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Why Russia is bombing everywhere in Ukraine and targeting civilians (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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It's not, 'because Putin is a cartoon evil person who laughs at babies blown up and does it for his own pleasure'.

As military experts are saying, it's simply a tactic - as one put it, it forces Ukraine to choose whether to use limited military resources to better protect the civilians under attack and help the wounded, OR to use them for a stronger force against the Russian forces.

That's it. It's simply an approach that places zero value on the lives of civilians, and uses them as cannon fodder to try to weaken Ukrainian defenses to have to care for civilians being bombed in as many cities as possible.

It's simply a ruthless military tactic Russians use regularly IIUC.

To give 'the other side', the west, Russia's enemies, recognize that this tactic very rightly allows turning public opinion against Putin, weakening HIM - including with the Russian people if we can get the information to them - and so it's both right for us to condemn him for it AND it helps weaken Putin to do so. Which is why you sometimes see enemies demonized that way even when it isn't true, but with Putin, the truth works fine.
It's not, 'because Putin is a cartoon evil person who laughs at babies blown up and does it for his own pleasure'.

As military experts are saying, it's simply a tactic - as one put it, it forces Ukraine to choose whether to use limited military resources to better protect the civilians under attack and help the wounded, OR to use them for a stronger force against the Russian forces.

That's it. It's simply an approach that places zero value on the lives of civilians, and uses them as cannon fodder to try to weaken Ukrainian defenses to have to care for civilians being bombed in as many cities as possible.

It's simply a ruthless military tactic Russians use regularly IIUC.

To give 'the other side', the west, Russia's enemies, recognize that this tactic very rightly allows turning public opinion against Putin, weakening HIM - including with the Russian people if we can get the information to them - and so it's both right for us to condemn him for it AND it helps weaken Putin to do so. Which is why you sometimes see enemies demonized that way even when it isn't true, but with Putin, the truth works fine.

And your point is??? This is kind of 'no shit' stuff we're talking about here.

Geneva Convention and other international law still outlaws this because it says that regardless of how badly dictator thugs want to achieve their objectives, it's best for humanity - including those living under autocratic rule - that we have at least some ground rules.

See, your post is exactly why I think we should take the ****ing gloves off and start bombing the shit out of Russia's troops in Ukraine. We should slaughter them wholesale. We should show Russian mothers images of thousands of carcasses of dead Russians slaughtered not by Ukraine, but by The United States of America (USAF). Because then, maybe then, they'll get it: their war is threatening World War Three, and I guarantee you, they don't want that.
Putin can just go straight to Hell.
It's not, 'because Putin is a cartoon evil person who laughs at babies blown up and does it for his own pleasure'.

As military experts are saying, it's simply a tactic - as one put it, it forces Ukraine to choose whether to use limited military resources to better protect the civilians under attack and help the wounded, OR to use them for a stronger force against the Russian forces.

That's it. It's simply an approach that places zero value on the lives of civilians, and uses them as cannon fodder to try to weaken Ukrainian defenses to have to care for civilians being bombed in as many cities as possible.

It's simply a ruthless military tactic Russians use regularly IIUC.

To give 'the other side', the west, Russia's enemies, recognize that this tactic very rightly allows turning public opinion against Putin, weakening HIM - including with the Russian people if we can get the information to them - and so it's both right for us to condemn him for it AND it helps weaken Putin to do so. Which is why you sometimes see enemies demonized that way even when it isn't true, but with Putin, the truth works fine.
It's a tactic, yes. One they are using because they feel they are losing.
It's a tactic, yes. One they are using because they feel they are losing.
It's a tactic they can use whether they're winning or losing, because it helps them win at loser cost, weakening the enemy. It's not limited to desperation.
It's a tactic they can use whether they're winning or losing, because it helps them win at loser cost, weakening the enemy. It's not limited to desperation.
Gotta look at the order things happen in. They are doing this because things are not going well for them.
Gotta look at the order things happen in. They are doing this because things are not going well for them.
You're making assumptions. My point is, it seems they'd likely or at least possibly would be doing this whether or not thing were going well.

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