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Woman Nabbed For Auto Erotic Crime (1 Viewer)


Noblesse oblige
DP Veteran
Oct 12, 2009
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New Jersey
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Libertarian - Right
Minor title: Cincinnati woman was caught multitasking herself in Pontiac.

The Smoking Gun said:
AUGUST 25--A Cincinnati woman was simultaneously masturbating with a sex toy and watching a pornographic video while driving last week, according to cops who arrested her on assorted criminal charges.

Colondra Hamilton, 36, was pulled over last Tuesday evening in a traffic stop triggered when cops noticed she was driving a 2008 Pontiac with overly tinted windows.

That’s when officers noticed that Hamilton’s pants were unbuttoned. And she had a vibrator in her lap. Questioned by cops, Hamilton admitted to engaging in auto erotic manipulation, and revealed that she had also been watching a porno movie that was playing on the laptop of a friend in the passenger seat, according to an Elmwood Place Police Department report.

Hamilton, pictured in the above mug shot, was booked into the Hamilton County jail on a misdemeanor count of driving with “impaired alertness.” Hamilton was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia since cops found a “broken piece of crack pipe” in her purse.

She was not, however, accused of using the pipe while she was driving and masturbating and watching an X-rated film, the title of which was not released.

Too bad --- she could have gone for the quad-fecta win - CRACK + MASTERBATION + DRIVING + WATCHING PORN. These people just don't think BIG.

Woman Nabbed For Auto Erotic Crime | The Smoking Gun
Good thing she had a dark window tint... because it's never the HOT ones that do that kind of thing.
only in Pontiacs

While watching porn... and driving. She clearly has no imagination. She could have been filling out her taxes, painting her toes smoking crack at the same time but ... lame multi-taskers. What do you do with them?
but seriously, you have to admire a woman that keeps a dildo in her car, just shows she's prepared for all emergencies.
I guess she puts the auto in auto-erotic.

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