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why liberals should support Judge Roberts (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2004
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Judge Roberts should be confirmed for the Supreme Court.

There are three reasons, though they tend to contradict each other.

1. Apparently Judge Roberts is a genuinely good man, and Democrats need to allign ourselves more with the mainstream than the extreme or abnormal. In fact we need to become more mainstream and optimistic in our views. This doesn't portend tailoring any policy position. It involves packaging, presentation, good manners, and overall good-heartedness. Most people on the left are there because of some greivance based on inequality, discrimination, unfairness, etc. Yet, we need to balance those realities with the equally true greatness of America and our people. Judge Roberts personifies our ideals in many ways. It would do us well to embrace the goodness in his nomination. Absent a scandal he will win anyway. There's very little value in fighting this losing cause.

2. Democrats keep losing elections because much of what we've fought for has been accepted into law, often through the courts. This has given the Republicans a "free shot" to embrace what they like, and deride the "overbearance" and "activism" of the bench at the same time. Most elected Republicans for instance are functionally pro-choice, and would probably vote that way ultimately if the decision was at hand. Yet they can proclaim their pro-life values now because the courts have road-blocked the political process. Any truly pro-life legislation is unconstitutional today. What's left is the moral issue, and popular sub-items such as parental choice, partial birth, 24 hour waiting periods, etc. If Judge Roberts (and maybe one more justice) is appointed, Roe and many other decisions could be overturned and returned to the political arena. Then when elections are imminent, the cry that your "Rights are on the line" will actually be true.

Actually, I believe Roberts like the many of the rest are really pro-choice and anti-abortion. (That's my position too). So I don't believe he would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a wonder how many years Republican Presidents will be able to garner Christian conservative votes and not deliver.

3. Judge Roberts will move to the left once on the court. He is a Washington Insider. His friends will ensure that his moderation triumph. It has happened numerous times. Interestingly always right to left. Just as President Bush is moderated by his wife and mother, and evidence of that could be seen in parts of his agenda (the media and political coverage notwithstanding), Judge Roberts will be the next Judge Souter; he who is often not able to be called moderate but actually liberal.

Craig Farmer

making the word "liberal" safe again!
You are living in a fantasy world my friend.............I do hope that Judge Roberts has and easy confirmation but sadly I don't see that happening......
craigfarmer said:
Judge Roberts should be confirmed for the Supreme Court.

There are three reasons, though they tend to contradict each other.

1. Apparently Judge Roberts is a genuinely good man, and Democrats need to allign ourselves more with the mainstream than the extreme or abnormal. In fact we need to become more mainstream and optimistic in our views. This doesn't portend tailoring any policy position. It involves packaging, presentation, good manners, and overall good-heartedness. Most people on the left are there because of some greivance based on inequality, discrimination, unfairness, etc. Yet, we need to balance those realities with the equally true greatness of America and our people. Judge Roberts personifies our ideals in many ways. It would do us well to embrace the goodness in his nomination. Absent a scandal he will win anyway. There's very little value in fighting this losing cause.

What fighting? Democrats like him so far. This statement: "There's very little value in fighting this losing cause" is creating a battle that does not exist. I believe Roberts will be appointed to the court without a problem.

craigfarmer said:
2. Democrats keep losing elections because much of what we've fought for has been accepted into law, often through the courts. This has given the Republicans a "free shot" to embrace what they like, and deride the "overbearance" and "activism" of the bench at the same time. Most elected Republicans for instance are functionally pro-choice, and would probably vote that way ultimately if the decision was at hand. Yet they can proclaim their pro-life values now because the courts have road-blocked the political process. Any truly pro-life legislation is unconstitutional today. What's left is the moral issue, and popular sub-items such as parental choice, partial birth, 24 hour waiting periods, etc. If Judge Roberts (and maybe one more justice) is appointed, Roe and many other decisions could be overturned and returned to the political arena. Then when elections are imminent, the cry that your "Rights are on the line" will actually be true.

The political arena is no place for our fundamental rights. The Supreme Court must be the final say in our Constitutional rights because politicians will trample on them. Without the Supreme Court's final say, who will protect the minority from the majority?

craigfarmer said:
Actually, I believe Roberts like the many of the rest are really pro-choice and anti-abortion. (That's my position too). So I don't believe he would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. It's a wonder how many years Republican Presidents will be able to garner Christian conservative votes and not deliver.


craigfarmer said:
3. Judge Roberts will move to the left once on the court. He is a Washington Insider. His friends will ensure that his moderation triumph. It has happened numerous times. Interestingly always right to left. Just as President Bush is moderated by his wife and mother, and evidence of that could be seen in parts of his agenda (the media and political coverage notwithstanding), Judge Roberts will be the next Judge Souter; he who is often not able to be called moderate but actually liberal.

Agreed again. Something happens to justices once they sit on the Supreme Court. Seven of the nine current judges were appointed by conservative presidents and yet the court has remained liberal.
NARAL is going to ensure Roberts doesn't have an easy time of it. They've already got form letters on their sites that people can go to, sign and send to their senators to vote "no" for Roberts, and we hardly know his belief systems on most of the issues. I'm tired of Supreme Court justices getting yay and nay votes based on one issue.

Secondly, Barbara Boxer... that woman continues to amaze me. Again... solely on the abortion issue... she says that 5000 women will die a year if Roberts get's voted to the bench. Hmmm... This Roberts guy has THAT much power? Wow, where did he get it and how can I get it? I can think of a few umm... hmmm ok thought process got derailed a minute. Back to task.

Thirdly, if WE the American people, let our Senators pull this down (and they will likely try, especially from the left.... I'm sorry ya'll.. but you know it happens) to one issue, then we all deserve to stand in the middle of the room, pull our foot up behind us, and kick ourselves in the ass until we cry uncle.

The onslaught is starting. Let's stop them.. and stop it! And let's give Roberts time to answer questions... for RELEVANT fact to come into play before we decide whether the man deserves to hold the seat.

Thank you. My rant is done. Now it's time for my meds... errrmm purple or blue? Oh hell, I forgot to ask my doctor which one.

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