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Will Hillary be the democratic nominee (1 Viewer)

Will Hillary be the democratic nominee in 2008?

  • Yes. I am a conservative/republican

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Yes. I am a democrat/liberal

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • No. I am a conservative/republican

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • No. I am a democrat/liberal

    Votes: 13 44.8%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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Political Leaning
I am stunned at how many republicans are saying that Hillary will be the democratic nominee, when I know of no democrat who thinks the same. I saw an interview with George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush, and Barbara said it would be Hillary.

Vote now. I am curious as to how many of those that think Hillary will be the nominee are republicans. I am suspecting that it's wishful thinking on their part since they know that she is an unwinnable candidate.
I am stunned that you haven't heard one liberal say that Hillary will be the democratic candidate. Everyone of voting age has made it a foregone conclusion that she'll be representing the ultra liberal contingent of her party. She doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning, but then again that's another topic altogether.
ptsdkid said:
I am stunned that you haven't heard one liberal say that Hillary will be the democratic candidate. Everyone of voting age has made it a foregone conclusion that she'll be representing the ultra liberal contingent of her party. She doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning, but then again that's another topic altogether.

Well ptsdkid, I hang around with liberals who are much smarter than the average person, and all of us KNOW she ain't going to be the nominee. No way, Jose. Blech. I know you cons want her to be the nominee but it isn't going to happen.

So what does your name mean? Are you saying you have post-traumatic stress disorder?
I can't vote because I am not a democrat or republican. I don't think she will get the nomination though. Tell me, who knew 3 years prior to the election that Bill Clinton or George W. Bush would get the nomination? It is too early to tell. If the dems were smart though, they would nominate a governor from the south. Governors don't have voting records that can be attacked. The south because of the bible thumper support needed to get election.
ptsdkid said:
... she'll be representing the ultra liberal contingent of her party.
She'd be representing them poorly. She's not "ultra liberal" herself.
independent_thinker2002 said:
I can't vote because I am not a democrat or republican. I don't think she will get the nomination though. Tell me, who knew 3 years prior to the election that Bill Clinton or George W. Bush would get the nomination? It is too early to tell. If the dems were smart though, they would nominate a governor from the south. Governors don't have voting records that can be attacked. The south because of the bible thumper support needed to get election.

Yeah, that! Mark Warner for Prez!!!! Governor of Virginia--80% popularity and voted one of the best-run states in the country. It would be interesting if he and George Allen ran against each other.
aps said:
Well ptsdkid, I hang around with liberals who are much smarter than the average person, and all of us KNOW she ain't going to be the nominee. No way, Jose. Blech. I know you cons want her to be the nominee but it isn't going to happen.

So what does your name mean? Are you saying you have post-traumatic stress disorder?

These smart liberal buddies of yours should also know that Hillary is the smartest woman in the world, and that power has been and still is her major objective in life; liberal elitism hasn't died yet. Everyone knows that she couldn't be further to the left in politics if she tried. The fact that for the past year or so she has been steadily moving to the political center (especially in matters of defense) should be a slight hint to you and your buds that she's setting the template for the run in 08. Face facts sly asp, even her husband moved to the center before his election cycle. What's that I hear...smoke and mirrors coming from the most ethical couple to ever grace the White House steps?

If not Hillary, then who? I see where the liblosers are already lining up to give Hillary a run for her stolen money. There is Algore, Kerry, and even talk that the liberal's best friend Castro will carpetbag his way into N.Y.C. to join the festivities. Sorry, Ramsey Clark will be unavailable this time as he is busy defending Saddam...another liberal favorite.
ptsdkid said:
These smart liberal buddies of yours should also know that Hillary is the smartest woman in the world, and that power has been and still is her major objective in life; liberal elitism hasn't died yet. Everyone knows that she couldn't be further to the left in politics if she tried. The fact that for the past year or so she has been steadily moving to the political center (especially in matters of defense) should be a slight hint to you and your buds that she's setting the template for the run in 08. Face facts sly asp, even her husband moved to the center before his election cycle. What's that I hear...smoke and mirrors coming from the most ethical couple to ever grace the White House steps?

