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Windows Vista or other new OS's (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
Anyone got news on it?

I was scrolling through some stuff and I found it it is Unix based! Amazing!

Anyone else got any info on it?

I suppose if this is one of those topics that don't have much, maybe someone has new info on something else like IBM's new OS/2 that is coming out for desktop PC's and stuff...
whered u hear that its unix-based... thats pretty interesting.
Actually Bill gates and crew has been stealling some of their ideas from all over the place for the new Windows Vista. Now I have actually tried Windows Longhorn build 4058, everything was OK but I could never get it activated. I am hoping the Linux market will make a better Windows emulator that was as good as Windows 2000. Then I would leave windows completely! Now I have tried many verisions of linux and enjoy all of the many choices to choose from. My Favorites were Ubuntu, Knoppix, Xandros 2.0, etc...
I don't like emulators, why doesn't the unix crowd just start copying the pluses of windows?

you know, thats really the reason why it hasn't caught on yet...

not to mention they could add way more support for windows products.
I have a copy of the Beta with my MSDN Universal Subscription and it is not Unix based. No Microsoft OS will ever be Unix based. You can argue the merits of Windows Server OS, but the fact of the matter is that Microsoft Windows XP is a far better desktop OS than any other OS on the market and I say that as someone who is a Systems Admin at a publisher so I deal with a lot of Macs as well.
OS X looks better, and is more stable.
I have a copy of the Beta with my MSDN Universal Subscription and it is not Unix based. No Microsoft OS will ever be Unix based. You can argue the merits of Windows Server OS, but the fact of the matter is that Microsoft Windows XP is a far better desktop OS than any other OS on the market and I say that as someone who is a Systems Admin at a publisher so I deal with a lot of Macs as well.

windows xp cannot compare with a well-configured linux desktop. Its just too buggy, too prone to security compromises, and very unstable. Linux is also customizable and open source whcih is a big big plus.
128shot said:
OS X looks better, and is more stable.

Oh, it looks slicker no doubt about that. Half of our workstations are OS 10.3 or 10.4 Macs and half are Windows XP or Windows 2000 workstations. However, almost 75% of our support issues are with Macs.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Oh, it looks slicker no doubt about that. Half of our workstations are OS 10.3 or 10.4 Macs and half are Windows XP or Windows 2000 workstations. However, almost 75% of our support issues are with Macs.

macs are actually better for personal use. Windows has been tailored to work both in work environments and for personal use. nonetheless, xp is certainly not the best out there. Its got a lotta problems.
Windows is only better because of the budget Bill Gates has, or the fact that Microsoft has a grip hold on all things dealing with computers.

I do not think we can totally rule out Windows Vista yet, they're still in BETA mode. It'll take alot of RAM to run that operating system, so it better be good and worth the RAM cost.
nkgupta80 said:
macs are actually better for personal use. Windows has been tailored to work both in work environments and for personal use. nonetheless, xp is certainly not the best out there. Its got a lotta problems.

Macs in the business environment leave a lot to be desired. Moreover, we have to RMA Mac hardware litterally about 20 times as often as Dell hardware. Windows extensive integration with Active Directory makes administering large numbers of them exponentially easier than administering large numbers of macs and development for windows environments is immensely easier.
128shot said:
I don't like emulators, why doesn't the unix crowd just start copying the pluses of windows?

you know, thats really the reason why it hasn't caught on yet...

not to mention they could add way more support for windows products.
Good point! But I have been chatting in the LinuxISo_Org forum for the last couple of years, and I always got the same response to your question. Many Linux/Unix programers dislike .dll programs, and don't like anything to do with Microsoft. Though hypicriticlly the Linux/Unix platforms today do copy many of the aspects of Windows. So all in all, Linux/Unix fans hate windows. Many of them boycott any Linux/Unix OS that has a Windows emulator on it. Thus they still want their OS to me more of "some assembly required" more than Windows OS "My grandma can us it" kind of thinking. In a weird sort of way, they alienate anyone who doesn't know much about their computers, and that will turn many people away from linux.
I can't wait for OS X to go x86

I'll probably buy it then and been done with windows. I'm the only one who uses this computer.

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