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Why Lefties fear Trump (1 Viewer)

What my job has to do with Obamacare - I couldn't afford the medication I need to physically be able to work. If I have to change plans, I - the lefty with a disability who wants to work - might have to apply for disability just to be able to work, but then I wouldn't be allowed to work because I'd be on disability.

Working at places that require state and federal oversight will expose all people to how inefficient bureaucracy is. I've worked with 99% liberals and a ton of people around my neighborhood work in health care and we're one of the most liberal voting counties in the nation. We're all for smaller government. Wherever you got this idea that anybody who thinks the government should be smaller is a Republican, or anybody who is wealthy is a Republican, is wrong. Spend one day in my shoes. Well, most of the day in my shoes, because your left foot will be swollen and feel like it's on fire.
What do you feel society owes you in terms of healthcare and how much do you feel healthcare is worth?

Notlooking to be combative. Im just trying to understand your perspective.

I want to stop talking about this, because it does not define me. But yes, I feel society owes me guarantees that I'll get my medications and proper medical care because I have a disability.

What is health care worth? I'm a functioning, thriving member of society who pays his mortgage on the first of every month, owes no money for a car or a cell phone, has no debts, and eats an incredibly cheap plant based diet. Health care and education are worth the American Dream or what is supposed to be called the American Dream. If I can't afford to educate myself or walk, I have no fair chance to succeed in this world. We are either the richest or second richest country in the world (Japan's GPD per capita? Not going to look that up). If we can't provide people with what they need to have a fair shot, we deserve to be ashamed of ourselves. Sadly, the "I'm angry about something" movement that got Trump elected seems to have a different take than I do.

im kind of worried that he will let big buisnes mess up the environment

that he will defund public education

and that i wont be able to afford health care even if i worck 40 hours a week

I don't believe that all on the left do not wish to work, but I support your belief that many on the left want a free ride and they are scared that this free ride will be taken away from them. Today when Bernie sanders argued that we are the richest nation in the world but so few have retirement, that is on them. We all make our own decisions. If someone like myself can pull them self up to the top 2% income in this country, coming from what many today would call lower working class, then nearly everyone can. Those who don't, choose not to. Wake up Bernie!
im kind of worried that he will let big buisnes mess up the environment

that he will defund public education

and that i wont be able to afford health care even if i worck 40 hours a week

You're confused, that's obamacare!

Here's the thing. We all have hearts and believe in helping the truly disabled. Period! But we are sick and tired of paying for the fakers and you all friggin know who you are so stop lying and just own it.

I also want to say - there are lazy, lazy people on the right also!
Thank you for being frank. I will respect you want to drop it if thats what you want.

My perspective is the healthcare is a privilege and a great acheivement. I support finding ways to making it as affordable as we can for everyone but i also respect how something so valuable comes with a steep cost.

My personal opinion is that insurance is what makes you medicine so expensive to begin with. I think if we eliminated insurance prices would go down.

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i take it your ignoring the 1st 2 things

hows Obama care hurting my wallet ?

It has created a system where insurance still costs a ton of money only now there are almost no doctors to provide services and the meds are so generic they are practically poison in your body. Rates have gone up to the point that companies no longer provide any coverage for spouses and children. It's a real mess- nothing to celebrate!

o um why are ther no doctors

and how would generic medicine wiht the same active ingredients as a name brand be poison
trouble13 said:
Im an athesist but i was forced to attend catholic church growing up. My favorite part of mass is when everyone would turn to their neighbor, shake hands, and tell them peace be with you.

Peace be with you freind

And also with you.
Here's the thing. We all have hearts and believe in helping the truly disabled. Period! But we are sick and tired of paying for the fakers and you all friggin know who you are so stop lying and just own it.

You're in no position to judge somebody else's pain or condition. It sounds like you're implying that I'm faking a disability. Moments ago I took a chemotherapy drug (not for cancer, just the classification) which makes me sick for two days. I take it once a week. Then on Fridays I have to inject myself with a preloaded syringe which sometimes hits a nerve - literally - and together they lower my immune system and can cause lymphoma.

So I'm risking lymphoma for what reason?

No, I don't believe in dropping respectful conversation. At the same time, I'm not sure what you're saying. I'd pay 100K in health care costs per year without insurance. How many people do you know that make 130K a year (adding in cost of living)? Do you believe in insurance for people with severe mental illness? The Hep C pill isn't covered by insurance and is probably the most expensive drug in the world. If insurance is what drives up costs, why would a drug that isn't covered by insurance impossible to afford? I assume your argument is that the marketplace competition would naturally lower prices. I would counter that by saying that without insurance, people would stop getting preventative care (who is going to get an MRI for 3 grand if they don't know if they need one?) and it would ultimately lead to a huge increase in poor health, diabetes, etc. among aging populations.

Yes your right i believe natural market prices would drive prices down from their overinflated costs.

The rub to that id exactly what you stated. Preventative healthcare would decline and so would the pace of medical developments. Those are some costs that come with cheaper healthcare. Medicine prices and services would decrease and costs would decrease with it to try entice customers to use their products. Its not a perfect solution but i feel like its the better solution to what we currently have.

3rd party payers are causing people to abuse the system. People are being excessive and extrazagant in their demands and its driving prices and profits up.

We need to find a sustem that delivers adequate healthcare for reasonable prices. Imo there is a common ground that can ne found to deliver this.

1. Treat healthcare industry the same as we treat mo opolies and utility companies. Make them justify their costs to the gov (total contradiction for me but necesarry evil here).