If not Hillary, then who? I see where the liblosers are already lining up to give Hillary a run for her stolen money. There is Algore, Kerry, and even talk that the liberal's best friend Castro will carpetbag his way into N.Y.C. to join the festivities. Sorry, Ramsey Clark will be unavailable this time as he is busy defending Saddam...another liberal favorite.

LOL I wondered why people were so critical of your posts--now I know why. No one is fooled by Hillary's tactics of pretending to be in the center. She may be smart, but the smartest woman? I don't think so. She does not have the charm or charisma her husband has.

Possible candidates: Mark Warner, soon to be former governor of Virginia, or Russell Feingold, Senator from Wisconsin.

So what does the ptsd stand for?
Here we go.
Gov. Mike Easley Democrat from North Carolina For President!!!!!!
Hey, he was able to gain support for the Lottery and we finally defeated the crazy Southern Baptists on the lottery Issue, so now we can use the proceeds to help our very very poor public education system in the state, the Southern Baptist Republicans in this state seem to care more about thier "moral superiority" than the education of children.
Caine said:
Here we go.
Gov. Mike Easley Democrat from North Carolina For President!!!!!!
Hey, he was able to gain support for the Lottery and we finally defeated the crazy Southern Baptists on the lottery Issue, so now we can use the proceeds to help our very very poor public education system in the state, the Southern Baptist Republicans in this state seem to care more about thier "moral superiority" than the education of children.

I don't know this guy. I will check him out! Maybe he and Mark Warner can run together? Two democratic governors from red states--this could work.
aps said:
I don't know this guy. I will check him out! Maybe he and Mark Warner can run together? Two democratic governors from red states--this could work.

LOL... I was only throwing it out there as a joke, But hey, it might work.
I don't know really that much about my own governor, I know its sad, especially since he is the only Democrat in any office that I can vote for.

My US District Congress - Republican Sue Myrick
My US Senators - Republican Elizabeth Dole and Republican Richard Burr
My NC Senate Rep - Some Republican Guy
My NC House Rep- Some Republican Guy
My City Mayor - Republican
US President (notice I didn't say my) - Republican Prick

My Governor, Democrat
I wonder why I don't know more about him, maybe I should do some research. Doh!
I can't vote either because I'm non partisan, but you did leave out the MODERATE option.

Surely not everyone who is a DEM or REPUB is a conservative or liberal?
SixStringHero said:
I can't vote either because I'm non partisan, but you did leave out the MODERATE option.

Surely not everyone who is a DEM or REPUB is a conservative or liberal?

I'm sorry about that, SixString. I was mainly testing to see how many cons or repubs think she will be the nominee versus how many of them think she won't. I'm not saying that they are one in the same at all but I can see how the "/" can make it appear that way. Oops. I didn't want to have too many choices.
aps said:
LOL I wondered why people were so critical of your posts--now I know why. No one is fooled by Hillary's tactics of pretending to be in the center. She may be smart, but the smartest woman? I don't think so. She does not have the charm or charisma her husband has.

Possible candidates: Mark Warner, soon to be former governor of Virginia, or Russell Feingold, Senator from Wisconsin.

So what does the ptsd stand for?

PTSD (Politically Tenured Strategist Du Jour). Actually it's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Methinks the Republican candidate for president will be Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts. It really doesn't matter who the Dems elect....he or she will lose the big election.
ptsdkid said:
PTSD (Politically Tenured Strategist Du Jour). Actually it's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Methinks the Republican candidate for president will be Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts. It really doesn't matter who the Dems elect....he or she will lose the big election.

So are you saying you have ptsd? That sounds like a morbid name.

Mitt Romney? I just don't see it, but I guess it's possible. I'm glad you're so confident that the dems will lose because I don't see things looking too good for republicans right now. I think people are going to want a change by the time we hit 2008.
aps said:
I'm sorry about that, SixString. I was mainly testing to see how many cons or repubs think she will be the nominee versus how many of them think she won't. I'm not saying that they are one in the same at all but I can see how the "/" can make it appear that way. Oops. I didn't want to have too many choices.

