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Will we murder America (1 Viewer)

fair minded

Apr 12, 2022
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It is more than likely that our country will fall because so few of us are willing to even listen to the other fellow's problems.

I can give a decent argument for both sides on almost every important issue of our time.

It is hard for me to understand how difficult it is for some to see the other guy's point of view.
(Unless you refuse to listen to anyone who disagrees with you.)

At this point, it doesn't matter who is more right or more wrong.

I hear folks saying that they hate anyone who voted for the other guy's candidate.

The word, "HATE", is used far too frequently. And worse, I am afraid some of us actually do hate folks due to who they voted for.
No one asks or cares why the other guy voted differently than you did.

I worked for decades to rid my heart of hate. (And that hate was deserved and well earned.)
And today I see people hating for the stupidest of reasons.

Did the person you hate murder one of your loved ones? Or rape someone close to you? Or steal an elderly person's life savings?
Maybe they shot missiles at innocent women and children?

Did the person you hate lie in court, and get you convicted of a crime you didn't commit?
Maybe they got your daughter pregnant and left her to fend for herself?

NO! all they did was foolishly vote for the wrong person. You hate them because they aren't bright enough to see everything the same way you do.

With all this hate in your heart, you still don't believe we are on the eve of destruction.

If your heart is full of hate, you are the problem!
It is more than likely that our country will fall because so few of us are willing to even listen to the other fellow's problems.

I can give a decent argument for both sides on almost every important issue of our time.

It is hard for me to understand how difficult it is for some to see the other guy's point of view.
(Unless you refuse to listen to anyone who disagrees with you.)

At this point, it doesn't matter who is more right or more wrong.

I hear folks saying that they hate anyone who voted for the other guy's candidate.

The word, "HATE", is used far too frequently. And worse, I am afraid some of us actually do hate folks due to who they voted for.
No one asks or cares why the other guy voted differently than you did.

I worked for decades to rid my heart of hate. (And that hate was deserved and well earned.)
And today I see people hating for the stupidest of reasons.

Did the person you hate murder one of your loved ones? Or rape someone close to you? Or steal an elderly person's life savings?
Maybe they shot missiles at innocent women and children?

Did the person you hate lie in court, and get you convicted of a crime you didn't commit?
Maybe they got your daughter pregnant and left her to fend for herself?

NO! all they did was foolishly vote for the wrong person. You hate them because they aren't bright enough to see everything the same way you do.

With all this hate in your heart, you still don't believe we are on the eve of destruction.

If your heart is full of hate, you are the problem!

"I can give a decent argument for both sides on almost every important issue of our time."

No, you can't. Both sides are required to be coherent and only one side has been since at least,

Trump Surrogates Spin 'Birther' Narrative - FactCheck.org​

https://www.factcheck.org › 2016/09 › trump-surrogate...

Sep 19, 2016 — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie falsely claimed that Donald Trump did not question President Barack Obama's birthplace “on a regular basis” ...

Trump Is Still Lying About Birtherism | The New Yorker​

https://www.newyorker.com › News › 2016 Election

Sep 20, 2016 — Amy Davidson on Donald Trump's role in questioning President Obama's citizenship, and on Trump's attempts to revise history on the birther ...

'Mother Is Not Going to Like This': The 48 Hours That ... - Politico​

https://www.politico.com › story › 2019/07/10 › americ...

Jul 10, 2019 — The exclusive story of how Trump survived the Access Hollywood tape. ... House Speaker Paul Ryan had been scheduled to make his first joint ...

Paul Ryan Told GOP It Could Abandon Trump After Access ...​

https://www.thedailybeast.com › paul-ryan-told-gop-it-...

Apr 7, 2019 — Paul Ryan Told GOP It Could Abandon Trump After Access Hollywood Tape: Book · Donald Trump Jr. to Meet With Jan. 6 Committee, Report Says.
You just proved my point. All you read are hateful articles from sources that also only use sources that hate Trump as much as you do.

I notice that you don't mention the fact that Donald Trump got us a Vaccine in less than a year, while all of your experts said it would take five to ten years to develop a vaccine.

Donald Trump did some very good things. (Like making us energy independent.)

He also did some bad things. (Like dividing us further with his rhetoric and making fun of people.)

From the very beginning of our existence as a Nation, our enemies have strived to pit people against each other.

