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Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (1 Viewer)


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Aug 25, 2016
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Port Hadlock, WA
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Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

....The right’s obsession with Ocasio-Cortez isn’t merely flimsy. It’s self-refuting. Conservatives and liberal naysayers diminish the congresswoman-elect as a know-nothing millennial whose election was a fluke driven by demographic changes (read: voters blindly ticking a box for the candidate who looks most like them). But if they actually believed she was a naïf with no capacity to effect change, they wouldn’t be hyperventilating over her ascent. During his (ultimately successful) campaign for governor of Florida this summer, Republican Rep. Ron DeSantis called out “this girl, Ocasio-Cortez, or whatever she is” for having “no clue what she’s talking about.” When a gubernatorial candidate chooses a then-28-year-old politician in a state 1,000 miles away as his target before she’s ever taken office, you know she’s onto something.

It’s not hard to see why Ocasio-Cortez is a perfect straw-man villain for the right: She’s young, Latina, working-class, a woman, and a self-identified socialist. But Republicans are even more scared of Ocasio-Cortez’s ideas than they are of her identities. After all the unfounded claims that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton would steer the country toward socialism, here’s someone who actually would. (Bernie Sanders is a socialist, too, but he’s also a jovial white grandpa—not enough of an “other” to merit a total pile on from the right.) By elevating Ocasio-Cortez to national prominence, Republicans hope to cast the entire Democratic Party in her image, making a party establishment that wasn’t too thrilled with her win seem like a bunch of radical, freedom-hating communists. It behooves the GOP to talk most about the Democrats its base likes the least.

The trouble is, whenever conservatives think they’ve caught Ocasio-Cortez espousing a position too terrifyingly leftist for America, she ends up sounding reasonable instead. Recall when Fox News host Sean Hannity posted a list of her supposedly radical positions on screen. There were a few that might sound scary to conservatives (“federal jobs guarantee,” “abolish ICE,” “Medicare for all”) but plenty that seemed like things just about everyone likes (“support seniors,” “clean campaign finance,” “criminal justice reform”). The more the right tries to signal its disapproval of the Ocasio-Cortez agenda, the more it sounds jealous that progressives are more amped about her than conservatives are about, I don’t know, Sen. Lindsey Graham.

Even so, the GOP will squeeze all the mileage it can out of the stereotype of socialists as brainless bleeding-heart idealists. It will try to portray Ocasio-Cortez as a hacky-sack player with a Che Guevara poster in her college dorm room, or a teary-eyed activist who likes screaming incendiary slogans but has never read a policy paper. They’ll hop on her every slip-up; she’ll have to be twice as smart to get half the respect of Republican lawmakers who deny the existence of climate change and don’t know how the deficit works. Ocasio-Cortez would be best served by ignoring their insulting tweets and condescending callouts. Her future is in the Democratic Party, not the Republican one, and her ideas speak for themselves.

You know when they get dismissive of people like her, it's the conservative fear rearing it's ugly head.
You know when they get dismissive of people like her, it's the conservative fear rearing it's ugly head.

:roll: Who's "hyperventilating"?

This missive, condensed: "People are doing things I just made up, so that means I can pretend they actually think what I want them to be thinking, and of course I definitely want them to be racists, because natch."
:roll: Who's "hyperventilating"?

This missive, condensed: "People are doing things I just made up, so that means I can pretend they actually think what I want them to be thinking, and of course I definitely want them to be racists, because natch."

Wow, you completely come out of left field with that? Nobody said a damn thing about race, nor hyperventilating. The fact remains the right loves to attack her because they do fear her.
I have to say the Right's obsession with Ocasio-Cortez, a first time House Representative with no legislative decisions under her belt, is bizarre at best. Since they started criticizing her clothing they've graduated to full blown creepiness.
I have to say the Right's obsession with Ocasio-Cortez, a first time House Representative with no legislative decisions under her belt, is bizarre at best. Since they started criticizing her clothing they've graduated to full blown creepiness.

Well she is a damn fine looking lady, but I think they know and up and comer when they see one and I agree, there could be big things in this lady's future.
Well she is a damn fine looking lady, but I think they know and up and comer when they see one and I agree, there could be big things in this lady's future.

Therefore...mock her clothing?