2. Open up pharmacists to allow them to write scripts for people on certain drugs. If i have a cold, instead of clogging up a doctors office let me go to the pharmcy and pick up some antibiotics and cough syrup.

3. Invest tax money in training doctors in exchange for keeping their school costs down they agree to volunteer their time in state run clinics that operate at a nonprofit level to help the poor.

I think there are ways to get away from the traditional i.surance based model. Also something yo consider is the money the employers and employees pay to these companies can be freed up to go to the employees so they have more money to afford medical costs. It does however involve a certain amount of personal discipline to keeping that money available for when its needed.

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You have some points that I think will be considered or implemented in the future. The role of the traditional primary doctor is not what it used to be when patients often enter the office knowing what their ailment is from looking it up online. That does make me think of the doctor in Idiocracy. A fine film/warning if you've never seen it.

But I strongly disagree with your overall take. People who have severe disabilities and/or require extensive care need to have insurance. If somebody is disabled and unable to work, we're leaving them homeless by having them live a life without medical care. I've worked with people who have an MR diagnosis/cerebal palsey and down's syndrome and lived to be 80 and nearly 70 respectively. That's entirely due to preventative health care. but their care was overseen by a nurse and doctor visits were relatively rare. My take is that the insurance and pharmaceutical companies are the ones making prices go up so much. There is so much overhead, administrative cost, cost inflation, and outright price gouging. Health care can produce a pretty solid revenue - we're losing $150+ million in Minnesota if the ACA is repealed - so I'd prefer that money be sent back to people at the end of the year if they have stayed healthy and been responsible.
It could be leftists fear DJT because he will be a great president. They know it and therefore yearn for Play-Doh and a safe space.

Just a guess. But ONE MORE DAY, and we can say good bye to BO.

Even more proof conservatives start with the premise that people are evil and can't be trusted. This one believes it so much that he had to create a lefty straw man to beat up.

Its your daily liberal bashing thread. You are drinking way to much Trump brand Kool Aid
It could be leftists fear DJT because he will be a great president. They know it and therefore yearn for Play-Doh and a safe space.

Just a guess. But ONE MORE DAY, and we can say good bye to BO.

If by some miracle DJT leaves the country better off than he found it, most people will be has happy as you are.

Of course, it won't take long for all you dupes and rubes to figure out that this is not going to happen.
You don't think someone can find videos of two conservatives behaving like imbeciles? Not even on the internet?

Whatever. The video I posted is current to the whining and wailing by the left since Hillary was defeated.
It is the temper tantrum in videos like the following that should concern you:

You don't think someone can find videos of two conservatives behaving like imbeciles? Not even on the internet?

Whatever. The video I posted is current to the whining and wailing by the left since Hillary was defeated.

Well, you see, I'm just an inferior race....a lowly liberal just trying to understand what your lordship is saying. I wanted to make sure that you would hate all conservatives if I found two videos of conservatives being morons, just like you hated all liberals because of two liberals being morons.

The answer is "no, double-standards rule," I take it?
I hope my perspective is considered but im not optimistic. I feel like a lone voice on much of it.

After reading your post and considering in it in context of the post you were responding too, something struck me.

I think you and i politely defined a big part of the devide in approaches to the dilemma we face with healthcare.

On your side you seem to disregard (lack of a better term) for the bill in favor of being compasionate to the unlucky people who suffer from an affliction. Im very respectful of that compassion and in fact it feeds my optimistic view of mankind.

My side focuses on the abusers of that compassion. It says hey your health is important to you than you should accept it comes with a price. And if you dont care of yourself you should not expect others to subsidize your care.

When the hyperbolic insults start to fly your side is thebsoft touch wimps and my side is the heartless pricks. Neither is true.

We are faced with a true societal dilemma. We disagree on the best path out of it. Thats fair and needs to be respected by both sides.

To you i will say your compassion and empathy for the less fortunate is terrific and its something you should wear with pride. I admire it.

I however believe in a tough love approach for our able bodied brothers and sisters who are misguided into thinking they cant when they can.

Where or how we reconcile our two perspectives is the magic we should all be invested in finding.

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No, I love it when the only thing that lefties can do to win in a thread is to dodge, deny, invert, divert, or otherwise evade the OP.

Sounds like you crave conflict.

Many people who voted for Trump, previously voted for Obama. Go figure. And the opposite is true- repubs voted for Clinton in significant numbers - so much for the "left" /"right" dichotomy. Yes, it exists but not as strictly as you seem to think.

Anyhow, your O.P. is nonsense at almost every level. In my lefty state (I now live in Oregon) we are at full employment. Employment is hardly an issue in most blue states.
Of course we liberals are whining and wailing. We just elected a combination of Foghorn Leghorn and Mussolini, a jerk with a record of racism and discrimination who challenged the legitimacy of the first black president, and incredibly, said a judge couldn't be fair cause his grandparents were Mexican.

But we are also preparing to fight back. Donations to the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and other nice people are up. If Trump does cruel and foolish things, we'll be there to challenge him. (My wife, a "nasty woman" if there ever was one, bought a ***** hat to wear to the parade on Saturday.) Trump may legalize torture. Wonderful. Jefferson would be proud. We'll put him on a mock trial somewhere if he does... Maybe we'll conduct the trial at Trump University.

My wife gets mad when I say this, but this is going to be fun. As Joe Hill said after he was sentenced to death, "Don't mourn, organize."

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