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Why is the press rooting against Biden? (1 Viewer)


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Dec 27, 2017
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For all you folks convinced the "mainstream media" is all about promoting Democrats:

Like clockwork, the first Friday of the month brought another blockbuster jobs report. The U.S. economy under President Joe Biden added another 400,000-plus new jobs in March, it was announced last week...

Yet the press shrugs off the good news, determined to keep Biden pinned down. “The reality is that one strong jobs report does not snap the administration out of its current circumstances,” Politico stressed Friday afternoon. How about 11 straight strong job reports, would that do the trick? Because the U.S. economy under Biden has been adding more than 400,000 jobs per month for 11 straight months.
Telling the truth about Biden’s failures pits the media in a bad position. They can only lie and cover so much, now they are against a wall.
Telling the truth about Biden’s failures pits the media in a bad position. They can only lie and cover so much, now they are against a wall.
In the late 80s when most all network news departments were moved from stand alone news departments to become part of the profit driven entertainment divisions the profit motive overtook reality.
And in such a profit driven culture the old saying that 'if it bleeds, it leads' became the driving force.
Promoting bad news drives viewership which drives ad dollars which drives profits, regardless if the bad news they are promoting is real.
Good goat kissing allah, we heard this whingeing about the media being "so unfair" for 4 years from Trump, now we have to hear it from Biden's supporters? Lame.
For all you folks convinced the "mainstream media" is all about promoting Democrats:

The mainstream media suffers from an insidious malady known as "both siderism". They are forced to carefully analyze every flaw or "mistake" made by the Democratic Party and make these deficiencies equivalent to the malevolence and bat shit insanity of the Republican Traitor Party.

It's exasperating, it's stupid, and it's not going away.
For all you folks convinced the "mainstream media" is all about promoting Democrats:

Believe it or not, more jobs were created in 2021 during Biden's first year as President than any year in American history.

No one would know this if they just read the stupid headlines every day from the "liberal" mainstream media.
Believe it or not, more jobs were created in 2021 during Biden's first year as President than any year in American history.

No one would know this if they just read the stupid headlines every day from the "liberal" mainstream media.
I agree. Democrats should be shouting about this and other things NON STOP at TOP VOLUME.

But they aren't. They never have. Likely they never will at this point.

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