But then, Republicans considered "Cankles" a legitimate criticism of Clinton so I shouldn't be surprised.
I have to say the Right's obsession with Ocasio-Cortez, a first time House Representative with no legislative decisions under her belt, is bizarre at best. Since they started criticizing her clothing they've graduated to full blown creepiness.

LOL. Sounds a lot like someone else we know, doesn't it? The left's total fear of Trump, criticizing everything they can about him. They are all just as unhinged as the right are about Cortez, even more so.
LOL. Sounds a lot like someone else we know, doesn't it? The left's total fear of Trump, criticizing everything they can about him. They are all just as unhinged as the right are about Cortez, even more so.

Trump has decades of fraud and two years of being in the White House under his belt. Ocasio-Cortez has been...a bartender. Your comparison is idiotic and goofy.
Wow, you completely come out of left field with that? Nobody said a damn thing about race, nor hyperventilating.

I think maybe you need to read your own story better:

But if they actually believed she was a naïf with no capacity to effect change, they wouldn’t be hyperventilating over her ascent.

I mean, my God; you only bolded this sentence and made it blue yourself, yet you didn't even read it.

The racism accusation:

It’s not hard to see why Ocasio-Cortez is a perfect straw-man villain for the right: She’s young, Latina, working-class, a woman, and a self-identified socialist.

And of course there's the requisite "misogyny" accusation, with a healthy dose of a classism accusation as well.

The fact remains the right loves to attack her because they do fear her.

The fact which remains is that something is not a "fact" simply because you say so.
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I have to say the Right's obsession with Ocasio-Cortez, a first time House Representative with no legislative decisions under her belt, is bizarre at best. Since they started criticizing her clothing they've graduated to full blown creepiness.

I think it's bizarre that you try to pretend the Left didn't go gaga over her first, thus elevating her status to national attention. But the blinder on the left side of your head has been getting cripplingly big for a long while now.

Beto's a similar story:

"Beto's AWESOME! Beto's the MAN! Beto 2020!!! WOOO!!!!!"

"Beto's a lightweight."

Trump has decades of fraud and two years of being in the White House under his belt. Ocasio-Cortez has been...a bartender. Your comparison is idiotic and goofy.

Trump hasn't been found guilty of one damn thing, other than being a huge thorn in the side of you lefties. Your statement is idiotic and goofy.
Trump hasn't been found guilty of one damn thing, other than being a huge thorn in the side of you lefties. Your statement is idiotic and goofy.

Trump hasn't "been found guilty" because he ran out the statute of limitations for tax fraud. And then then there was that whole university scam in which he bilked thousands of Americans out of nearly a quarter billion dollars. And the sexual assaults. And the 6420 lies since inauguration alone. And obstruction of justice. And colluding with hostile foreign governments. And siding with White Supremacists. And alienating our allies and embracing dictators. Seriously, the list is forever.

But no, we definitely need to be concerned about a first time House Representative with no legislative experience under her belt who wears clothing you don't approve of. Definitely keep your eye on the important things here.
Wow, you completely come out of left field with that? Nobody said a damn thing about race, nor hyperventilating. The fact remains the right loves to attack her because they do fear her.

I know this might be a mental challenge for the anti-conservative hacks at Slate, but might the right's so-called "obsession" exists only because the liberal and mainstream media obsession? Seriously, how can any nitwit write an article above the root cause of attention and ignore the obvious: Ocasio-Cortez is promoted the crusading giant killer who the head of the Democratic party embraced as their future and the MSM coos as the future House leader.

Be real, have you and the author of that screed been in a coma on just who has the obsession? Among the gushing groupie articles and stories:

-CNN "(CNN)And you will know her name. A day before Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, clinched her remarkable Democratic primary victory in New York's 14th Congressional District, she took a moment to note how she was being described in the political press." …

-How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Bringing Her Instagram Followers Into the Political Process
Last Friday, three days after being elected to the House of Representatives, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez invited over 600,000 people to chat as she made lo…
The New York Times · 19h

-How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Plain Black Jacket Became a Controversy
Earlier this week, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted a tweet: At Congressional events, she shared—the representative-elect of New York’s 14th district is cur…
The Atlantic · 22h

-Here's what we learned from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's first 2 days in Washington
(CNN) — On her first day in Washington as a soon-to-be member of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took part in a sit-in protest on climate change in Ho…

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains democratic socialism on the "Late Show"

-The Hill
4 days ago · Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America,
contended the company should offer "good healthcare, living wages, [and] affordable rent" to members of the community.
Ocasio-Cortez gets in closed-door fight with veteran ...