That's okay, but It does seem that she has been making a conscientious effort to move toward the center. Whether this is a genuine shift in political stance or just a facade or not has yet to be seen.

The Republicans are definitely hoping for the latter.
SixStringHero said:
That's okay, but It does seem that she has been making a conscientious effort to move toward the center. Whether this is a genuine shift in political stance or just a facade or not has yet to be seen.

The Republicans are definitely hoping for the latter.

Honestly, she isn't fooling anyone I know. We all laughed at her stupid stance on the burning of the flag. Oh brother. And it is a facade. She knows that being labeled a liberal is not good when running for president. See November 2004 election.
Originally posted by aps:
Honestly, she isn't fooling anyone I know. We all laughed at her stupid stance on the burning of the flag. Oh brother. And it is a facade. She knows that being labeled a liberal is not good when running for president. See November 2004 election.
I found it funny the people against burning a flag that was made in China.

Hillary will not only get the nomination, she will be the next President.
Billo_Really said:
I found it funny the people against burning a flag that was made in China.

Hillary will not only get the nomination, she will be the next President.

Is that what you really think, or do you really hope that?
Another aps theory debunked! LOL Right now, we have the same number of yes's and no's for both parties. *sigh* When will my brilliant theories be substantiated?

aps said:
Another aps theory debunked! LOL Right now, we have the same number of yes's and no's for both parties. *sigh* When will my brilliant theories be substantiated?


Hillary's support is getting weaker every day. She's toast.
aps said:
Well ptsdkid, I hang around with liberals who are much smarter than the average person, and all of us KNOW she ain't going to be the nominee. No way, Jose. Blech. I know you cons want her to be the nominee but it isn't going to happen.
I must disagree. She's my Senator so I've already had the pleasure of voting for her once, will do so again next November and will do so again in November 2008 if she's the Democratic candidate.

I attended a Hillary speech in a smallish auditorium here in NYC several years ago. She spoke for about 45 minutes and then took questions from the audience for almost another hour.

Unlike Bush, the questions were not pre-screened (I asked one so I can speak from experience).

She was brilliant. She's articulate, witty, and smart. She doesn't have pat answers like Bush does. She doesn't have someone whispering in her ear with rehearsed replies. Like her husband she has the ability to hear a question and respond to it even if it's not on the expected Top 10 list.

Americans have underestimated the Clintons for two decades now. No one gave Bill a chance in 1989 yet he easily defeated a sitting President who once had an approval rating over 90%.

From my point of view I hope people continue to underestimate Hillary. She's going to have a huge bank account to draw from when she runs and the name recognition that she already enjoys is invaluable.

The bottom line is that it's too soon to know what will happen in 2008 but if you want to label any candidate in America today the most likely nominee of their party it has to be Hillary. Certainly no other Democrat has that claim nor does any Republican.

I want to see the Religious Rabid Fanatical Right rush to the polls to vote for either McCain or Rudy or Chuck Hagel.
Last edited:
Billo_Really said:
I found it funny the people against burning a flag that was made in China.

Hillary will not only get the nomination, she will be the next President.
I agree with you, but it's really too soon to know with certainty.

Especially when you consider that the Republican Dirty Bastard Association will start telling stories like this on an everyday basis.

aps said:
I am stunned at how many republicans are saying that Hillary will be the democratic nominee, when I know of no democrat who thinks the same. I saw an interview with George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush, and Barbara said it would be Hillary.

Vote now. I am curious as to how many of those that think Hillary will be the nominee are republicans. I am suspecting that it's wishful thinking on their part since they know that she is an unwinnable candidate.

aps, as you know I am not a big fan of polls and their accuracy but the ones I have seen have her as a big favorite to win the democratic nomination..........I think the last one I saw had her a 43% and Kerry was next at 17%.........

I sure hope she is the nominee though.........
Navy Pride said:
aps, as you know I am not a big fan of polls and their accuracy but the ones I have seen have her as a big favorite to win the democratic nomination..........I think the last one I saw had her a 43% and Kerry was next at 17%.........

I sure hope she is the nominee though.........

Oh yeah, I bet you do! If she runs for the nomination, I will run against her. :shock:

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