You, my friend, have fallen right into their trap. Your hate makes you easy to brainwash. Many on the right are just as easy to brainwash.

It is impossible to have an informed opinion if you refuse to study both sides of a story. (And all sides if there are several sides.)

Do you assume that the third, (Or close to a third.), of our people who voted for Trump, are all idiots? Are you totally unwilling to listen to their side?

It is just as foolish to assume that all who voted for Joe Biden are idiots.

None of us can possibly see the world from all vantage points. Each of us has a tiny little window on the world.

You prefer to believe that your vantage point is the only one that matters.

I don't think you are a bad person. My guess is that you are a good person. I don't think all of your beliefs are silly. My guess is that from your vantage point, I might see the world the same way you do.

The difference between us is that I actually want to hear your side. I want to give thought to all opinions BEFORE I make a decision.

I try very hard to keep an open mind. (And I must admit that I am not always successful.) However, a couple of things I have believed for most of my life have proved to be wrong.

I would like to hear the reasons for your beliefs but you tend to call names and show your hate instead of giving us good reasons for your beliefs.

I can learn nothing from name-calling and hateful comments.

Prejudice is not evil in itself but prejudice combined with a closed mind is a terrible waste of a human mind.
You just proved my point. All you read are hateful articles from sources that also only use sources that hate Trump as much as you do.
Donald Trump did some very good things. (Like making us energy independent.)

He also did some bad things. (Like dividing us further with his rhetoric and making fun of people.)
Prejudice is not evil in itself but prejudice combined with a closed mind is a terrible waste of a human mind.
Okay, you're irresistibly attracted to Trump. My premise is two coherent "sides" embracing at least defense of democratic form of governance,
if not strengthening it, is required, and we do not have that.


US Is Not “Energy Independent,” Despite Trump's Claims

https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org › 2020/01/13 › u-...
Jan 13, 2020

An expert on autocracy assesses how far America has slipped away from democracy, and what it will take to get it back.
In the summer of 2020, Ruth Ben-Ghiat was putting the final touches on her history of modern autocracy. ..
But she wasn’t exactly in the dark either.
Reacting negatively (horrified) to Trump's rhetoric, lies, racism, misogyny, corruption, self dealing, contempt for the Constitution is not "hate," it is a reasonable response. She had seen enough of Donald Trump’s behavior over the preceding five years to know how neatly he lined up with other strongmen she had studied and how his autocratic tendencies would influence his behavior whether he won or lost.

“I just predicted that he wouldn’t leave in a quiet manner,” .. “He’s an authoritarian, and they can’t leave office. They don’t have good endings and they don’t leave properly.”
Nearly two years later — after a riot, an impeachment, and a monomaniacal campaign to punish the Republicans who tried to hold him accountable — Ben-Ghiat has ample proof of her thesis... “He’s changed the party to an authoritarian party culture,” she told me. .. You’re not allowed to have any dissent.”

...a Republican takeover in November would be catastrophic but she remains heartened by the ability of American voters to “interrupt an autocratic personality who’s in the middle of his project;” ....And now you have people like Ron DeSantis who even absorbed the hand gestures of Trump. And so at the elite level, the political system is shaped by Trump, and every day we see his legacy..."

"In April and May 2020, United States President Donald Trump dismissed the inspectors general (IGs) of five cabinet departments in the space of six weeks...."

Five Trump Cabinet officials were referred to federal prosecutors​

https://www.yahoo.com › now › five-trump-cabinet-off...

Jul 19, 2021 — "Five Trump Cabinet officials were referred to federal prosecutors; DOJ declined them all. Rachel Maddow reports on the Commerce Department ..."

Impeached twice, scored as worst POTUS in 150 years by a panel disproportionally represented by conservative institutes of higher learning
with comparatively tiny enrollment. These three combined enrolled just 14,500 students,
Bob Jones Univ., 1 panelist, Hillsdale Coll. 1 panelist, Regents Univ. 3 panelists,

July 4, 2021

Legacy of lies -- how Trump weaponized mistruths during his ...​

https://abcnews.go.com › Politics › story

Jan 20, 2021 — ongoing database of false or misleading claims made by Trump since assuming office stands at more than 30,500 ...

Trump's long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020 - Vox​

https://www.vox.com › donald-trump-racist-racism-hist...

Aug 13, 2020

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