USA Today John Seigenthaler-President Kennedy (D).
New Yorker Sidney Blumenthal-President Clinton (D).
U.S. News and World Report Donald Baer-President Clinton (D).
Nightline, New York Times Carolyn Curiel-President Clinton (D).
NBC Thomas Ross-President Clinton (D).
Nightline Tara Sonenshine-President Clinton (D).
TIME Strobe Talbott-President Clinton (D).
And one of my personal favorites, Dee Dee Myers, worked for Bill Clinton (D) and then got hired by Roger Ailes (the evil genius credited with Fox’s “conservative bias”-what a laugh!)
THEN, there are the media figures who are sons, daughters and spouses of prominent Democrats:
ABC-Chris Cuomo
E!-Eleanor Mondale
ABC-Cokie Roberts
Newsweek-Evan Thomas, who is the grandson of one of America’s most notorious Communists. Comrade Evan has been caught manipulating the news to protect Senator Bob Kerrey (D), and President Clinton (D)-he buried the Monica Lewinsky story for weeks until Matt Drudge finally forced it into the spotlight.
All of this, and he is still the editor of Newsweek.
And Maria Shriver, of NBC, is the niece of ultra-liberal, Teddy Kennedy, but, in all fairness, THIS one is also married to a pseudo-Republican, Governor Swarzenneger.
-Not the New York Times, not the Washington Post, NONE of the major papers have endorsed a single Republican presidential candidate since Eisenhower.
-Have you not noticed that incredibly long list I posted (on this thread) of all the Democrat operatives (and which Democrats in office they worked for before being trusted to disseminate objective news) who run the media?
-What about all the studies done by respectable, non-partisan groups proving a huge liberal tilt among reporters, anchors, news directors and producers?
-What about the multitude of unexplainable examples I have provided like: Dan Rather calling a leak about Bill Clinton's indictment "well-orchestrated" and "Republican backed," only to find out the next day that a liberal judge appointed by Jimmy Carter ADMITTEDLY, ACCIDENTALLY leaked the information? Where do you suppose Dan got his bad information? It sure as hell wasn't from research. He made it up....because he is a liberal.