1 day ago · Ocasio-Cortez has become a media sensation since she defeated Rep. Joe Crowley, seen by some as a potential future speaker, in a June primary.
She said Thursday that climate change is an ...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Joins Environmental Activists in ...

-The Intercept
4 days ago · Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, congresswoman-elect from New York, speaks to activists
with the Sunrise Movement protesting in the offices of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in Washington ...

-What Ocasio-Cortez wants for America after beating Joe ...

Page after page of a google search on her name produce a bottomless list of hagiographic adoration. While almost all the incoming Congresspersons are a faceless crowd, the media "celeb" is an obsession with reporters and Democratic insiders.

And for most these obsessed glass eyed acolytes, should anyone give her some negative attention they will be at their keyboards writing stupid articles on how "obsessed" her detractors are.

Oh pleasssseee...we KNOW who is obsessed.
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I know this might be a mental challenge for the anti-conservative hacks at Slate, but might the right's so-called "obsession" exists only because the liberal and mainstream media obsession? Seriously, how can any nitwit write an article above the root cause of attention and ignore the obvious: Ocasio-Cortez is promoted the crusading giant killer who the head of the Democratic party embraced as their future and the MSM coos as the future House leader.

Be real, have you and the author of that screed been in a coma on just who has the obsession? Among the gushing groupie articles and stories:

-CNN "(CNN)And you will know her name. A day before Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, clinched her remarkable Democratic primary victory in New York's 14th Congressional District, she took a moment to note how she was being described in the political press." …

-How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Bringing Her Instagram Followers Into the Political Process
Last Friday, three days after being elected to the House of Representatives, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez invited over 600,000 people to chat as she made lo…
The New York Times · 19h

-How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Plain Black Jacket Became a Controversy
Earlier this week, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted a tweet: At Congressional events, she shared—the representative-elect of New York’s 14th district is cur…
The Atlantic · 22h

-Here's what we learned from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's first 2 days in Washington
(CNN) — On her first day in Washington as a soon-to-be member of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took part in a sit-in protest on climate change in Ho…

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains democratic socialism on the "Late Show"

-The Hill
4 days ago · Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America,
contended the company should offer "good healthcare, living wages, [and] affordable rent" to members of the community.
Ocasio-Cortez gets in closed-door fight with veteran ...

1 day ago · Ocasio-Cortez has become a media sensation since she defeated Rep. Joe Crowley, seen by some as a potential future speaker, in a June primary.
She said Thursday that climate change is an ...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Joins Environmental Activists in ...

-The Intercept
4 days ago · Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, congresswoman-elect from New York, speaks to activists
with the Sunrise Movement protesting in the offices of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in Washington ...

-What Ocasio-Cortez wants for America after beating Joe ...

Page after page of google search's on her name produce a bottomless list of hagiographic adoration. While almost all the incoming Congress folk are a faceless crowd, the media "celeb" is an obsession.

And for most these obsessed glass eyed acolytes, should anyone give her some negative attention they at their keyboards writing stupid article on how "obsessed" her detractors are.

Oh pleasssseee...

"Therefore, let's laugh at her for not wearing a paper sack during her first tour of the Capitol Building."
You know when they get dismissive of people like her, it's the conservative fear rearing it's ugly head.

Personally I am glad the Dems took the House,(but not the Senate), but this woman thinks way too much of herself.
You know when they get dismissive of people like her, it's the conservative fear rearing it's ugly head.
Thing is, my friend, that for every word about her published in conservative sources ten sentences were published by the LW media. She's been the darling of the left for months and the was universal jubilation when she beat her more mainline dem opponent in the primary.
You know when they get dismissive of people like her, it's the conservative fear rearing it's ugly head.

I admit I don't know a lot about her. But that said, the GOP nominated a child predator for Senate in Alabama, a dead pimp for the House in Nevada, and elected a fat reality TV star who not only looks like a cheeto, he has a matching IQ.

Ocasio-Cortez isn't that ridiculous in that context.

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